Chapter 4

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scratch that, he missed the whole class. every class. even during fencing, he was distracted. Kagami noticed this, and brought it to his attention. “a little off balance are we?” she said, stepping back with Adrien’s lunge. Adrien stumbled before righting himself. “umm, maybe a little.” he said, smiling. Kagami chuckled. “thinking about your girlfriend?” she asked in a teasing tone. Adrien stumbled and stood fast, ready to strike. “y-yeah. you could say that.” Adrien said, attempting to focus his attention on his movement. “well, at least she has you. you know you two are perfect for each other. but honestly, it's nice to hear you two got together.” Kagami said, blocking Adrien’s lunge. “what do you mean? also, since when do you care about talking to me like a normal person? I thought you were mad at me.” Adrien said, confused. Kagami smiled as she struck with her saber. Adrien dodged and attempted to strike back, missing as well. “I don’t know, maybe because Marinette is my friend and I care if she gets something she wants and has been wanting for a very long time.” Kagami said, getting a single hit off on Adrien. they stood and began again. “again, what do you mean?” Adrien asked, stepping back countering Kagami’s attack. Kagami countered one of Adrien’s attacks before answering. “you know, because Marinette has had a crush on you for a while, Like maybe even longer than she’s known, Luka.” Kagami said, nonchalantly. Adrien stumbled again, this time falling flat on his face. Mr. D'Argencourt called the point Kagami’s and said it was time to call it a day. since he got back from visiting his sister, Mr. D’Argencourt has been a little bit more forgiving and less aggressive when training. “next week we will be working on a new form, so I hope you practiced.” Mr. D’Argencourt said, proud of the amount of training they got in today. Adrien got up and went to get changed in the locker room, scraping together what little dignity he had left after that match. “you didn’t seem to know that she liked you.” Kagami said, noting her observation after changing into normal attire herself. Adrien glanced at her. “she might not have told me...” he said, looking down at his hands. Kagami sighed. “I swear, that girl doesn’t change. well, she was probably going to tell you anyway. since you’re dating.” she said, shrugging. “see you tomorrow, Adrien. bring your best. oh, and tell Marinette I told you to tell her that I want her to send you to practice with energy rather than none like today. it’s not fun beating you when you’re already weakened.” she said, smiling before turning and leaving the locker room. Adrien blinked a few times before frowning at the floor. he could feel everything inside him scream with fury, fury for himself. how could he be so selfish? he had only told Nino that they were dating to protect her and his identity. he didn’t, not once, think that maybe Marinette wouldn’t agree with it. the fact that she has feelings for him must make it even worse for her. touching him, talking to him, being around him must be beyond torture for her. knowing that he can't love her because he loves Ladybug. Adrien put his face in his hands. “oh this is great, just great.” Adrien said. Plagg didn’t want to speak, but he did want to help. but he still remained silent. Adrien got his things together and left the locker room. the weather seemed to be sensing his mood. the clouds were thick with rain, ready to burst. Adrien had left his umbrella at home, the weather hadn’t shown any signs of changing so he hadn’t bothered. his bodyguard hadn’t shown up either, leaving him to face the threatening clouds. Adrien looked down then turned to Marinette’s house. he still needed to speak with her. Adrien decided then and there that he had to go to her, she needed his apology. he dashed over to her house, not once thinking about what her parents will say. he entered the bakery door and froze when Tom saw him. he moved over to him, rather fast. Adrien had subtle flashbacks of when he was Akumatized into Weredad because he, Cat Noir, made his little girl cry. he didn’t want to put this caring family through so much. Tom gave Adrien a look that looked far too serious for a man as playful as Tom, making Adrien feel uneasy. “Adrien.” Tom said, his voice deep and very impressive, considering the fact that he didn’t look the way he sounded. he sounded like some type of mob boss or something, but he was covered in flower and sugar. Adrien gave the man his full attention, as to not annoy him any further. “I heard you and Marinette are dating now.” he said, eyes narrowing. Adrien shrunk into himself, attempting to flee from the bear-sized baker. Adrien swallowed down the nervous lump in his throat before speaking. “y-yes...” he said, his voice barely above a whisper. Tom stared at Adrien intently before he spoke again. “you’ve probably heard the bad luck she has had with boys, right. Cat Noir, Luka.” Tom said, nodding slowly. Adrien felt like he was under a spotlight inside one of those interrogation rooms on the movies. “I heard about Luka...” Adrien said, lightly attempting to smile. Tom just stared blankly. he actually looked more Like an angry teddy bear, Adrien wasn’t too sure how he should feel about the situation anymore. he was scared, but now he just feels like Tom is trying to look intimidating, but he's trying too hard to do so. “well, if you ever hurt Marinette like those boys. I will know. and I will do something about it. and that will be the day Shadow Moth would look Like a kitten in comparison. do I make myself clear?” Tom said. Adrien nodded, his neck hurting from the movement. Tom smiled. “good.” he said. then he slapped Adrien on the shoulder. “now, you probably want to see the girl in question. she’s upstairs in her room. go on, little love bird.” Tom said, smiling like a fool. Adrien felt even worse now. even her dad wants them together. did he know she liked me? Adrien thought as he hurried up the stairs. before he could stop by the door, it opened. Sabine stood there, shocked. but then she smiled. “Marinette is in her room if you came to see her. just Knock, don’t want to run in at the wrong time.” Sabine said, giggling as she left the room. Adrien watched her leave before he went up the small stairs to Marinette’s room. he lightly knocked and waited. “just a moment!” Marinette said from inside the room. Adrien noted that she sounded nervous. but, when she opened the door, she seemed to relax when she saw him. does he calm her? “come on in, sorry about the mess, I was... umm, working on something.” she said, smiling nervously. Adrien brushed it off, the reason she is nervous is probably just because she has a crush on him. which he only found out today. he moved over to her small sofa and plopped down. he took a deep breath in, letting it out slowly. Marinette eyed him wearily, before approaching him, cautiously. but before she got too close to him he spoke. “I know you have a crush on me.” Adrien said, his words drawing a deep silence. Marinette’s brain swirled and whirled, attempting to figure out how to tell him it’s not true... but even she knew it was pointless. Adrien looked to his feet, utterly defeated. “I’m so sorry, Marinette... if, if I had known I never would have told Nino that we were dating. I never should have done that without consulting you first. I just... acted. I’m so sorry...” Adrien said, his words heavy. he kept going, kept apologizing. Marinette didn’t get a chance to speak. when Adrien finally let her speak, she could form coherent words. “... yes, it’s true. I do have a crush on you... but I also know that, as Cat Noir, you love Ladybug. and I will respect that. I don’t mind helping you keep your Identity safe by pretending to be dating you. you’re my friend, Adrien... it’s the least I can do.” Marinette said, smiling at Adrien. he stared at her, wondering how she can keep her feelings hidden from him for so long. how did she put a smile on her face every time she saw Cat Noir flirt with Ladybug and knew it was Adrien. how did she manage to stay so calm? how did she manage to let him be? how long has she had these feelings? “besides, I’ll get over it. it’s just a crush, right? it will pass, like a cold.” she said, sitting down next to him. Adrien blinked at her in awe. he can barely stand it when Ladybug said that she loved someone else, but Marinette took it like a champ. Adrien had a new amount of respect for Marinette. he couldn’t stand her lying for him. he would much rather her lie To him than For him. and he would much rather her be with someone like Luka who she wouldn’t need to lie to, his better for her. she is better of with him. “honestly, I thought it would bother me a lot more then it actually does. so I’ll be fine.” Marinette said, it was the closest thing to the truth she could get and it surprised her. she was really not as bothered by the Idea of Adrien finding out that she likes him. and now that he knows, she feels a hundred times more lighter. Adrien felt slightly better and smiled. “okay... are you sure?” Adrien asked. Marinette nodded. “now that we have that out of the way, shouldn’t you be going home? it’s going to start raining soon.” Marinette said. turning to the window. right as a raindrop splatted against the window. “Oh,” Marinette said, staring at the drop that was soon after joined by a friend. and then another, and another, and another. Adrien stared and blinked. “might be a little late for that.” he said, chuckling. Marinette frowned at the rain as it hit the window. then her face lit up. “Umbrella.” she said, smiling brightly. Adrien frowned. “pardon?” he asked. Marinette scrambled from her seat and went over to her bag that was laying not too far away. she dug around a bit before she finally found it. she pulled it out and Adrien realized what she meant. he didn’t know why he thought of something else when she said Umbrella, but okay. she stepped over to him and gave it to him. he eyed her, then eyed the umbrella and smiled. “thanks.” he said with a slight chuckle. “Marinette, will Adrien be staying for dinner?” Sabine asked from downstairs. Marinette dropped the umbrella with a start and she was a stammering mess as she normally was around Adrien. Adrien chuckled as he got up from the sofa and walked over to the door. he opened it and stepped down the stairs. “no Mrs. Dupain-Cheng. I’m actually leaving now. My bodyguard will be worried if I’m not where he normally finds me.” Adrien said, rubbing the back of his neck. Marinette peeked her head out from the door and watched her mom. “oh, that’s a shame. hmm, what are you doing Friday?” Sabine asked. Adrien froze. “sorry?” he asked, confused. did he hear her correctly? “Friday. what are you doing Friday? if you're not busy you can have lunch with us. If you can, of course.” Sabine said, smiling. Adrien gave her an uncertain smile as he slowly turned to Marinette. Marinette was smiling as she watched her mother question Adrien about his arrangements for the weekend. she turned to look at Adrien, curious as to why he had gone silent, and saw him looking at her with concerned eyes. she blushed and turned back to her mother, taking a deep breath before she spoke. “his, probably got things to do, mom.” Marinette said, glancing at Adrien, who gave her a soft smile that made her insides twirl with nerves. “oh... I guess that’s true. he is a model. but, I insist. Friday, you will have lunch with us. and if your father has a problem with it, he will have to speak to me about it.” Sabine said, crossing her arms over her chest. Adrien and Marinette both stared at her, then blinked. Adrien chuckled nervously. “I... I umm. I’ll clear my schedule for Friday then.” Adrien said. he turned to Marinette, smiled sheepishly, then turned back to Sabine. “I should go now, it’s getting late. bye.” Adrien said before making his way to the door. Sabine gave Marinette a look that said, ‘walk him out, he is your boyfriend.’ “I-I’l-I’ll walk you!” Marinette stammered under the pressure of her mom's stare, grabbing the umbrella from her room. Adrien blinked a few times before smiling. “okay.” he said, and Marinette followed him down the stairs. Tom noticed them and smiled as they left through the back door of the bakery. Marinette opened the umbrella and they left for the school. “I’m sorry...” Adrien said as they turned the corner. Marinette frowned. “for?” she asked, looking at him from the side. they crossed the street and made it up the stairs before Adrien finally turned to her and spoke. “about everything...” Adrien said, his voice sad. Marinette blinked. “Adrien...”
“sorry about telling you, for dragging you into my secret life. sorry for lying to Nino about us. I’m sorry for... for being... for being Cat Noir.” Adrien said, looking down. Marinette stared at him. she reached out her right hand and placed it on Adrien’s shoulder. startled, he looked at her. she smiled. “I’m not.” she said, tilting her head to the side. Adrien blinked a few times, then frowned, confused. “I’m happy that you told me, because, I used to have a hard time figuring out how to talk to you. now, I can talk to you without stammering once.” Marinette said, giving Adrien a sweet smile. Adrien’s heart skipped a beat. confused Adrien frowned down at his feet. “but I’m still hurting you by saying that we’re dating... aren’t you angry about that?” Adrien asked. Marinette laughed. “no. if anything I’m surprised.” she said, looking thoughtful. “surprised?” Adrien asked, frowning. Marinette nodded. “surprised that I feel normal. surprised that I can speak to you without my tongue going splat. surprised that I feel comfortable around you. surprised that I can actually be your friend.” she said. Adrien stared at her, his eyes widening. he smiled. “I’m glad, Marinette. ha, you made me feel better. you’re a true friend.” Adrien said. Marinette chuckled. Adrien grinned. “or, in this case, a super girlfriend.” Adrien said, reaching out his hand to pet Marinette’s hair.  Marinette blushed, even though the move wasn’t meant to make her feel uncomfortable. it was Adrien’s way of saying that he cares. Adrien heard the car's horn honking and he turned to see the Gorilla waiting for him by the sidewalk. “oh, I gotta go. umm, see you tomorrow, Marinette.” Adrien said, waving goodbye. he hurried to the car and waved again after he got in. Marinette waved back, till he was gone. she let out a long breath and fell to the ground. umbrella rolling into the rain. Tikki flew out from her hiding spot and hovered in front of Marinette. “Marinette! are you okay?” she asked, reaching for her master. Marinette took a deep breath and nodded. “yeah, fine. just... I think I almost fainted.” she said, holding her face in her hands, cheeks burning. Tikki giggled. Adrien stared out his bedroom window as he hit his head again. “why did I pet her hair? she’s not a dog.” Adrien muttered, hitting his head again. “you know what probably made it worse was the fact that you called her your Girlfriend.” Plagg said, pointing out the one thing Adrien didn’t think about. Adrien turned to look at Plagg, his face horrified. Adrien groaned laying back against the wall, sliding down it slowly. “I’m a terrible person,” Adrien said, staring at the ceiling. Plagg chuckled to himself, since he knew the truth. “what am I going to do tomorrow, Plagg?” Adrien said, feeling like a huge jerk.

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