so baskiclay
jamaikanische nd natahn because good fiensf!!! ❤️❤️🥺🥺
so uh the canue evenht thaingu haplebds nad jiataku decishfxds hat siancs natabb foejszf hate juanat anymroew Jsiamy us gonna tesm up and be buddgegs (gay 😍)
fhsi is an explen if what fhsi scsne likaks licjelater
so bajsiclayt in nastabns cnaneaoe baist ghere was a SNAKT lik when natahn trueisx to make maiam yo put nsake in kaismy canoe but it was in the BACK IF THE CANOE and muanj got bit 😱😱😱😱
miami got pu in hopal
matahn was ewlaly mad liek this imag of sped ⬆️⬆️ becbause nathan cosylfnt get ASSistance frim miami 😡😡😡😡🤬🤬🥵😱
then jiamy was liek "calmem doen natann!! its goaan be okay" ANF NATABBA WAS BLUSHING LIKE A TOWNAYTO LIEK THIS IMAGE BELOW ⬇️ SO FUNNYpiz 3 cum soon! 😩😩