Chapter 3

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“Nino, do you think they're dating or something?” Alya asked, thoughtfully stirring her milkshake. Nino looked up at her from his milkshake and frowned. “what do you mean? who are we talking about?” he asked, looking around the room. Alya shook her head. “Marinette and Adrien. they have been hanging out since Adrien was Akumatized. I could be looking in too deep on it, but... I kinda feel like she told him. you know?” she said looking at Nino hopeful. Nino blinked at her, frowned then shook his head. “sorry to burst your bubble, Al's, but, Adrien would have told me if he was dating Marinette. He's like that. besides, if I know him well enough hid ask me if it would be cool, since I’m dating you and you’re her best friend.” Nino said. Alya frowned. he was right, he did pop her bubble. she sighed. “true... then why are they disappearing together all the time. and, yesterday I saw them together in the park after school was canceled for the day. eating sweets. if they are dating, Marinette is going to go through the same thing she did with Luka. Marinette can't disappear with Adrien every time an Akuma attacks, she needs to help Cat Noir. she’s going to hurt herself again.” Alya said, whispering the last part. “well, if it’s bothering you so much, I can go talk to Adrien. they are probably dating, just secretly.” Nino said, shrugging. Alya nodded. “Probably. wait, where are you going?” Alya asked. Nino smiled at her. “going to go visit my bro, he's probably in his room now, bored out of his mind. his dad grounded him yesterday for not coming home right after he found out school was canceled. poor dude tried covering it up with an Excuse, but he got sniffed out. so, since your curious and I want to cheer him up, why not hit two birds with one stone,” Nino said, shrugging. “also, he got this new game I wanted to try out for a while. so it’s a win-win-win.” he added, chuckling to himself. he pulled out his phone and sent Adrien a message saying that he will be showing up at his door in a few minutes. and if he didn’t figure out how to get him in through the door his coming in through the window. “well, I’m off.” Nino said, putting some money on the counter for his milkshake before leaving. Alya chuckled. well if he can try and figure it out she won't say anything. but, she did send Marinette a Message asking why she started hanging out with Adrien so suddenly. Marinette sent a message back saying that he wanted to talk to her about something. something Nino wouldn’t understand. Alya knew Marinette wasn’t lying, but she wasn’t being very truthful. but she left it up to Nino from here. questions can be asked after she found proof. she knew that Marinette wouldn’t lie to her unless she had to. so she trusted her best friend with anything.

Adrien sighed as he turned his chair to face Plagg, who was shoving cheese down his throat. Adrien grimaced. “do you Have to eat so loudly?” Adrien asked. Plagg looked at Adrien and lifted an eyebrow, swallowed, and smiled. “does it bother you?” he asked. Adrien glared. “yes, but-”
“then yes, I Have to eat so loudly,” he said, throwing Adrien’s words back at him. Adrien opened his mouth to comment, but his phone buzzed with a message. Adrien read it, frowned, and typed back. Nino sent him another message, saying that the gait is closed. Adrien scrambled for his room door and hurried down the stairs. he let Nino in, and they snuck up to Adrien’s room. they had fun, Adrien could finally hang out with his best friend. he should have told Nino, it would have been fun. but it would be awkward for Nino to Know his identity and not Ladybug’s, considering she is the one giving him his miraculous. halfway through the game, Nino started to speak. it was weird, Nino didn’t like to talk at a hard level like this because he is concentrating. “you and Marinette seemed to have gotten pretty close. how come?” Nino asked, casually, as if they weren’t in the middle of a space battle between three races of Aliens. Adrien glanced at Nino before turning back to the game. “umm, I don’t understand the... Question.” Adrien said, his mind torn between the game and answering the question. “you know, are you and Marinette hanging out because you are giving me time to hang out with Alya, or are you dating?” Nino asked. Adrien crashed his ship. “what?” he asked, turning to Nino. the game over logo dancing across the screen as he stared at his friend. Nino smiled. “so you are dating. I knew it, the moment you crashed that star jet I knew. you love that thing, you wouldn’t crash it even if the Galaxy depended on it.” Nino said, smiling. he seemed proud of himself. Adrien wanted to name a hundred excuses for his friend's accusation, but then he thought of something else. it would probably be safer for his identity, and for Marinette if they were dating... fake dating of course. Marinette can help him. Ladybug Probably has someone she trusts to help her out, why can't he. Adrien smiled and nodded, then he put his acting face on. “n-no, we... we’re just friends. No Dating at all. Nino, you're being ridiculous.” Adrien said, pretending to play it off as a joke. Nino lifted an eyebrow at him. “dude, no offense, you are as transparent as glass.” he said, putting his controller down. Adrien internally laughed. yeah, sure. and you still think I’m normal Adrien. and Cat Noir is just Cat Noir. very different from Adrien Agreste. “spill or I’m telling Alya.” Nino threatened. Adrien frowned. “umm, you’re going to tell her anyway.” he said. Nino paused, looked around then chuckled sheepishly. “okay, umm, tell me now or I’m going to tell the school. and I mean everyone we know. including the teachers. and Principle Damocles, I’m sure he would tell your pap’s soooo.” Nino said, putting his hand in front of his mouth, looking serious. Adrien stared at Nino, he definitely learned that from Alya. Adrien pretends to look guilty. “okay, okay. fine, you got me... we... we are dating. but please, don’t tell anyone. please.” Adrien pleaded. Nino chuckled. “of course not. I’m going to tell Alya, but I’m not going to tell anyone else.” he said, patting Adrien’s shoulder. “now, let's play this game, you’ve got a ship to fix.” Nino said, picking up his controller. they spent most of their time playing Video games, but at one point Nino had to leave. they agreed on seeing each other at school as normal, and Nino promised, once again, not to tell anyone about Marinette and Adrien’s little secret. and so, he was off. leaving Adrien to question his decision for choosing to date Marinette for the sake of his friend finding out the truth. Plagg teased him, of course. but he did drop it after he fell asleep on the desk.

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