Chapter 5

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but, that wasn’t the only thing he had to concern himself over. that same night he and Ladybug had patrol. Cat Noir sighed as he swung his legs back and forth on the roof. Ladybug watched him silently before she took a deep breath and spoke, alerting him of her presence. “hay there, Kitty. lonely?” she asked, sitting down next to him. Cat Noir stared at her and smiled. “yeah. a little, but now that you’re here, I’m not as lonely.” Cat Noir said, grinning. Ladybug smiled. “okay then, let's go, before Shadow Moth thinks he can get away with Akumatizing a kid in his sleep.” Ladybug said before leaping off the roof. Cat Noir followed her. patrol ran smoothly, no Villains, nothing. just a nice night out on the streets with their partner. but, the next Morning, Adrien had a problem. “Plagg, I can't do it. I can't go to school. I just can't. Marinette doesn’t need me disrupting her school life. she’s already got a crush on me, I don’t need to make it harder for her to get over me.” Adrien said, combing his hair with his fingers, frustrated. Plagg watched him, secretly chuckling. for he knew the truth. but before Plagg could say anything, something exploded outside on the bridge. Adrien jumped into action. “Plagg, claws out!” he said, transforming into Cat Noir and hurried out the window. somehow Shadow Moth Akumatized Mr. Pigeon. “how...?” Cat Asked when he landed on the roof of a building Ladybug was standing on. “it seems like he somehow lost his charm. might have been an accident or something. but we don’t have any time, lets go.” Ladybug said and they were off. “you can't defeat me little worms, my pigeons will turn you into lunch! Rew, Rew!” Mr. Pigeon said, flapping his arms. “go get them my pigeons, show them what you can really do!” he added, pointing at Ladybug and Cat Noir. they dodged the projectile birds and tried getting Mr. Pigeon’s Akuma. but, Cat Noir couldn’t concentrate. his mind was elsewhere. “Cat Noir, Lookout!” Ladybug said, pushing Cat away from the angry Pigeon army. she got up and pulled him behind a chimney for a moment to talk. “Cat, what’s wrong with you? you’ve been out of it since we got here, what’s on your mind?” Ladybug yell-whispered. Cat blinked before looking down. “sorry, I... I was just thinking.” he said, rubbing his neck. furious Ladybug stared at him. I know you probably had a Photo-shoot this morning, or you had to do something for your father, but seriously, separate the two lives or you will lose everything. Ladybug thought to herself. probably more angry that he almost became bird food. Cat Noir looked up at her and smiled, a hint of a blush under his mask. Ladybug noticed. “Don’t worry about it. I was... thinking about a girl. from my normal life.” Cat Noir said, turning the corner of the chimney. Ladybug blinked a few times, then frowned. does he mean a girl he likes? she thought. Ladybug tried to shake away the thoughts, but they just bothered her even more. she was able to fight without losing focus, even Cat Noir kept his attention on the Villain this time. after a rather long battle, and a lot of sneezing from Cat, Ladybug turned to Cat Noir and held her fist out for him, and smiled. “well, see you later, maybe.” Cat Noir said, waving goodbye to Ladybug, without a fist bump. Ladybug stared at him. who is she? she thought, frowning. at school, Marinette was less reasonable than most of the time. glaring at the table, at her notes, everything that made her feel like it was mocking her in a way. the worst part was, Adrien didn’t even come to school today. she wanted to ask him about this girl, even though it would be strange that she would know something about him that he told Ladybug. but Marinette wanted to know who the girl was that occupied his mind. he was supposed to be in love with Ladybug. not some... wait, it’s Kagami, isn’t it? oh, grate, just when she gets over him his all like, Oh guess I’m in love with her. Marinette mentally muttered. she wanted to say it, but Alya is in the room, it would be a bad idea. but then a small tap on Marinette’s window alerted her to someone else outside the room. she turned and saw Cat Noir outside waving at her. she panicked and closed the curtain. turning to Alya she came up with at least a hundred excuses. “hay, Alya. how about we continue this tomorrow?” Marinette asked, grabbing her friend's arm and attempting to drag her down the stairs. “w-what? why?” Alya asked, confused. “Please, just till tomorrow. I’ll text you, or call you.” Marinette said, pulling Alya out the door. confused and worried, Alya eyed Marinette. Marinette begged Alya with her eyes not to ask her, not wanting to lie to her friend more than she already has. Alya sighed. “okay, call me later then. I’m going to go see if Nino wants to hang out instead.” Alya said, waving back at her friend. after closing the door Marinette sighed, then hurried up the stairs. she opened her bedroom door and saw Cat Noir chilling on her sofa. she glared as she closed the door behind her. “sure, come on right in.” she muttered, slowly making her way to him. he looked up at her and smiled, but then his smile faltered and he looked away. “sorry...” Cat Noir said, looking guilty. Marinette stared, her glare falling to worry. “Cat...?” she asked, stepping to him and sitting next to him on the sofa. “Claws in...” Cat Noir said, de-transforming into Adrien. he stared at his hands before he spoke again. “I think we should stop...” Adrien said. Marinette frowned. “stop, what?” she asked. Adrien looked at her, his eyes sad. a deeper sad than anything she has seen before. “this... I think, I shouldn’t hurt you like this. fake dating for My Identity’s sake. or even being your friend. I’m afraid that I’ll make you think that I... but...” Adrien tried to say the words in his mind, but he couldn’t. for some reason the words refused to be spoken. Adrien groaned. “it’s her, isn’t it? you love her and you don’t want her to get the wrong idea from us.” Marinette said, pulling her knees to her chest. Adrien frowned, turned to Marinette, and watched her. “n-no... it’s... I don’t want to hurt you...” Adrien said, giving her a sad look. Marinette stared at him, blushed, then glared. he can't just say things like that and expect me to be okay with it. Marinette thought. “so, your not just trying to get Kagami’s attention again, are you?” she asked, feeling a little annoyed. yeah, she had him first, and what Marinette has with Adrien is fake she still feels a little jealous. Adrien frowned, confused. “sorry? what?” he asked turning to face Marinette. is that what this is about? he thought. Marinette’s face turned beat red and she looked away. “n-nothing... don’t worry about it. sure we don’t have to fake anymore. fake date that is. or real, or be friend’s if you want. not be friends, I can totally not hang out with you.” Marinette said, laughing nervously while attempting to keep her face hidden. Adrien stared at her as she went on, then he smiled. how is a super nice girl like her still single. well, she had Luka... but then they broke up... for some reason. Adrien frowned. “hay, Marinette?” he asked, cutting Marinette off as she was trying to explain something else. she stopped and looked at him. “what happened with you and Luka?” he asked. Marinette’s face turned tomato red and she stammered again. “wh-what do, do you mean?” she asked, feeling even more nervous than before. only because he changed the subject to something she really didn’t want to talk about with him. “you two loved each other, didn’t you? I mean. you liked me, but, you did care about him... right?” Adrien explained. Marinette looked down. “... I guess... I did like him. but... I didn’t like him as much...” Marinette said. she still felt uncomfortable about telling him. even though he knew she likes him. she sighed. “honestly... I liked him. but, I think I was just... using him? because... how I feel about you, is how I wanted to feel for him. and I tried to feel it with him... but I couldn’t... because he wasn’t you.” Marinette said, feeling a little better. Adrien stared at her. he didn’t want her to pine after him but he did like being liked by someone. even if she isn’t Ladybug. but Marinette... oh how Adrien would love for Marinette to be Ladybug. not because he loved Ladybug, no. because he really cared for Marinette... but... why can't he try and date Marinette for real? ladybug doesn’t love him. she barely gives him the time of day. also, she likes someone else. Adrien shook his head. “sorry for bringing it up. I should go. My father has a Photoshoot planned.” Adrien said, getting up from the sofa. “Plagg.” Adrien said and Plagg hovered out of his pocket. he waved his hand at Marinette and pretend to have never met her. “hey. we have not Formally been introduced, my name is Plagg. and you must be the lovely girl Adrien won’t shut u-”
“Claws out.” Adrien said, cutting Plagg off. he transformed and smiled nervously. “bye, see you tomorrow at school.” Cat Noir said, hurrying out the window, even though he could have just as easily gone through the balcony door. Marinette stared at him, confused. “what, just happened?” she asked, not really expecting an answer. “he got nervous and ran away...?” Tikki suggested. Marinette stared at her little friend, a small smile slowly slipping onto her lips, before she shook it off. “no, no. he just had to go to a Photo-shoot. that’s all.” Marinette said, pushing down the hope. she wasn’t going to do that, she has been doing that all her life she isn’t going to do it now. he loves Ladybug. she might be Ladybug, but because of that she cant get involved as Marinette. she might give him a chance as Ladybug. he seems more like himself around her and she adores it more than she ever would have loved Adrien by himself. He's not Adrien without Cat Noir. Marinette shook her head again and tried to get her mind off of Adrien. she gathered up her things and decided to go draw up some designs, which she hasn’t done in a while. she settled on a bench in the park and started drawing. a little bit of time passed before someone yanked her sketchbook from her hands. shocked, she looked up. “Nice. but I guess it’s got to be if you like it.” a boy with Dark hair and Silver eyes said, a lopsided smile on his face. another boy, brown eyes, black hair, and dark skin, walked up behind the other one. he was joined by another boy with blond hair and blue eyes. Marinette got up and attempted to retrieve her sketchbook from the boy who took it. he pulled it away from her reach, chuckling. “give it back, please.” Marinette said, politely. the boys ignored her. Adrien sighed as he got out of the car. he didn’t really want to go. he already felt bad for not going to school today, and now he can't spend time with his friends. he should have gone to school today and not skipped. he stared aimlessly at the trees around him. and as he did so, his eyes landed on Marinette. he smiled, till he saw the boy lean closer to her whispering something. Adrien stared, a small bubbling of irritation nibbling at the back of his mind. why? he does not know. but before he could figure it out, he realized he was moving forward. pretty much storming towards the group of boys surrounding Marinette. it was too late for him to turn around or think of something to say, but his mind had already decided what to do for him. his instincts took over. “I-I, don’t think so, umm.” Marinette said, answering the boy’s question. “come on Blue, it’ll be fun. just me and you, we don’t have to drag along the guys back here.” the silver-eyed boy added. Adrien frowned, practically glared. he smiled, ‘lightly’ pushing past the boys to Marinette. “there you are!” Adrien said, wrapping his arm around Marinette’s shoulders, pulling her close. he smiled down at her as she stared at him, as if she were a cornered rabbit. Adrien looked up, and acted surprised, as if he just noticed the boys who were talking to Marinette. “oh, I’m sorry. was I interrupting something?” Adrien asked, looking between Marinette and the silver-eyed boy in front of him. the boy stared at him, glanced at Marinette, then back at Adrien. “and you are?” the boy asked, lifting an eyebrow. Adrien smiled. “Adrien, Adrien Agreste. I believe you’ve already met My girlfriend, Marinette. right, My-nette.” Adrien said, grinning down at Marinette, then he looked back at the boy, frowning. “and, what were you doing here, talking to her?” Adrien asked. the boy’s eyes widened. “n-nothing. we were just leaving.” the boy said, nodding at his friends before leaving. Adrien chuckled as he turned to Marinette. “did you see his face. he was like, My-nette? oh shoot, she’s got a boyfriend. and his friends were like, ooooooooo, his in so much trouble, hitting on this guy’s girlfriend.” Adrien said, chuckling. he hasn’t had this kind of fun as Adrien before, and now he feels like Cat Noir. Marinette stared at him, watching him smile. she didn’t want to pop his bubble, so she smiled and let him have his moment. “señor Adrien. I very much would like it if you were to come here to this-a spot please.” the photographer said, waving Adrien to him. Adrien stared, his joy slowly fading. he turned back to Marinette with a smile. “want to watch? we can go get something to eat later if you want.” Adrien said, hopeful. Marinette frowned, and lifted an eyebrow. “I thought you didn’t want to hang out?” she asked. Adrien stared at her, blinked then looked down at his feet. “I did, but then... I... I guess I like hanging out with you.” Adrien said, rubbing the back of his head. Marinette blushed. it’s like falling in love with the ocean, you never know when he's going to knock you over or if he's going to knock you over. she shook it off and smiled. “I’ve got nothing else to do, why not.” she said, shrugging. Adrien grinned, took her hand, and pulled her behind him. the day was boring, but Adrien was happy that Marinette was there. during the brake Adrien suggested they go get Ice cream. Marinette said yes. they spent most of the day together and had fun. after, they had to part ways. as much as Adrien didn’t want to, he had to. but the second he got home, he felt lonely. Plagg ate his cheese as Adrien stared out his window. “what do you think Marinette is doing right now?” Adrien asked. Plagg glared, feeling like his far more intelligent than Adrien. “I don’t know, sleeping.” Plagg said. “she could be working, she’s very skilled. she showed me her designs today. they're really good. almost better than the ones I saw her make before.” Adrien said, ignoring Plagg’s statement. Plagg watched as Adrien sat down on his sofa and sighed. “why do you care, you love Ladybug, don’t you?” Plagg said, swallowing a slice of cheese whole. Adrien frowned, turned to look at Plagg, then blinked. “y-yeah... but...” he looked away. Plagg’s right. I love Ladybug, why am I thinking about Marinette and not Ladybug, the person I’ve been thinking about for almost a year? Adrien thought. but... he can't help but think about her. her smile, her laugh, the face she pulls when she is concentrating, how she looks when she is surrounded by her friends. she is the only thing that he thinks about, and he doesn’t even realize it himself. Adrien rubbed his face, frustrated. does he like Marinette or, does he love her? she is his friend, but... now he can't help but adore her smile over Ladybugs. and after they spent the day together too. “why can't Marinette be Ladybug? then I can love without worry...” Adrien said laying back, staring up at the ceiling. Plagg chuckled, drawing Adrien’s attention. “what?” Adrien asked, confused. Plagg cleared his throat. “n-nothing. so, ah, what time is it?” he asked. Adrien stared, then shrugged. “seven, eight maybe. why?” Adrien asked, staring at Plagg. Plagg shrugged. “just asking. Marinette could still be awake you know.” Plagg said, attempting to distract him. success. Adrien smiled turning away from Plagg and to the window. “you think so?” Adrien asked, smiling out the window. Plagg smiled, but then grimaced. “Maybe you should go see her.” Plagg muttered, shoving another slice of cheese into his mouth. “that’s a good Idea, Plagg.” Adrien said, smiling. Plagg stopped and stared as Adrien got up from his seat. “n-no, I wasn’t being serious!” Plagg said, Attempting to stop Adrien, but it was all for not. “Plagg, claws out!” Adrien said, transforming into Cat Noir. he leaped out of his window and ran in the direction of the girl who hasn’t left his mind in a week. he landed on her balcony, then he hung over the railing, peering in through the window to see what she was up to. she was working on her designs. he smiled and wondered if he could sneak in without her noticing. Marinette stared down at her drawing as she outlined the parts that suited the design better. unaware of Cat Noir’s presents. he slowly slunk in through the open window and walked over to her, then he put his hands on Marinette’s face, covering her eyes. “guess who.” he whispered in her ear. Marinette felt shivers run down her spine and she knew who it was. “Adrien.” she said, wondering why he was here. “wow, you’re very good at this game.” Cat Noir said, lightly turning her chair to face him. he smiled. Marinette stared at him, confused. “Adrien...?” Marinette said, blinking. “yes...?” Cat Noir said, grinning. “why are you here?” Marinette asked. Cat Noir chuckled. “to see you.” he said, leaning closer. Marinette blushed. “I-I thought you were in love with Ladybug...?” Marinette asked, staring. is this a dream? Cat Noir frowned for a moment. is he in love with Ladybug? or is he using her like Marinette said she used Luka. emotionally. I guess there is only one way to find out. “Plagg, Claws in...” Cat Noir said, de-transforming. Adrien smiled down at Marinette. “Cat Noir does. not Adrien.” he said, grinning. “but, you are Cat Noir...” Marinette said. Adrien’s smile brightened. “exactly. you already care about me and, more importantly, you know me. the real me. let me get to know the real you even more Marinette. we can see where ever this road can lead us, together.” Adrien said, eyes shining like stars as he crouched down, looking up at her. Marinette can't refuse him, but she must...but, if she does who knows how he will feel. and if she excepts, he will no longer be, just her partner. she was planning on giving him a chance as Ladybug, but... now. “Adrien... I...” Marinette started, but Adrien put a finger to her lips. “I know it might sound strange coming from me. especially after you told me that you liked me. you might be thinking that I’m doing it to make you feel better. well, it’s that, but only half of that. I want to see what I cant see, and find out what I feel. you know I’ve never had friends until I met you, Nino and Alya. and I’ve never really fallen in love before, until I met Ladybug. but, there is something about you that just makes me feel like I should be around you more. there is something there, I can feel it.” Adrien said, standing up. “and. you, Marinette, have fascinated me from the beginning.” he added, staring down at her. Marinette stared at him, feeling guilty for keeping this from him. for not telling him her Identity. now she wants to tell him, but she can't. as the guardian of the Miraculous, it is her sworn duty to protect her team. and also, as Marinette she can't exactly turn him down. “Marinette, you... Make me feel like... there is a place for me.” Adrien said, pulling Marinette from her thoughts. she stared at him as he watched his feet. “since mom died... I’ve... Kinda been alone. I didn’t have anyone aside from Chloe to talk to... but now, I feel like I can trust you... talk to you and feel as though I don’t need to say sweet things for you to like me. I don’t need to smile to make you adore me. I don’t have to do anything...” he said. but then he smiled with a light chuckle. “well, except give you an Umbrella.” he commented. Marinette turned redder than a ripe Tomato, making Adrien Laugh. “relax, I’m just teasing. but still, I don’t have to do anything. Ladybug keeps me on my toes, but you make every day something to remember.” Adrien said, he seemed to look down as he thought of something. “actually, now that I’m thinking about it. I’ve always liked you. maybe even more than Ladybug. I just didn’t want to believe it. I guess...” Adrien said, looking down with a frown. Marinette stared at him, then smiled. “or, you didn’t want to lose the one thing that made you feel like you Belong?” she asked, placing a hand on his arm. he glanced at her hand before looking at her. he smiled. “yeah... fear is something I can't escape...” Adrien said, his face sad. Marinette watched him, feeling his sadness. she got up and pulled herself closer to him, hugging his arm. “Adrien...” she said, leaning on him. surprised at her movement, Adrien stared at her. his heart running a marathon at her closeness, jumping and bopping as if dancing to a song he had never heard before. a lump firmly lodged in his throat he straightened, attempting to calm his nerves. what is love? is this what it really feels like? he thought, hundreds more thoughts racing through his head. his hand inches from hers, her head on his shoulder, her warmth so close. “Marinette...” Adrien said, his voice soft. he reached for her hand that was wrapped around his arm and lightly intertwined his fingers with hers. she froze before pulling away, but Adrien let go of her hand. “sorry.” he said, looking away. Marinette a blushing mess and Adrien red as a rose, they stood staring at the ground. Plagg sighed. “I’m going to find some cheese. you two can finish whatever this is.” he said, floating through the floor to the bakery. Marinette stared at the spot where Plagg disappeared, then glanced back at Adrien. he was staring as well, his eyes filled with questions rather than fear. Marinette swallowed her worry and fear of possibility and took a step forward. what if she says something stupid? what if she makes him hate her? what if she trips? all the questions formed, but she gathered them up and pushed them away. she reached out and took Adrien’s hand in hers. Adrien looked up slowly to watch her, then smiled, embarrassed. “sorry, I should have asked...” he said. Marinette shook her head. “n-no, it's f-fine. I was j-just. Struggled, I mean startled.” she said, feeling her face turn redder. Adrien laughed, making Marinette smile. he breathed, then turned to face her. she tried not to make sudden movements as he gently took her free hand in his. now holding both, he watched his thumbs as they softly brushed over her hands. “Marinette...” he started, his voice soft. he looked up into her eyes, making her gasp softly. “I... I care about you too much to hurt you... if I do, tell me... I don’t want to do it again. even as Cat Noir.” he said, serious. he stepped closer to her, his hand along with hers on his chest. “please... tell me if I hurt you.” Adrien said, his eyes begging. Marinette stared at him, confused. “why would you hurt me?” Marinette said, searching his eyes. Adrien looked down. “I don’t know... I’m a superhero. and if we start... hanging out, it could be dangerous. I don’t want you to get hurt.” he said. Marinette stared at him, his hands and voice are so soft and gentle. she thought. he cares about people, his friends. he just doesn’t know how to show his affection towards the people he loves as much as Ladybug. Marinette watched him before she leaned into him, wrapping her arms around him in a hug. shocked Adrien stood there for a moment and stared. “Adrien... I... I still love you. and I would like it if we were to go out some time. for a smoothie, maybe, tomorrow?” she asked, pooling back a little to look him in the eyes. extremely embarrassed, she chickened out, looking down as she pulled away from him. Adrien took her hand in his and smiled. “smoothies sound nice. I’ll clear the schedule for tomorrow then.” he said with a wink. “are you two love birds done yet? I need more cheese.” Plagg complained as he floated to Adrien. Adrien let Marinette go as Plagg spoke and Marinette stepped away, as if they were guilty of something. Adrien apologized to Marinette for Plagg’s behavior then transformed. he left through the balcony door this time, Marinette following behind him. he stopped before leaving and smiled at her. and when he left, she breathed, horrified. “I’m so proud of you Marinette.” Tikki said, flying from Marinette’s room. “why? I almost passed out. that was... Oh my gosh Tikki! I asked him out! for smoothies! Tomorrow!” Marinette freaked out, covering her face with her hands. Tikki smiled, and giggled. “and he said yes.” she added. making Marinette look at her with wide eyes. she made a strangled squeak sound as she covered her face.

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