Gone smile.

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The place now is taken by words,
Fancy and yet empty, they are worst.
Everything about those lips I loved,
Until they became a poisonous curse.
Asking myself where it went wrong?
Blaming myself in darkest of times.
Looking for answers I wasn't meant to find.
The tables turned and I lost my side.
Was I in the wrong all the time?
'Was it just a phase?' I asked more than twice.
Ran down the hallways of death and life.
Only to know I've already drunk the poisoned wine.
You poisoned it.
My lips are trembling.
Cheeks falling apart and eyes crying.
Heart is still looking for answers madly,
For the last time I looked at you, you smiled.
I could hear a thunder as I choked on life.
It was pouring outside, and you were happy.
My smile was gone for I sacrificed it.
I gave my life, what did you give me?

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