Chapter 7

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Adrien slept like a rock last night, his mind filled with thoughts of Marinette. he didn’t think he would have that much fun with anyone but Ladybug. but, now he sees, Marinette isn’t just any girl. she is the most amazing person he has ever met, and he will never meet anyone like her. no matter what. and today, he was excited to go over to her house, his father gave him the okay to go, but only because he told him it was for school. he didn’t want to tell him the truth because he would shortly have said no. now, Adrien is standing at the door to the back of the bakery, building up the courage to hang out with Marinette’s parents for the second time. honestly, he is a bit excited about seeing Marinette again. the memory of him grabbing Marinette around the waist to save her from falling into the river, the feel of her so close was all that he could think of. he didn’t want to let her go, but he had to. but then he saw his bodyguard march past and he pulled her closer. he remembered when she asked him to let her go, and his answer sounding nervous, as if he were telling a lie. Marinette still chuckled as if it were a joke, he didn’t mind. he just enjoyed having her close for so long. all be it not that long. he took a deep breath then let it out slowly before knocking on the door. Tom opened the door and smiled when he saw it was Adrien. “he's here!” Tom said, yelling up the stairs to his family. he bounced like an impatient child before pulling Adrien up the stairs. stumbling, Adrien followed him. Tom opened the door to the room and laughed. “he's here.” Tom said again. Sabine smiled. “Tom, didn’t I tell you to wait till the poor boy was up the stairs before you smother him with attention.” she said, smiling her warm smile. Adrien smiled back, feeling nervous. “mom, I couldn’t find them. are you sure they are where you put them?” Marinette asked walking out of the room in the back. she saw Adrien and smiled, her cheeks turning a light hue of pink. Adrien smiled, admiring the small blush on her face as she went on to help her mother. “I’m sure, did you look inside the box?” Sabine asked. Marinette frowned, then nodded. “I did, but it wasn’t there.” Marinette said. Sabine frowned, then shook her head. “I’ll have to go see for myself. Tom, would you mind helping?” Sabine asked. Tom was smiling at Adrien before Sabine called after him and he looked back and forth from Sabine and the kids. he smiled again, waved, then slithered away. Marinette stared, blinked, then turned to Adrien. he smiled, making Marinette smile back. she glanced at the spot her parents disappeared, then frowned. “hey...” Adrien said, rubbing the back of his head. Marinette turned back to him, startled. she smiled, her cheeks turning a darker shade of red. making Adrien's smile grow. “h-hey... A-Adrien...” Marinette said, looking back and forth from him and the floor. Adrien chuckled. why didn’t he fall in love with her first? arrge, Adrien, for the love of- just let go of Ladybug and bask in the moment. Adrien thought, shaking his head. he stared at the ground. I wonder if her hands will feel warm, or clammy from standing so close to me. maybe both. Adrien thought, a mischievous smile crawling onto his face. he glanced at her, and reached for her hand. their fingers lightly touched, Marinette flinching away for a second before allowing him to wrap his fingers around hers. Adrien smiled and looked into her eyes as she smiled back at him, her cheeks rose pink. “Found it!” Tom said, bursting into the kitchen/living room. Adrien and Marinette let go of each other’s hands, taking a small step away from one another. and so, with the, ‘item’ found, the feast may begin. “that was absolutely delicious, Mrs. Dupain-Cheng.” Adrien said, smiling. “oh, I’m glad. would you like to stay for dessert?” Sabine asked. Adrien shook his head, holding his stomach. “no ma’am, thanks ma’am, but maybe another time.” Adrien said. “besides I think my bodyguard is going to pick me up in a bit. so, I should go.” Adrien said, feeling a little sad. he didn’t want to leave. but he had to, the second his bodyguard shows up. his phone buzzed with a message from Nathalie. “Adrien, your father and I are leaving for a little while, you will need to return home immediately.” the message said. Adrien frowned, then lifted an eyebrow. “I’ll head home after I’m finished, see you, Nathalie.” Adrien said, smiling to himself. he hurriedly sent his bodyguard a message saying that he will be staying a little while longer and to not worry about him. he looked up at Tom and Sabine as they stared at him. “Is everything all right?” Sabine asked, looking concerned. Adrien nodded. “yeah, it was just Nathalie.” he said, putting away his phone. “oh, you should probably start heading home. Marinette, walk him downstairs.” Sabine said, ushering both of them out the door. “actually, I can stay. the message was from Nathalie for my father, he said I could stay for a little longer if I’d like. so I’m staying till Dinner.” Adrien said. Sabine smiled, Tom looked like a child after receiving a gift he was looking for his whole life. “oh good, I’ll make dessert.” Sabine said, her face lighting up. “oh, oh! who’s up for an Ultimate Mecca Strike Three tournament?” Tom asked. Adrien grinned. “I’m in.” Adrien said, following the large man to the couch. Marinette grabbed Adrien’s wrist and stopped him. he looked down at her with a frown. “what did it really say?” she asked. Adrien looked at her, tilting his head to the side. Marinette rolled her eyes. “the message. it wasn’t your father telling you to stay longer. what was it?” she asked. Adrien glanced to the side. dang, she’s like a bloodhound. he looked back at Marinette and smiled. “it may or may not be Nathalie telling me to head back to the house. and she and my father may or may not be leaving the city for a little bit, and I may or may not have told My bodyguard that I'll be staying a little while longer.” Adrien said, giving Marinette a guilty look. she sighed. “okay, well, as long as it wasn’t super important.” Marinette said, letting his arm go. his face lit up and he took her hand, pulling her to the couch with Tom. Tom handed Adrien a controller and started the game. oh, let the games begin. Adrien thought.

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