Caught in a film scene.

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The one where it was raining hilariously,
And everyone was unorganized,
Running here and there to find a shade,
And I stood there, thinking I was the main character.
It felt new to look at the world,
Drenched in the known yet unknown phenomenon,
The umbrellas went up and coats were saved,
And I was waiting to hear the sound of the slate.
When the director says to stop,
So that I would let out a sigh,
Which I was holding in for too long,
And I'll let go of all the heaviness.
But too late when I realized,
No one was behind the scenes,
I was the driver and the one in the passenger seat,
I was the one who would crash in this crowded yet lonely street.
Since I had no one to direct me,
Does everyone live the same dream,
If so then why didn't I meet,
My soulmate. Or am I caught in this movie scene?

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