Chapter 10

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the events of the night came to an end, slowly calming down to the peaceful night they were having before Queen Calamity’s attack. Shadow moth, annoyed, closed his window and frustratedly headed back to the drawing board. Ladybug and Cat Noir landed on the building they stopped before they were needed. Ladybug sighed as she leaned against a wall with her eyes closed. enjoying the night air. she opened her eyes and looked forward, only to see Cat Noir placing his hands on the wall behind her on either side of her head and looked down at her. his eyes explored her face as they stood there in silence. after a long minute, he spoke. “only now do I see it for sure.” he said, his smile dazzling. Confused, Ladybug frowned. “what?” she asked. Cat Noir grinned. “your smile, your eyes, hair, nose. freckles.” he said, lifting his hand up to touch her face lightly. “your lips, voice. even your personality. I never saw it before. but only now do I notice it. it’s like a thick fog was over the truth, but now that I know, it lifted. as if it was always there. just obscured from my vision.” Cat Noir said, his voice confused. Ladybug lifted an eyebrow. “it... makes sense... in a way.” she said, thinking. it does. the way he said it, is exactly how it worked for her. only thing is, she took it harder than him. she freaked, and he... Ladybug blushed. Cat Noir looked at her cheeks and smiled. “I knew it. I... I just didn’t believe it. something in the back of my mind told me that it was true. but something else told me otherwise. But I wanted it to be true too. the beautiful, amazing, wonderful girl from my normal life is the courageous, proud, and Conning girl I fight villains with. you are My love bug, Ma’lady, My’nette. My Superhero Girlfriend.” Cat Noir said, leaning closer to her, his smile infectious. Ladybug smiled remembering his words to her in front of the school on that rainy day. he was oh so close now, but before their lips touched, Ladybug’s yo-yo buzzed with a message. she looked down and opened it to see the message. “girl, You’re about to time out, stop flirting with the Cat and think About Adrien!!!!” Rena Rouge’s message said. Ladybug blushed. she needs to tell her about him. she smiled nervously at Cat Noir and looked back at her yo-yo. “okay, okay, I’m going. besides, umm. meet me back at my house, we need to talk.” Ladybug said back to Rena Rouge. a thumbs up emoji came through before Ladybug sighed and lay back a little. “everything okay?” Cat Noir asked, looking concerned. Ladybug shrugged. “just umm... meet me back at my house in a bit, I need to tell you something.” she said, wondering if she was making a mistake or not. but, if she is, Bunnix would show up and tell her that it’s wrong, but she is going to go on as if nothing is wrong. Ladybug left and went home, landing on the balcony. “spots off.” Ladybug said, de-transforming. “girl, finally, I thought I was going to wait here for a year. come on spill, why were you and the Cat Talking? and why were you so close?” Alya asked jabbing at Marinette’s chest. “ouch, Alya.” Marinette said, batting away Alya’s hand. “okay, okay, I’ll tell you, but. promise me you won't freak out... too badly.” Marinette said, smiling. Alya thought, then nodded. “good. I just need to ask him If  I can tell you...” Marinette said, a sheepish smile on her face. Alya eyed her, lifted an eyebrow, then nodded. “girl I’ll let you explain things, but If I find out your cheating on Adrien I’m telling Nino.” Alya said, heading back to Marinette’s room. Marinette sighed. then Cat Noir landed on her balcony. “Claws in.” he said, de-transforming. he smiled at Marinette as she looked at him. “oh good, can I tell Alya?” Marinette asked, grabbing his hand. he eyed her strangely. “um, she knows about me two. you can call her my, back up.” Marinette said, smiling. Adrien frowned, smiled, then nodded. Marinette smiled and hurried down to Alya, stopping then turning back to Adrien. “thanks.” she said, kissing his cheek. she then went back to going to Alya. “okay, so. he said it was okay.” Marinette said, turning back to the door. “you can come down if you want.” Marinette said before turning back to Alya, who was looking at her confused. “okay, stay cool, and don’t tell Nino. Please. umm, Adrien is Cat Noir.” Marinette said, as Adrien climbed in through the door. Alya stared at Marinette then looked at Adrien. he froze, smiled, and waved. he seemed to turn into the normal Adrien that everyone knows. Alya looked back at Marinette. “oooooh... so, he, oh!” Alya said, realizing the truth behind her friends. “oh, well. now it all makes sense.” Alya said. then she smiled. “ooo, does this mean I can start Posting Ladynoir pic’s and thoughts?” Alya asked. Marinette laughed, as Adrien smiled. from there on, the three worked together, keeping their identities a secret from each other. they ended up going from three to four, Nino ending up becoming their second backup. they spent years together as superheroes and civilians. eventually ending up defeating Shadow Moth. Adrien, at the age of 18 had the Wright to live alone, but he didn’t want to. Nino ended up moving in after Gabriel went to prison and Nathalie went to a hospital, his mother went to the guardians in Tibet to be healed. only the gorilla remained. after Nino had Moved in, the house was far more livelier than before. Adrien loved it. Adrien and Marinette stayed together, even when Marinette went to college. they talked every day she could. and when she visited for the weekends, Adrien would visit her house. after they both Graduated from college Marinette moved into her own house. a small apartment near the Eiffel tower, close to her parents and her boyfriend.

11 years later

“Adrien, have you seen Emma’s favorite toy? I can't find it.” Marinette said, looking under a white couch. “no, isn’t it in-”
“no, I already checked there. and Emma won't stop crying.” Marinette said, looking under a few pillows. Emma’s face tear stricken, stumbled over to Adrien. “awww, is my little Angel sad, cant she find her kitty?” Adrien said, picking her up. Louis eyed his big sister as he sucked his thumb. only a few months old, he seems to be very aware of his surroundings. his sister, Emma, only 2 and Hugo, 3 turning 4. “don’t worry Purr-incess. Daddy will find Cat Noir for you.” Adrien said, nuzzling her cheek. Marinette smiled, rolling her eyes at him. “Adrien, honey. at least try to help look for it, or else mommy is going to find it instead of daddy.” Marinette said, searching in a cupboard. Adrien whispered to Emma and Louis, then put them down, Emma on the ground, and Louis in the playpen, then he came to help Marinette. “did you look in the office, you know Emma and Hugo Love playing in there. weather you’re working or not.” Adrien said, heading out the door to go down the stairs to the office. Marinette got up and followed him, picking up Louis on her way. Hugo stared after Marinette then got up and followed her down, Emma sniffled but followed behind. Marinette got to the bottom of the stairs and went into the office. “well?” she asked, standing in the doorway. “oh, no, I found it all right.” Adrien said, staring at something under the desk. Marinette stepped over and frowned. “oh no, Brownie.” Marinette said, feeling drained. “well, it seems Cat Noir found out how many lives he had... and it was less than nine...” Adrien said, grinning. Marinette glared at him from the corner of her eye as she just clicked his remark. “you do realize you were the one who said that you wanted the stupid thing to be your daughter's favorite toy.” Marinette said, eyeing him. he smiled as he glanced up at her. “I’ll help you fix it, or else no one will get any sleep,” Adrien said, looking back at the mangled body of the Cat Noir toy Marinette had made when she was 13. he gathered up the remains and put them on the desk. but then Akuma, the cat, leaped onto the table with a mew. Adrien picked him up and put him on the ground. “no, we are trying to fix a doll.” Adrien said, petting the cat. the doorbell rang, and Marinette looked a little annoyed. Adrien kissed her cheek. “I got it Mar-bear,” Adrien said heading to the door. Alya walked in with a grin, Gwen and Aaron stormed in to join Emma and Hugo. Marinette smiled and went to greet them, the toy is forgotten for the time being, everyone spent time with their friends. Alya and Nino, Marinette and Adrien, and their kids. and all of Paris, safe and happy.

the end

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