Chapter 8

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Adrien had fun helping Marinette with Lunch, and it was pretty good, considering who the co-chef was. but right after, Adrien’s bodyguard showed up and grunted a command. Adrien left, but his day wasn’t ruined. it was only the beginning of a long, and fun day for him and Marinette. after getting back home, Adrien transformed into Cat Noir and went to go drop by Marinette’s room. she scolded him, but it was half-hearted. they ended up spending the day on the balcony, as Cat Noir and Marinette, just talking. and once the sun started to set, Adrien left. he had Patrol with Ladybug that night, and he didn’t want to be late. but he didn’t leave without a flirtatious joke in Marinette’s direction. she retorted with her own flirty joke, almost forcing him over the railing. he smiled, and thus started a Flirt off. Marinette seemed to be winning, but it wasn’t over yet. Cat had tricks up his sleeves. “My-nette, you think you are better at this game.” Cat Noir said, leaning closer to her. “but your not.” he said, a sweet smile on his face. Marinette came back, her own smile in place. “ah, but you forget. I don’t lose to Cat Boys with award-winning smiles. oh, no-no-no.” Marinette said, her hand on her chest. she leaned to him, grinning. “I’m not as skilled, but I know my way around a pretty word or two,” Marinette said, her voice soft. Cat Noir smiled. “oh, no. you do all right. very skilled.” Cat Noir agreed, no longer minding to lose this battle. she has this one. he is out of sweet talk. “and the prize goes to Miss, Marinette Dupain-Cheng.” Cat Noir said, his ears flat, feigning loss. Marinette laughed, stepping back. “oh? what is my prise judge?” Marinette said, grinning. Cat Noir looked to the side, thoughtfully. “well, I don’t know. anything you want, I guess.” he said, shrugging. Marinette laughed. “really. no reward? I feel ripped off.” she said, crossing her arms. “sorry, I can't think of anything.” Cat Noir said, shaking his head. “well, think of something.” Marinette said, turning her back to him. Cat Noir laughed, then an idea popped into his head. “okay, I think I have something.” Cat Noir said, making Marinette turn to him. “close your eyes.” he said, she did as he asked, no questions. she smiled, awaiting her reward. Cat Noir took a step forward, then stopped in front of her. he leaned closer and placed a light kiss on her cheek. shocked, Marinette opened her eyes, staring into his as he slowly pulled away from her. they stared into each other's eyes, shocked at the other's action. Cat Noir straightened. “sorry... I... I-I just wanted to. sorry...” he said, taking a step back. but Marinette grabbed his wrist, stopping him. she stepped forward pulling him in by the neck for a proper kiss. shocked, but not disturbed, Cat Noir kissed her back. both pulled away, and stared at each other for a long while. Cat Noir leaned in for another, but Marinette’s father called her. making her turn to see what he wanted. Cat Noir left, not wanting her father to see him. Marinette turned around and watched him leave. her hand reaching up to touch her lips. he kissed her cheek, she kissed him, he kissed her back. she smiled. “Marinette,” Tom called. Marinette turned around, face turning tomato red. “Yes?” she said, looking suspicious. Tom didn’t seem to notice. “dinner is ready, come on down.” he said before leaving. Marinette stood there for a moment longer before heading down. Adrien fell onto his bed, staring up at the ceiling. she kissed me. he thought. Plagg, ignoring him, went to check on his two-year-old cheese. Adrien touched his lips, a smile crawling onto them as he thought back. the warmth from her mouth was like nothing he had ever felt. well, it was his first kiss, of course, it’s like nothing he ever felt before. that Night, Adrien fell asleep with sweet thoughts in his mind. meant for a peaceful sleep.

Adrien woke up in a daze, opening his eyes looking for something that wasn’t there. he realized that it was only a dream and sighed, feeling sad. he got up and got ready for school, his mind turning to last night. a smile grew on his face as he finished up, leaving his room with more energy than normal. according to him, the car couldn’t move fast enough. Marinette opened her eyes and smiled as she got out of bed. she had the best dream ever. “Marinette.” Sabine called from downstairs. Marinette hurried and got dressed for school before heading downstairs. “yeah?” Marinette said when she got down to the kitchen. “Alya is here, she said you didn’t answer your phone yesterday.” Sabine said. Marinette freaked out and ran downstairs to the bakery. Alya saw her and smiled. “Girl, you’re alive.” Alya said, laughing. Marinette smiled sheepishly. “sorry Alya. I... I was busy...” Marinette said, a smile appearing on her face. Alya lifted an eyebrow. “Oh?” she asked. but before Marinette could answer, Tom answered for her. “Adrien was here.” he said, humming happily. Marinette blushed as she gave her father the stink eye. “Ooooo.” Alya said, wiggling her eyebrows. drawing Marinette’s attention back to her best friend. “well, come on. we are going to be late to school if we don’t hurry up.” Alya said, turning to head out the door. Marinette nodded and followed her. Adrien stared at the wall as Nino spoke about some sort of Video game. Adrien paid attention, he always does, his mind was just somewhere else. until Marinette and Alya walked in. his mind and eyes locked onto Marinette. his heart jumped, and his smile was automatic. and when Marinette’s eyes landed on his, she smiled as well. “hey Nino, Adrien. well, aren’t you early.” Alya said, noting that Adrien is never this early. Adrien nodded. “yeah, I thought I might as well get an early start on the day, for the first day back. you know.” Adrien said, glancing at Marinette. Marinette blushed, looking down, unable to hide her smile. Adrien's smile grew wider. “yeah, well. I didn’t expect Marinette to be up at this time. did you wake her Al's?” Nino asked. Alya shook her head. “no, she was awake when I got there. already up and ready for school.” Alya said, grinning. Adrien glanced at Marinette and gave her a wry smile. she stifled a giggle, not going unnoticed by Alya. but before she could say anything, the bell rang. “oh, well. time for school. come on Nino.” Adrien said, nodding to the doors. but before leaving he winked at Marinette, who stifled another giggle. Alya eyed them before heading to class. during Class, Adrien behaved. but at Lunch he did not. he would smile at her if their eyes meet, and he would wink at her, making her smile. Alya noticed this, but didn’t point it out. she smiled and eyed Nino, who didn’t notice at all. telling Adrien a tall tail about some game, or something. the day went on, Adrien paid his friend a little more attention, but only after Marinette told him with her eyes to stop staring at her. he obeyed, for now. after school, Nino was still talking to Adrien about the game, Adrien paying attention and actually joining in with the conversation this time. Alya and Marinette were talking about Alya’s blog, she was having some trouble with what to post. Nino saw her and drew her attention, Adrien proceeding to smile at Marinette. making her roll her eyes. “hey, who is in for Ice cream?” Adrien suggested, with a grin. Nino turned to him, eyes alight. “yeah man. wait, isn’t your daddy-o going to freak?” Nino said, frowning. “he's out of town for a while, I asked my bodyguard if I could stay out a little longer this time, and he agreed. so.” Adrien said, smiling. Nino whooped with joy. “awesome. let’s go!” Nino said, grabbing Alya by the wrist and marching off to find Andre. Adrien laughed, Marinette laughing next to him as well. “he sure loves ice cream.” Marinette said, a bright smile on her face. “what’s not to love?” Adrien asked, looking at her. Marinette eyed him, then laughed again. “true. let's go find them before they find Andre first.” Marinette said, stepping forward. Adrien followed, reaching for her hand. she froze when their fingers touched, and Adrien pulled her back, so she could face him. she stared up at him, her cheeks pink. Adrien smiled. “You stole my first kiss.” Adrien said, his smile mischievous. Marinette tried not to laugh. for this wasn’t his first kiss. she had stolen that a while ago. but he doesn’t know that... yet. she looked away from him. why can't she tell him. she can't not tell him. it counts as lying, doesn’t it? yes, it does... but... but she can't lie to him as she had lied to everyone else... she can't lie to him. “Marinette...?” Adrien asked, worried. Marinette pulled herself together, and smiled. “yeah.” she said. he didn’t seem to believe her, so she tapped his nose. “and your first kiss is mine. now you cant go around and flirt with super-powered girls anymore. if you do, I will know about it.” she said, grinning. Adrien smiled. “oh really, is that what it was. a territorial claim?” Adrien asked, a playful look on his face. Marinette nodded. “keep that in mind next time you flirt with Ladybug. I’ll be watching.” Marinette said with a wink. she broke away from him and followed Nino and Alya. Adrien stared after her, smiled, and followed her. all of them spent the day together, running around doing fun stuff. Ice cream, movies, jokes in the park, they even went to the Eiffel tower. the last stop being the Pont des Arts, the lock bridge. Alya and Nino stood for a photo near a mime, minding his own business. but even he posed for a few photos. Adrien and Marinette laughed as their friends acted silly with the mime. Alya called them over, forcing them to pose with the mime. the day’s events long, and the teens fully drained of energy they watched the sun-set from the Ferris-weal. Adrien acting more like a child, since he's never been on it in person before. Marinette laughed as Adrien pointed to his house in the distance. Alya pulled out her phone and snapped a few pictures of her friends as they too, were being cute. Nino smiled, turned to Alya, and nodded. she smiled at him and looked back at Adrien and Marinette. Nino wrapped his arm around Alya and pulled her close to him, his smile almost as bright as Adrien’s. afterwords, they all went their separate ways. Nino and Alya, and then Adrien and Marinette. Adrien walked Marinette to her house, walking close to each other. hands almost touching. when they reached her door, Adrien turned to smile at her. Marinette smiled back. Adrien reached his hand out and moved a strand of Marinette’s hair to the side, before leaning closer to her. his hand cupped her cheek as he kissed her. everything stood still as the moment was sealed away in Marinette’s mind. the moment their lips touched for the first time Marinette knew she would never love anyone more than she loves Adrien. even now, she knew, never anyone else. Adrien adored this, more than anything. this moment with Marinette, his lips against hers, he knew then. he loves Marinette more. he pulled away, and smiled. Marinette blinked up at him, her mind still in a haze. “see you tomorrow, Marinette.” Adrien said, placing a light kiss on her nose before leaving. Marinette sighed, as she watched him go. her heart thrumming like an engine. she turned and walked right into the front door, the walls vibrating with impact. stepping back she opened the door before heading up the stairs, rubbing her nose as she went. Adrien sighed as he fell back onto his bed. Plagg smiled as he flew back to check on his cheese again. not ready yet, he thought as he grabbed a different slice of cheese and munched it down. “I’ve never wanted the night to pass so fast before.” Adrien said, his face bright. “yeah, well. you still have patrol.” Plagg pointed out, seeming smug. Adrien shot up. “oh, right. I forgot. Plagg Claws out!” Adrien said, transforming. “Oh no wait!” Plagg said, but it was too late. Adrien left his room and went to his and Ladybug’s favorite rooftop for patrol.

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