Chapter 1

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everything that had happened was far too much for Adrien to process, Ladybug Letting Nino and Alya know each other's Identities and not them. not Trusting him enough to tell him things like who the Fox and the Turtle are. He felt pushed to the side, as if Ladybug doesn’t need him anymore. Plagg tried to cheer him up, but didn’t really succeed. Almost six days now, Adrien’s been depressed, and once a Villain showed, after the fight, he would always end up worse than he was before. All of this was eating him up from the inside out, nibbling away at his mind and spirit. He acted fine at school, but at home, where no one could see him, he would sit and stare at his screen for hours. mind spinning, frustration growing. Plagg was growing concerned, worried that his owner would become a target for Shadow Moth. He flew over to him and cleared his throat. Adrien turned to him, his eyes glazed over with thought. “how about you go hang out with Nino, I’m sure he would love to go have some fun with his best friend.” Plagg said, smiling. Adrien blinked a few times before shaking his head. “no, I already asked him today if he wanted to hang out and he said he was doing something with Alya.” Adrien said, looking back at his screen. Plagg’s ears drooped and he thought for a moment. Then he looked up excitedly. “oh, I know. Let's go out and have some fun.” Plagg suggested. Adrien shook his head. “no... Father wants me up early tomorrow. It’s not a school day so I’m free, and he's taking advantage of that. photo-shoot, fencing, photo-shoot, brake, photo-shoot, get back home, Chinese, Piano, then the last photo-shoot for the day.” Adrien said, Absent-mindedly. Plagg blinked a few times then frowned. “really? when are you going to eat? You of all people need your nourishment. you’re a growing boy after all.” Plagg said, nodding. Adrien shrugged. “I’ll eat on the way. Nathalie probably already has my meal planned out for me.” Adrien said, eyeing the wall before frowning at it, as if it had offended him in a way. “Adrien, don’t you see you're losing yourself.” Plagg said, feeling helpless. “what do you mean?” Adrien asked, turning to Plagg. “you’re letting him control you, letting him live your life for you, don’t let the old man do that to you, Adrien!” Plagg yelled, attempting to make him understand. Make him see what his father is doing to him, what he has been doing to him for years after his Mom vanished. it’s not healthy. Adrien frowned at Plagg, shaking his head. “no, he needs me. mom’s death was harder on him than on me, he's still grieving. we all are. he needs help with his work and it’s the least I can do to help him.” Adrien stated, turning away from Plagg angrily. “Adrien, you’re blinded by love. you adore your father so much you cant see what he's doing to you.” Plagg said softly. “Adrien, please, let's just go have some fun. heaven knows you need it.” Plagg added, smiling. “no, Plagg. if you want to have fun go have fun. I’m busy. you’ve been sneaking out the last few months, right. disappearing shouldn’t be a problem for you.” Adrien said, coldly. he paid his harsh words no mind, he wasn’t in the wrong. his father loves him, he just doesn’t have time to show it with all his work. Plagg frowned, feeling hurt. “Adrien...-”
“Plagg, I’m not in the mood. please leave me alone, you’re good at that.” Adrien said, cutting Plagg off. “no,” Plagg said moving to face Adrien. “not in your time of need.” Plagg said, his face sad. he cares for Adrien, at times he wished Adrien didn’t know he cared, whilst other times he hoped Adrien knew he cared. Adrien got up from his chair, stepping away from Plagg. “Plagg no, I want to be alone for just a few minutes. there are too many things bothering me right now.” Adrien said, feeling cornered. “But, Adrien.” Plagg started, but Adrien shook his head , hand reaching for his ring. and without thinking, Adrien removed the ring of the Black Cat. Plagg was sucked into the magical jewel, his protests silenced. Adrien took a heavy breath in, before letting it out slowly. Plagg may be right, about his father, but he knows Ladybug is planning on leaving him behind. no matter how many times she says he will always be her partner, he knows he's nothing but her side-kick. Adrien felt his heart constrict, and he lay against his bedroom wall. he slowly slid down. “why does finding out that the one you love lied to you hurt so much?” he asked to no one in particular as he pulled his knees to his chest. “Adrien... I’m sorry that you feel this way, and I’m sorry for taking advantage of it. but, I need your fury for our happiness.” Shadow Moth said, calling a butterfly to him as he plucked a feather from his fan. he released the two into the air, and Hoped this wasn’t a bad idea. the Akuma fluttered over to Adrien, but then stopped. Adrien pulled himself together and got up. “I can't get angry at her, it’s not her fault. Nino never should have told me, then none of this would have happened.” Adrien said, turning the blame to Nino. his mind clouded and heart wounded, he could do nothing else. his anger flared to life again and he furiously dug out his phone. the small lucky charm Marinette gave him falling to the ground. distracted, Adrien quickly grabbed it, the Akuma landing on it at the same time. Adrien’s eyes widened, horrified. “Adrien, would you like to get revenge on the ones who had wronged you? if so, then allow me to-”
“No! get out of my head, you’re not going to take advantage of me. not when I’m vulnerable.” Adrien said, attempting to push Shadow Moth out of his mind. “I’m not taking advantage of you, I just require your assistance with a small thing, you need the power to show the one who betrayed you that you’re not weak. what do you say, Adrien?” Shadow Moth said, his smile hopeful. Adrien tried to say no, thinking it best... but he couldn’t deny the power, he was too emotionally drained to do so. he gave in, much to Shadow Moths delight. he finally had his son on his side, not in the way he would like, but he knew he would be fine. “you will see, this will be good for you. now, aside from your power, you will have an Amok to assist you. in return for your powers you will get me Ladybug and Cat Noir’s Miraculous', do we have a deal?” Shadow Moth asked. Adrien smiled as he transformed. his body disappearing in black and purple bubbles. reappearing with a suit as Black as the Akuma that inhabits his charm, Purple gloves, and boots. his mask covered most of his face leaving his mouth open and hair-free. his eyes remain green, but black absorbed the white in them. a smile crept onto his face as he held out the charm for the Amok. It attached itself to the charm and a black Butterfly came into existence, slightly larger than the actual Akuma. “from now on I’ll be known as, Duplimoth. Nemesis of Carapace. now, how about we go wreak some havoc in this wonderful city of Ladybug and Cat Noir.” he said, chuckling to his inside joke. “how about we go find the Turtle and talk to him about his little secrets.” Duplimoth said, leaping out the window. Shadow Moth laughed, feeling unstoppable, and maybe a little proud considering that his son is a copy of him in Villain form.

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