My fault (Edit)

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I hide under the bed crying as I listen to my parents fight. I cover my ears not wanting to hear anymore of it. I look over at the window, I need to escape, to get away just for a little bit. I crawl from under the bed "BITCH!!" I flinch at my fathers tone with my mother. I pause for a moment in the middle of my room afraid. Afraid that the monster, that is supposed to be my father will see me. I continue to go to the window and cover my ears trying to drown the noises. I reach my window, I slowly open it and climb out through the fire escape. I get to the roof safely, the wind starts to blow heavily as I look up at the night sky. My ears twitch to tiny footsteps behind me, I turn around to see who it is. "Hello?" I sniff the air and I scrunch up my face, who ever it is they smell like they live in a sewer. "You don't have to hide, I won't hurt you." A boy's voice that sounded around my age speak "how will I know ya won't? Plus I can't show myself or I will get in trouble." I think for a moment. "I'm only 5. I'm also not supposed to show myself either. Mom says I'm just different than most kids." The boy slowly comes out from the shadows and I'm surprised and happy that I'm not the only one that was born this way. "You're a turtle!" I say in awe. "Yea well, you're a deer." I giggle with excitement, my tiny deer tail wiggling like a happy dog. "What's your name?" I ask him. "Raphael, what's yours?" I blush "my names Kiyoko." He gets closer looking at me closely "well makes since your parents names you dat." I giggle when his cheeks turn pink. He shakes his head "what are ya doin up here anyway?" I sit down, he sits across from me. "My parents are fighting with each other again." "Again?" I nod "they fight every night sometimes in the morning." He points "are those marks from your parents?" I keep my mouth shut. He moves closer "we're friends now, you can trust me." I shake my head "you can't tell anyone or..." he blurts "I promise!" My cheeks heat up when he grabs my hands. I look straight into his eyes "I promise, when I'm big and strong I will protect you from them!" I pull away. "Daddy only hurts me, mommy tries to protect me from him as much as she can." He hums "why don't you run away?" "I can't leave mommy alone." My ears perk up "Raph" someone whispers. "It's my brothers, I have ta go, dis can be our meet up spot every night around the same time. See ya tomorrow night." I nod.
And that's what we did every night, we sneak out around the same time at night and meet at our secret spot. Every time we meet he would bring me something to eat and since my diet is the same as a deer he would bring me sweet fruits and vegetables from his home. We would eat and talk about our lives getting to know each other, sometimes we would play games like hide and seek but, he always win. We even made up our own code to talk to each other if we ever lose each other or never see each other again. I know he worries about me every time I come up here but, her never says anything knowing he can't do anything about it."Do you eat at home?" I take another bite of my carrot "sometimes but, my dad makes fun of me for it and would try to force me to eat meat. I would throw up after and he would laugh. Mom would come in after and hand me a fresh fruit to settle my stomach." He looks at my body "ya need to eat more." He hands me a plate of peanut butter celery. "Thank you." He watches me closely. "Are ya at least trying ta eat at home?" I nod. I smile looking up at him "next month is my birthday! We can have a birthday party on the roof. You, me and your brothers, it will be fun!" He smiles "yea, you can meet my brothers for da first time. After that conversation, we continued to talk and talk about the little party we planned. Raph and I soon became best friends. Everyday I count the days as they go by ready for my party and everyday I survive another day living with my parents hoping my father would stop hurting us so we could be a real family. "Promise we will stay friends forever?" He grabs my hand "I promise."
On that windy night of my birthday I would never forget. I was so excited as I grabbed everything for the party. I wore my favorite dress just for Raph and went to the roof. "Raph I'm here!" I look around and he's not here. I was hoping that he was going to jump out and surprise me along with his brothers but, he didn't. "Raph?" I yell, he promised he would be here. I felt my heart shatter into millions of pieces, why would he lie to me? Why would he break our promise? I drop everything and run home crying. Once I get back home my father is waiting for me in my room. "D-daddy?" In his hand he holds a gun and in the other my mother. "Mommy?" "Where the hell have you been?" I shake my head. He press the gun to my mother's head. "I was on the roof outside. I wanted to go up there as a little birthday celebration for me." He sneers "you know what happens to women like you?" I shake my head no "they get punished, just like your mother, and remember this is all your fault, we never wanted you." I look over at my mom in tears "momma?" Her eyes are cold. "I'm sick of you always crying for me, always clinging to me. Just looking at you makes me sick, I was never your mother. You were nothing but a lab project from TCRI." I don't understand, what is happening? A loud bang spread through out the house as a warm liquid spray my face. Everything is a blur, I touch my face with a shaky hand. I look at my hand in tears, it's's blood. I watch him drop her lifeless body on the floor "this is all your fault." A group of men in black suits come into my room. "Take her." I escape through my open window screaming for help, screaming for Raph to save me. I run into a corner trapping myself "no, no, RAPHAEL!!!" Something pricks me in my thigh and everything goes black.

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