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I was dressed walking into the metropolitan museum of art with my arm linked with U.S Agent's.

My hair was straight down my back and over my shoulders as I had a pair of diamond chandelier drop earrings in my ears

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My hair was straight down my back and over my shoulders as I had a pair of diamond chandelier drop earrings in my ears.
"I'm going to use the restroom" I said to US Agent. "You got five minutes" He threatened as I rolled my eyes and took my arm from his going towards the women's restroom.

I walked into a nice quiet bathroom as stood in front of the mirror holding onto the sink counter feeling my head throb. All of those "Treatments" Val were talking about were honestly beginning to take a toll on my body I didn't feel like fighting I just wanted to lay in a bed and not be disturbed but No I'm out in New York.

As I was suffering from this headache I then heard the door to women's restroom open. I just looked over and seen the winter soldier walk in. I just took my ear piece out of my ear.

"I've been waiting for you" he started off locking the door behind him as I rolled my eyes

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"I've been waiting for you" he started off locking the door behind him as I rolled my eyes. "I thought I told you to stay away from me" I said with a lot of venom in my tone. "Well did you think Bucky was really going to stay away?" He asked. "Who the hell is Bucky?" I asked as he just looked at me.
"Y/N I'm not doing this, you're coming home tonight" he said reaching for me hand as I snatched it away.

"Don't touch me" I warned "I'm leaving by myself tonight" I corrected. "So everything that we've been through. Everything that was said and done you don't remember?" He asked as I just stood there quietly. "Doll I need you back" he said walking up to me Slowly as I backed up into the wall. "Don't call me that" I said a little irritated. "I just want to be left alone" I expressed feeling myself about to cry. "Just leave me alone. If you don't, she's going to hurt and I'm tired of hurting" I admitted.

"Then you need to come with me and Sam" he said looking me in my eyes as I quickly looked down. "How can I trust you?" I questioned finally looking at him. "I've never did anything to hurt you and I won't ever do anything to hurt you Y/N I love you" he said grabbing my hand as I was about to snatch it away but it felt comforting. "The only reason I am here is because of you. I love you too much to have you taken away from me forever." He said in all seriousness as I looked back down feeling my eyes water.

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