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"Bucky come on before I miss my flight" I heard Y/N say from the living room. "I'm coming!" I said from the bedroom looking down at my phone looking at a ring. "Babe I know you want me to stay but come on" She said peeking in the room as I looked back at her immediately placing my phone in my pocket. "Alright I'm coming" i assured as she smiled at me and I placed my arm over her shoulders.

We caught a taxi to the airport as I just wanted her to stay a couple of more days. "You sure you can't stay?" I asked looking over at her. "No I want you to go on this camping trip with Sam and have some guy time" She said before looking at me and touching my chin some. "Then come and see me" She added as I chuckled "I knew you couldn't stay from me" I said as she playfully rolled her eyes as we shared a small laugh and I pecked her lips. She just smiled at me as I laughed some.
"What's wrong?" I questioned as she shook her head and just smiled at me before letting her head on me.

We finally made it to the airport as I walked her all the way to security then we just turned to face each other. "Call me as soon as you get there and let me know you made it safe" I instructed. "Okay sergeant barnes" She sarcastically joked as I just cracked a small smile causing her to smile. I opened my arms as she wrapped her arms around me and I kissed her head. "I love you" I said "I love you too baby" She expressed rubbing my back as she pulled her head from my chest and smiled up at me.

"James why you being so overly affectionate?" She asked continuing to look up at me as I chuckled. "Well my girlfriend is leaving so I don't know that may play a part" I sarcastically explained. "But I always go back home what's going on?" She asked looking at me with a little concern. I didn't know what was really the problem it could've been me having an Erie feeling about her leaving or possibly having separation anxiety but I just knew she was the safest with me.

"When you get back just call me please?" I asked "okay" She agreed with a warm smile before hugging me along with kissing my lips. I kissed back slowly before she pulled away. "I'll be fine babe don't freak out you know how you can get" she said touching my chin before pulling away as I held her hand. "I'll see you later" she assured with a smile as I nodded and she squeezed my hand softly before walking off to get in line for security.

I caught a cab going back home and just got undressed and sat in the living room. I finally felt myself growing tired so I decided to go to bed but before I did I sent Y/N a text before going to sleep.

Me: call me when you land please?❤️

I texted as I looked at it realizing she might be still on her flight so I didn't think too much of it. I laid down finally going to sleep.

I was standing there as there was nothing there around me just darkness. I then heard a scream which sounded like Y/N but I thought maybe I heard wrong. I just looked around and heard what sounded like her scream but even more louder than the first time.

"Y/N" I called out hearing her scream even louder now sounding like she was closer but there was no sound of her. "Y/N!" She shouted. "JAMES!" She cried out loudly as I frantically looked around me but it was just pitch black and she was no where in sight. "HELP ME!" She screamed. "Y/N" I yelled before turning around and now seeing a tombstone with her name across it along with her birthdate and her death date.

I just looked at it confused hearing what sounded like Steve speak up. "Buck what happened to protecting her?" He asked. "You were supposed to protect her!" He expressed loudly as I looked back not seeing Steve just pitch black. I then heard a gun shot.

I immediately woke up panting as I tried to collect my thoughts with the nightmare I just had.

I looked over at my phone reading 4:20 AM not seeing a text nor phone call in site from Y/N

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I looked over at my phone reading 4:20 AM not seeing a text nor phone call in site from Y/N. I the grabbed it trying to call her phone but it went straight to voicemail. I then tried to call her again and again getting the same thing. I ran my fingers through my hair before calling Sam.

Sam then answered on the fourth ring with a groan "I literally just got married. What Bucky?" He asked. "Have you or Tiffany heard from Y/N?" I asked still kind of shaken up. "Nah. what did you do?" Sam asked. "Nothing I just reminded her to call me and let me know she made it back home safe but now I can't even call her phone because it's going straight to voicemail." I explained.

"Buck calm down she might just be at home but her phone is still on airplane mode but she forgot." He said as I just sighed to myself pinching the bridge of my nose. "What's really going on with you?" Sam asked. "I don't know I just want her to be here instead of so far. I hate the fact I can't be there in case you know? Something is going on" I explained. "Maybe it's just time to take that next step with her." He brought up.

"Yeah you and I talked about it" I simply said. "But have you started the steps about making it happen?" Sam asked. "I brought it up to her and she said we would talk about getting a place with each other but I think she's holding back" I brought up. "You're holding back too" Sam stated. "No I'm not I'm just respecting her" I said. "Nah Bucky you're holding back and the reason why you're holding back is either due to two reasons or both" Sam started off. "Either the bond between you and Steve is affecting you taking the next step or you're afraid of her being taken away from you" Sam said as I just stared at the wall.

"No She just needs to answer the phone because I'm worried" I corrected. "It's four in the morning just go back to sleep and call her around the time she wakes up" he explained. "She has an appointment this morning too so that's probably why you didn't hear from her" he added as I thought to myself maybe he was right. "Alright I'll let you go back to bed" I assured. "Okay let me know later on if you still didn't hear back from her" he instructed. "Okay" I agreed before we said our goodbyes as we hung up and I just sighed before tossing my phone on the bed and laying back on the bed.

As I laid there I was thinking about not only different scenarios on what could've happened to Y/N but I was also thinking heavily about the dream that I had. I slowly just went back to sleep around 6:30, 7:00.

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