Chapter 2

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the last few days after his Akumatization Adrien felt awful. he had apologized to Plagg by giving him Cheese, and apologized to Nino by visiting him at his house to play video games. the only person he couldn't apologize to was Ladybug, she would say that she forgave him, but he knew he could never make up for what he did. he bottled it all up, but there is only so much bottling one person can take. he couldn't tell Nino, he couldn't tell anyone. and so he plastered on a fake smile at school around his friends, attempting to hide his turmoil. no one seemed to notice the fake smiles, but Marinette did. she saw him hide something, something that was eating away at him. it hurt her to see him like this, and she had to find out why he was hurting. she waited after school to speak to him, waited till he was alone. after she made sure there was no one in the locker room with them, she stepped in. "A-Adrien...?" she said, timidly. Adrien turned to her, startled. "oh, hey Marinette. loos something?" Adrien asked, the fake smile appearing. "just my nerves." Marinette muttered. “What’s wrong?” Marinette asked. Adrien’s fake smile fell as shock replaced it. he shook it off, the fake smile reappearing. “what do you mean?” he asked, nonchalantly. Marinette frowned. “Adrien. I’m worried about you. you haven’t been smiling as much as you normally do. you laugh even less. it’s like the fire in your soul was extinguished. what’s wrong?” Marinette asked. Adrien blinked. I’m worried about you, worried about you. her words echoed in his mind. he looked away. she cares enough to ask. she’s amazing. he smiled, looking back at her. “I’m fine. it’s just. I’m really tired. Father has been keeping me busy with Modelling, Chinese, and Piano. is all. I’ll be fine once I get a good night’s sleep.” Adrien said, brushing past her. Marinette grabbed his arm, her face hard. “Adrien, I want the truth. you have Only done ten photo shoots in the last two days. it’s been two and a half weeks. you love Chinese so you wouldn’t mind learning more on your own. and don’t tell me fencing has kept you busy as well, Mr. D'Argencourt has canceled the fencing classes for a week and a half because he's visiting his sister. what’s really bothering you?” Marinette asked, her voice determined but gentle. Adrien thought and thought, hoping for an excuse, any excuse. but he could find none. his shoulders fell and he hung his head. Marinette, now worried, let go of Adrien’s arm. “sorry... I-... I didn’t mean to pry. I just...” Marinette said, looking away. but then she heard Adrien fall to his knees. she looked over to him, shocked. “Adrien?” she said, kneeling down next to him. she saw he was crying. she has never seen Adrien cry before. the damp streaks down his cheeks glistened and his body shook. “Adrien...” Marinette said, grabbing a handkerchief from her bag. she dabbed at the wet lines, lifting his chin. Adrien looked up at her, gently pulling away. “I can't do it anymore. I can't lie... not anymore.” he said, rubbing at his face. Marinette frowned. “lie? what are you talking about Adrien, what are you lying about?” Marinette asked. Adrien shifted against the lockers, pulled his knees to him, seeking comfort. “the truth... I can't lie about the truth anymore.” Adrien said, wiping the stray tear from his cheek. Marinette blinked, but listened to him. she felt like he needed a comforting ear. Adrien told Marinette everything. that he is Cat Noir, how he really felt about his father not spending time with him, that Ladybug allowed Carapace and Rena Rouge to know each other's Identities but he and Ladybug aren’t supposed to know. that he felt left out every time Ladybug brings in another superhero. he even told her that he was considering the Idea to give Ladybug his Miraculous back, giving up on superheroing. Marinette sat and stared at Adrien. the shock slowly slipping away as she tried to form coherent words. “I know you’re upset. someone like me cant be someone as annoying as Cat Noir, well... when I’m Cat Noir, I’m myself... the real me.” Adrien said, looking down at his feet. he knew it was a Bad Idea. but he couldn’t hold it in anymore. and, he did feel better after telling Marinette. “no... it, actually makes sense now...” Marinette said, then shook her head. “it’s hard for a superhero to keep so much bottled up. admittedly, it was good you told someone. I’m just surprised that you didn’t go to Nino before breaking... you know if you told someone else, someone at one of your father's fashion shows or photo shoots this could have ended badly. Shadow Moth could have figured it out.” Marinette said, sitting next to him. Adrien watched her, then smiled. “true... thanks, Marinette... for listening. I’m sorry for involving you though. your life, you would be put in harm's way. You would be endanger, if anyone finds out you know...” Adrien said sadly. he chuckled. “add that to the list of things for me to worry about.” he said, attempting a carefree voice. Marinette wasn’t fooled. she frowned. “Adrien... you don’t need to worry about everything. specifically about me. I can take care of myself.” Marinette said, smiling. Adrien shook his head. “half of the time it was My fault you got attacked, targeted, or dragged into danger. both as Adrien and Cat Noir. I even made you worry about me when I got Akumatized... I cause nothing but trouble...” Adrien said, remembering all the times he screwed up. “Adrien... you know that isn’t true. I’m the one who keeps screwing up to end up in situations like that. I’m... a catastrophe magnet.” Marinette said, smiling. Adrien smiled as well, laying back against the lockers. “and that’s why you will always be amazing Marinette. you’re too nice for your own good.” Adrien said. Marinette laughed. “no, you're too modest for your own good Adrien. you can speak multiple languages, play piano, you’re good at school, fencing. you even Model. Jack of Many traits. for goodness sakes, you’re a superhero as well as everything I just mentioned.” Marinette said, shaking her head. Adrien laughed. “you can do a lot too.” Adrien said, grinning at her. she scoffed. “Name them. and if there is more of them than Languages you can speak, then I’ll agree with you.” Marinette said, lifting an eyebrow at him. Adrien thought for a moment, then cringed. “oooh, ah... you got me there...” Adrien said, looking down as he chuckled. Marinette laughed. “Now I feel bad.” Adrien said, laughing a bit louder. “don’t, it's true. you obviously know more languages than I know skills.” Marinette said. Adrien felt much better. he honestly didn’t regret telling her. it would have been nice to tell Nino, but, his a Superhero too... it would be less safe for both of them. at least with Marinette, his secret is safe. oh, wait... Alya. “hay... Marinette, please, don’t tell anyone. just keep this between us.” Adrien said, smiling nervously. Marinette stared at him before nodding. “I won't even tell Alya. I promise.” Marinette said, truthfully. Adrien smiled. “thanks... but, I should go now... my father is expecting me back early today. but thanks again, for listening. you really are a great friend.” Adrien said, getting up off the floor. “see you tomorrow.” he added, before waving and walking out of the locker room. Marinette smiled and waved back, surprisingly calm. until she got home. “Oh. My. Gosh, Tikki. Adrien is Cat Noir. and... and... He toLd Me, EVerYtHinG!” Marinette said, her voice hitting a few octaves too high for some words. Tikki watched in silence as Marinette freaked about her partner's secrets, softly wondering if her owner will finally catch her breath and calm down. Marinette spent the rest of the day worrying about Adrien and about her Identity, as well as everything that makes almost no sense to worry about. but, she eventually calmed down.

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