Chapter 6

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“he is what!?” Alya asked, pretty much yelled. Marinette sighed and fell face-first onto her sofa. “It’s complicated. he asked me to pretend to be his fake girlfriend because he didn’t want to tell Nino that he is in love with Ladybug. also a bunch of other stuff. but that isn’t as bad. I asked him out on a real date, when we spoke again.” Marinette said, her voice muffled by the pillow. Alya stared at her, even more confused. “so... he doesn’t know you’re Ladybug?” Alya asked. “N-no. he... doesn’t...” Marinette said, lifting her head from the pillow. Alya lifted an eyebrow at her. Marinette sighed. “it’s complicated, okay.” she said, getting up to head to the Miracle box. “okay, but did he say yes?” Alya asked. Marinette stopped, blinked then blushed. “umm, ye-yes...” Marinette said, sitting down in her chair. Alya laughed, making Marinette turn to her curiously. “what?” she asked, eyeing her best friend. Alya shook her head, still laughing. Marinette jutted out her bottom lip in her signature angry pout. “he said yes and you are more concerned about the fact that you asked him in the first place?” she asked, laughing again. Marinette stared at her friend, face reddening. “Alya I’m serious. you know how I feel about him, and you know how I am around him. even now... I can't go on a date with him. Oh my gosh, Alya, he's going to think I’m boring. then he's not going to want to hang out with me again, we won't get past the first date, there won't be a second, or a third, or forth. we aren’t going to get married, have three kids, or get the hamster. our future life is over.” Marinette said, placing her face in her hands. Alya stared at her friend, blinked, then smiled. “oh girl, only you can make something so small seem so much larger than it really is.” Alya said, chuckling. Marinette looked up at her friend, smiled, and laughed nervously.

Plagg stared as Adrien paced back and forth in his room, his face serious. “Do you think she finds me annoying? should I be more like Adrien or Cat Noir? maybe I should bring something, or maybe I should take her somewhere really special after we get smoothies.” Adrien said, not really talking to Plagg. he seemed nervous as he walked back and forth. Plagg rolled his eyes. “you’ve set up way more romantic scenarios than I can ever dream up, so, I’m  not going to get involved in this.” Plagg said, munching down a slice of cheese. Adrien watched him, grimaced, then looked away thoughtfully. he had a point, it’s not like he would help him anyway. Plagg would much rather eat cheese the whole day. Adrien shook off his thoughts and straightened. it’s just smoothies, with a girl, who likes him, that may or may not suddenly dislike him because he said something she didn’t like. Adrien couldn’t stop his mind from racing, thoughts and scenarios slithered into his brain and he couldn’t stop them. “isn’t it time for you to go pick her up?” Plagg said, silently assisting Adrien with his dilemma. Adrien stopped and looked at the time. Plagg was right, he should start heading out. fear was replaced by excitement. “Plagg, let’s go.” Adrien said, calling over his little friend. Plagg swallowed his cheese and floating over to Adrien and disappeared into his pocket. Adrien made his way out of his room and down the stairs, hurrying out the door, hoping his bodyguard didn’t notice him as he made his way to Marinette’s house. his plans to leave without his bodyguard noticing him backfired when he left the gait and the gorilla was standing there eyeing him suspiciously. Adrien smiled nervously. “I was just, going to meet up with a friend.” Adrien said, attempting to slip past him. but he wouldn’t have it. he followed Adrien as he started walking, making him feel like he was a caged bird, and his bodyguard is a cat, sitting at the bottom of the cage, hoping that he would escape so that he could catch him. Adrien sighed. “don’t you want to go back and relax a little while father is away for the day? I know you would love that.” Adrien attempted to persuade the large man. but it was all for nothing, he stood fast in his mission to protect, even if it was from a girl. Adrien smiled at the man’s determination and left him to it. they arrived at Marinette’s house, Adrien, realizing how short the path really was, stared at the door. the gorilla grunted, forcing Adrien to move. Luckily he didn’t have to go into the building itself, because Marinette busted through the back door where they were standing. Adrien looked at her as she shot straight and made eye contact with him. he smiled, making her smile back. she turned to the door as if to glare at someone then turned back to Adrien with her carefree smile and a nervous laugh. they left for the smoothie place, called Fro-yo palace. they remained silent for a while before Adrien spoke. “sooo, what flavourers do you like?” he asked as they got closer to their destination. Marinette stared at the distance and frowned. “Strawberry, Banana, or Cherry.” she said, shrugging. she turned to look at Adrien. “you?” she asked. Adrien glanced at her before looking back at the road. “I don’t know. I haven’t really had a smoothie before. so, I can’t  really choose a flavor.” Adrien said with a shrug. Marinette stared at him, shocked. “you’ve never had a smoothie?” Marinette asked. Adrien nodded, still looking in front of him. that’s where Marinette tossed her fears to the wind and grabbed Adrien’s wrist, pulling him behind her into the Fro-yo Palace doors. they stood at the counter and Marinette ordered two smoothies, two she had never tried before, but was sure he may like them. then she led him out two other doors that led to the outdoor dining area, Adrien’s bodyguard following behind, smiling. Marinette sat down on the bench at a really nice table a little further back from the doors. Adrien chuckled as he plopped down in the seat across from Marinette. “and the sudden burst of energy?” Adrien asked. Marinette smiled. “I’ve never tried these before, I thought that maybe we could try them for the first time together.” She said, grinning. Adrien stared at her, then smiled again. she is way too Amazing to be hanging out with him. she pushed the glass with a smoothie called, Mango City, towards him. “try this one first.” she said, staring at the other flavor, coconut lychee. Adrien laughed. “you just want to get rid of the one that looks less appetizing.” Adrien said, lifting his eyebrow. Marinette turned to him, surprised. “n-no. I just want to-”
“I’m just teasing.” Adrien said, chuckling. he took a sip from the Mango and smiled. “hmm, I like this.” he said, looking down. Marinette frowned. “oh?” she asked. Adrien nodded, moving the glass back to her. she took a sip and thought. “yeah, me too. it tastes pretty good.” she agreed. “now that one.” Adrien said, pointing at the coconut lychee. Marinette looked down at the coconut lychee and frowned. she took a sip and tasted for a moment. “it’s good. I guess.” Marinette said. Adrien lifted an eyebrow. “you guess?” he asked. Marinette looked up at him again and shrugged. “I like strawberry, or cherry more. this isn’t as good.” She said, pushing it back a little. Adrien reached for the glass and touched her hand as he took the glass from her. she blushed and attempted to hide it before Adrien noticed, but he did anyway. he smiled as he took a sip from the coconut lychee smoothie. Adrien frowned, then looked back and forth from the smoothie and Marinette. “oh, yeah no. it’s good. but, the coconut is a bit stronger than the lychee.” Adrien said, giving the smoothie a look of distaste and uncertainty. Marinette smiled, a soft giggle escaping her lips. Adrien’s eyes shimmered. he continued to dislike the smoothie, which was true, and saw his bodyguard staring at them. a small light bulb appeared above his head as he smiled. he got up and walked over to the bodyguard who was sitting at his own table. “hay, what do you have to say about this one. we don’t like it, you might. I’m going to get a new one.” Adrien said, handing the glass over to the gorilla and walking into the restaurant again. but of course, he waved Marinette over after the bodyguard looked away, tasting the smoothie for himself. Marinette waited a moment before following. “I need to go to the bathroom.” she said, pointing to the doors with a smile. the bodyguard nodded and went back to the smoothie, he seemed to like it. lifting his eyebrows when he took a second sip with a deep, “hmmmm.” as he smiled down at the glass. Marinette wanted to go back for the mango smoothie, but it would be very fishy if she did. Adrien grabbed her by the door and pulled her with him out the front doors, stopping only to tell a couple of younger kids that there was a free mango smoothie on the outside table near a big man that looked like a gorilla if they want it. after adding an explanation that the man is harmless and will probably be too busy to notice them any way they left the Fro-yo palace lot and headed to... who knows where. Marinette laughed as they turned a corner and slowed a little to catch their breath. Adrien watched her, then looked behind them. “I, don’t think, he followed us.” Adrien huffed. Marinette chuckled. “come on.” Adrien said, reaching out his hand to her. Marinette took it and they were off again, this time they walked. Marinette adored this moment, and she wished it could last for an eternity. she did not regret asking him, and she never will. this day was Amazing. they spent the whole day talking and walking, and evading Adrien’s bodyguard. Marinette sighed as she walked in through the back door of her house, then swayed up the stairs, reliving the moments with Adrien. when she reached her room, she realized Alya was sitting on the sofa with a big smile on her face. “sooooo?” Alya asked. Marinette blushed. “umm, so what?” she asked, as if not knowing what she is talking about. Alya stared, lifted an eyebrow, then frowned. “so, did you two hang out? did you get smoothies? did you have fun? did you ask him out again?” she asked, then gasped. “did he kiss you?” she asked, her hand over her face. Marinette blushed harder. “yes, we hung out. yes, we got smoothies, but we didn’t stay there long. yes, we had fun. no, and no.” Marinette said. turning away from Alya, she sat down on her chair and turned her computer on. Alya stared at her blankly before tossing a pillow at her. it made contact with her head and flopped to the ground. “ouch, Alya.” Marinette said, annoyed. “thanks girl, you answered all my questions. let me just leave you to swoon alone.” Alya said, sounding way more annoyed. Marinette smiled. “sorry.” she said. Alya smiled and lay down on her stomach on the sofa. “okay, from the beginning, and no skipping.” she said. Marinette smiled and started telling her story to Alya. starting with where Alya pushed her out the door into Adrien. she explained how they ditched Adrien’s bodyguard at Fro-yo Palace and how they went from there to Andre’s Ice cream cart. Adrien got them Ice cream and then they headed to Trocadero, where they found the bodyguard again, so they headed to the river. she smiled when she told Alya the part where she slipped on a damp spot by the river’s edge and Adrien caught her before she could tumble in. Alya’s eyes shimmered as Marinette explained how his arms wrapped around her waist and then pulled her closer to him. she told her that it took him a bit to let her go after. his excuse being, “I thought I saw my bodyguard, so, we should just wait a moment.” Alya smiled. “and?” she asked. Marinette giggled. “I let him wait, and I waited too. after, give or take a few moments, we pulled away from each other.” Marinette said. Alya seemed disappointed, but Marinette continued. “that was basically it, after that, we headed to the museum and then, right back here.” Marinette said, shrugging. “and?” Alya asked, on the edge of her seat. Marinette smiled. “he walked me to the door, then said, we should do this again sometime.” Marinette said, her smile turning into a grin. Alya seemed to be in shock, but she too smiled like the treasure cat. “and?” Alya asked. Marinette giggled. “I said, Maybe we should. and then He said, I’ll see you tomorrow at lunch.” Marinette said, her face burning. Alya’s smile fell. “lunch?” she asked. Marinette blinked a few times then realized that Alya doesn’t know about tomorrows arrangement’s. “oh, my mom invited Adrien for Lunch tomorrow.” she said. Alya blinked, then frowned. “oh... why did your mom invite him for lunch?” she asked. Marinette shrugged. “I don’t know. we don’t have school for the next three days and my mom wants to... oh no.” Marinette said, her hand in front of her face. Alya stared, realizing what Marinette realized. “oh no, mom and dad want to play matchmaker again.” Alya said, cringing. Marinette groaned, covering her face with her hands.

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