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AJ, Cass, Bucky, tiffany, Sam, Sarah and I were sitting around a fire roasting marshmallows to make s'mores. "This the last one and you two are going to bed" Sarah said to Cass and AJ as they groaned. "Mom please Can we stay up a little longer?" Cass asked. "No you two star day camp tomorrow" She informed as they groaned again making Bucky chuckle and I smiled over at them.

"It could be worse. It could be away camp" I said hearing Sam chuckle. "Do what your moms tells you two to do" Sam said as I smiled some before creating my s'mores. I just admired Sarah being a mother and how she was with AJ and Cass. Even though I lost Autumn I still wanted to at least have another kid but at this point with me already in my thirties and to try and find love again I don't think that another child is possible.

But on the bright side at least tiffany is closer to a child than me so if she has one then it'll also be mine too. AJ and cass started saying goodnight to us before going in the house behind Sarah making me smile. "I think I should go ahead and turn in" Sam said standing up and looking over at tiffany hearing Bucky make a disgusted noise which made us laugh. "Good night you two" I said "good night" They both said as Sam and Bucky dapped up.

They walked into the house as it was just Bucky and I. "You want to do something crazy?" He asked as I just looked at him and let out a small laugh. "I don't know. What?" I asked looking over at him. "Come on" he said standing up as I looked as him crazy hearing him laugh. "No you could be trying to Kill me" I j joked as he chuckled. "No. I'm not going to kill you, Come on" He assured holding his hand out. I looked between him and his hand as he helped me out of my seat.

We started walking towards the lakes dock and soon walked on it. I looked over at the lake then seen Bucky take off his shirt. "I always wanted to do this" He started off making me look around. "Are you about to skinny dip?" I asked looking back at him as started taking off his boots. "Oh lord" I said looking back around. "This is how scary movies start off" in said looking around paranoid as I heard him finally jump into the water making me immediately turn to look at him.

"Bucky" I said as he came up shaking his head full of water then wiped his face. "Bucky what if someone sees you?" I asked as he chuckled leaning on the dock. "It's almost midnight. No one is up" he assured as I shook my head and laughed. "Are you butt ass naked?" I asked in a small laugh. "Yes actually i am" He admitted as I laughed. "Come on the water is nice" He admitted. "Uh No because we have no towels for one and two we don't know who's watching" I explained as he chuckled. "You know you only live once" He brought up "You know unless you get a serum then get frozen and thawed out years and years later" He brought up making me laugh.

"Bucky we have no towel" I brought up once again "we'll deal with that after. I swiped your rental car keys so we can make a run for the car when we're done" He brought up causing me to giggle. "Don't you want to look back and know that you've skinny dipped before?" He asked making me laugh some. "Turn around" I said finally giving in as he smirked and turned around so his back faced me. I took my flip flops off before stepping out of my sun dress. I took my bra and panties off before getting into the water slowly.

"Okay" I said as he turned around with a smile. "I'm not staying in here that long You know in the back of my head there's a snake somewhere in this water" I said as he chuckled. "You got in that's all that matters" He said as I smiled and took my hand away from the dock and splashed him making him chuckle. He started splashing me repeatedly as I laughed trying to splash him back but I felt his his hands grab my waist to me closer to him. I laughed as he just smiled at me causing me to smile back.

"You think you're slick" I playfully said hearing him chuckle and wrap my legs around his body. I just smiled and wrapped my arms around his neck. "I can't believe you got me in this damn lake naked" I brought up making him laugh. "It's something I didn't get to do a LONG time ago" He expressed making me smile. "Now is the time to do everything you couldn't do before including skinny dipping" I joked making him chuckle. "Yeah and I have some other things planned" He brought up.

"Like what?" I asked smiling down at him "like your patio" He brought up making me laugh as he let out a small laugh. "No but" he started off as I looked at him "I don't know dating was a thought but like you said don't do it online" he said as I faintly smiled. "Let it be old fashion and natural" he said looking at me as I smiled. I then leaned in as he leaned in then kissed my lips slowly. I placed my hand against his cheek as he deepened the kiss.

He pulled away some and smiled against my lips before pulling away completely. I just smiled and kissed his nose hearing him chuckle.  He then placed his lips back on mine as I wrapped my other arm back around his neck pressing our chests against each other's. I noticed his breathing hitched making me smile to myself. "Nervous?" I asked then let out a small laugh. "Yeah a little bit" he admitted as I giggled. "Relax I'm not going to do anything" I assured. "I know it's just been a long time being around a woman like this and actually-" he started off as I looked at him. "And Yeah" He said looking away a little embarrassed.

"Like I said" I started off grabbing his chin to look at me "I'm not going to do anything to you" I said as he faintly smiled and looked at me. "It's a safe space with me" I assured with a warm smile before kissing his cheek. "Now I'm going to get out because a thought crossed my mind about alligators" I admitted as he laughed and I smiled. "In my mind an alligator is a fucking dinosaur" I expressed about to get out but stopped.

"Aht turn around" I instructed as Bucky just smirked some turning his head as I just quickly threw back on my dress. "Okay" I said as he was about to get out the water. "Wait!" I expressed before I turned my back towards him hearing him chuckle. I stood there with my back facing him as I was just waiting on him to finish getting dressed. "I am freezing, sitting here playing around with you" I said hearing him chuckle.

"Come on" He said finally standing beside me. I followed him towards the car as we got in the back seat. I started it and instantly turned the heat on. I locked the doors before sitting back in the back seat next to him. "I remember They were supposed to create a flying car" Bucky brought up. "Yeah instead they created a time machine" I said looking over at him as he chuckled.

"Uncle Tony-" I started off as Bucky looked over at me like he seen a ghost. "Uncle?!" He asked "stark?" He added as I giggled and nodded. "Yeah i already know the story you don't have to look at me crazy" I said in a small laugh. "It's almost like everybody I come in contact with I either tried to kill them or tried to kill a family member of theirs or did kill them" he admitted as I shook my head. "It's fine you didn't know besides you're getting better" I said looking over at him with a smile as he faintly smiled.

"Assassinating John F Kennedy was wild though" I brought up as he just groaned while leaning his head back and I giggled. "I'm sorry" I apologized, while covering my mouth and trying not to laugh. "Gosh You're awful" he said through a laugh as we shared a laugh. "I'm sorry" I apologized again as he chuckled and looked over at me. "If it makes you feel better I loved the look you had" I admitted making him chuckle. "What do you mean?" He asked. "Meaning the mask and the hair went crazy don't let me start talking about how thick you were" I complimented as he pinched the bridge of his nose. "Please no" he asked as I smiled and rubbed his leg. "It's okay I'm just kidding" I assured looking over at him as he looked over at me and faintly smiled.

"I'm soaked so I probably should head back to my hotel" I said looking down at my dress wet and held tightly against my body and my nipples are poking boldly through. "Uh yeah" I heard Bucky say nervously as he looked at my chest then back at me. "Yeah, I'll drive you to the hotel" he assured getting out the car as I watched him walk over to my side and let me out. "Thank you" I thanked with a small smile before we got in the front of the car and he drove to the hotel

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