He looked like a dream

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It should be embarrassing but it isn't,
When I look at him, appreciate him and want to make him my reason,
For that one smile I get when I see his face,
His tiny little fangs and the squinted smiling eyes.
He has a lot of friends, guess five or six close ones,
He loves to play all that he can and then sleep like a baby,
He is just a clown but with smartness,
I wished I could tell him all this instead of writing in my diary.
I guess I lost the game of fate,
Coz I am not the one closest to him,
Cannot even speak his words,
I wish the fate could've tied us togther.
Coz I know I would have loved him crazily,
He looked like the spring awaiting the summer,
Though he rules the ice most of the times,
He should've been my ice prince, and I know it.
I know he isn't mine yet,
What should I do?
He looked like a dream I want to catch,
A dream that I desperately want to see with my eyes open.

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