4th of July

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It's the beginning of July and mating season I'm now 3 months into my pregnancy. Before Raph can see me naked with a baby bump I quickly throw on a baggy shirt and pants. I'm surprised I could still move after all the mating we did. I want to tell Raph I'm pregnant but I'm still afraid too. "Hey baby, what's wrong, ya look scared."I shake my head. "Ok, I'm gonna start making ya breakfast." I'm not ready to tell him.

"Kiyoko, you're 3 months Raph needs to know, how are you not ready to tell him? You had all three months to tell that knuckle head your pregnant. By the way you're having a healthy baby boy. Tell him he's not like your dad. Raph is protective he would never hurt you." I leave his lab taking deep breathes. "Kiyoko I am so sorry it slipped and now Raph is looking for you." Mikey's words hit me like a train. I look for a place to hide when Raph grabs my wrist tight. "When the fuck were you gonna tell me ya were pregnant? Everyone knows except me. Why didn't ya tell me? I should be da first ta know." My ears droop completely down. "I'm sorry." He wipes my tears. "Talk ta me baby." I tell him about my dad, the tears would not stop falling. "Kiyoko I am not like ya father and I never will be. I wish ya would of told me from da beginning. Fuck and we mated! I was rough and..." I stop him. "He's ok." He looks at me shocked. "What?" "He's ok, the baby is healthy." He smiles. "We're having a boy." He hugs me. "I can't believe we're havin a boy!" He pampers my face and neck with kisses. He kneels down to my belly and plant kisses all over. "I can't wait ta meet ya. I hope he's like ya. I need to double up on your food intake. "Luckily I haven't start cookin yet." He drags me to the kitchen and starts pulling out supplies. "Wow someone is up beat today. Morning Kiyoko." "Morning Leo." Raph starts talking. "I'm gonna be a dad, she's havin a boy!" Leo smiles. "Congrats, I'm glad you finally told him. Congratulations to the both of you. Now you need to tell dad." Raph waves Leo off. "Ya might be da leader of da team but ya not da leader of my personal life or hers. Stay out of it Leo." Raph hands me my plate which was a big portion of food. "Eat up baby, I wanna make sure our kid come out strong like his dad." I eat as much as I can but what I'm craving for the most is meat which is odd. "What's wrong Kiyoko?" The words that come out of my mouth shocks them. "Can I have bacon and eggs as well. "S-sure?" The unsure look on his face was evident, Leo tried not to show any shock on his face. Eating the breakfast he gave me he sets a plate of eggs and bacon in front of me.shaking, I grab a piece of bacon. "Kiyoko don't force yourself to eat it baby." I take a small bite, my ears perk . "It's, good!" I scarf down the eggs and bacon enjoying the flavors. "What just happened?" "Her body is adapting to the baby, her baby will probably be a omnivore. As long as she's pregnant she can eat meat until that baby pops out then she will be back to her old self again. At least that's my theory." I finish my plate. They look at me as if anticipating me to make the wrong move. "How do ya feel?" I drink down my orange juice. "I'm ok." Raph smiles. "Dats my baby, well, babies for dat matter." He kiss my cheek then my neck. I look over Raph's shoulder and see the irritation all over Leo's face. "Raphie?" He hums pulling away, his hands slide to my butt. "Are we still having watching the fireworks tonigh?" I hide my face in his chest, his hands squeeze and release repeating that movement. "Raph not here." He chuckles, his is hands move away from my butt to my hips. "Of course we are." He spanks my bottom before walking off. "I'm going to be a uncle." The words rolling out his mouth sounded toxic. "Are you not happy?" He sighs. "I'm happy for the both of you, I really am. I guess I'm just a bit jealous and I need to let it go, I need to let you go. For real this time." The hurt is written all over his face. "Leo..." I walk over to him. I grab his face and kiss him, his hands trail to my waist. I pull back removing his hands off my waist. "What was that for?" Letting go of his hands I rest my hand on my belly. "I don't know." He gets up his hands go back around my waist. "I think you do." Leo lets me go when Raph walks back in holding his phone in one hand and a book about babies in the other. "Raph?" He close the book. "How do ya feel right now?" I yawn. "Tired." He sticks his phone in his pocket. Leo leaves the room. "Ok, you should lay down." He guides me to his room. "I made a nest for ya and I made sure it was comfortable. I will wake you when the it's time for da fireworks." I lay on the bed full of blankets and pillows. Raph watches me closely which makes me nervous. "Raph, you're staring." "Sorry I will leave you alone for a bit and come back to wake you." I lay down getting comfortable and was able to drift off fast. His pillows and blanket are amazingly soft.

"Kiyoko, baby?" I slowlwy opened my eyes to a smiling Raph. "You must of been real tired, you missed lunch but don't worry Mikey is making dinner on da roof." He gently takes my hand helping me up off the bed. Even though his hands are rough he is always gentle. I rub the sleep out my eyes yawning in the process. I look at the clock on the stove. 8:30p. I can't believe I was asleep for that long. "Yea I was worried about ya at first but hearing what you went through trying ta hide ya pregnancy because you were afraid, I couldn't wake ya up so I let ya get some real sleep in. How do ya feel?" Raph is amazing I don't know what I will do without him. I intwine my hand with his my other arm hug his big muscular arm. "Sleeping beauty is finally awake. I made your plate first since you're eating for two and Donnie also mentioned you're eating meat now." The area is quiet, my ears move back. Aprils eyes follow my movement as I go to grab my plate. Leo already new so he wasn't surprised. I slowly take a bite out of the hotdog, I scarf down the hotdog and go to the next piece of meat on my plate enjoying the flavor. "No way! How?" April touches my belly. "Our baby is how. He's da reason she can eat meat. After she gives birth she will go back to normal. Now she eats like an omnivore ain't dat right baby?" I hum taking a bite out the sausage. "Guys it's almost time!" I sit between Raph's legs and rest my head on his chest. "The fireworks are about to start!" The sky lights up with beautiful colors and patterns, Raph kiss my cheek a few times before looking up at the sky.

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