Music festival

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I'm 2 months into my pregnancy and Hank is becoming more protective than usual. Miko is annoyed as well, Mikey is barely letting her out to go do things. "The music festival is happening tonight and Kiyoko and I were wondering-" the boys interrupt. "No." They say plainly. My ears go back irritated. "We've been cooped up in here for too long it's not fair, I want to go have fun. I always wanted to go to the music festival!" I whine. "And what? Get lost? Hurt? Or worse?" Hank shakes his head absolutely not. You and Miko will stay here where it's safe." Donnie laughs. "You know, no matter how much you protect them or try to keep the babies safe, natural things can still happen, good or bad." Hanks cocks a brow. "Like what?" Donnie push up his glasses. "Well, a miscarriage can happen for no apparent reason, a still birth can happen. the baby can suffocate its self with its own umbilical cord, and the list goes on. You maybe be able to protect them from the outside world but, what's happening on the inside is out of our control. Let them go, they need some fresh air anyway. Hank you can watch over them at the festival since you will be working. See you kill two birds with one stone and everyone's happy." Hank, Mikey and Raph look at us then at each other. Raph shrugs and Hank sighs. "Fine, fine. I will take the both of you." I clap my hands together excitedly. "Don't get too excited, there are a set of rules you have to follow." Miko and I whine. "If you don't we head home, Am I clear?" Hank says sternly his eyes boring into mine. I pout looking away. "Kiyoko!" He snaps. "Raphie!" I whine. He shakes his head. "Nope I can't save ya." Hank lifts my chin so I'm looking at him. "Are. We. Clear?" I huff. "Crystal." I mumble. He kiss my pouting lips and smile. "That's my girl."

Miko and I frown as we walk around wearing beautifully designed collar with a tracker in it that Donnie made so that Hank, Mikey and Raph can track us. Us wearing collars were their ideas. Hank gave me money for the festival and one of the rules is to not spend it all on sweets, the other is to do a 30 minute check in, no talking to strangers, no running, no dancing, stay together and don't stand for too long. "Oh wow these are amazing!" We view the crystals on the lady's table. "They're beautiful." I say touching one. "Not as beautiful as you." Miko and I turn around face to face with Cooper. Miko rolls her eyes. "What do you want?" He looks at my small baby bump. "Look at you growing." Miko stops him from trying to touch my belly. "Did she say you could touch?" He sneers. "Whatever, I know Hank is on duty tonight. I'm surprised he let you come out to the festival considering you're pregnant in all." Miko pulls me close to her. "Back off Cooper it's none of your business! Shouldn't you be working?" He rolls his eyes. "Of course I'm working, you moron, us cops are not just standing around waiting for something to happen. We are also enjoying ourselves while keeping an eye out for any danger. Kiyoko, would you like to join me?" Miko takes my hand. "No thanks, she's not going anywhere with you, besides we have to stick together." He looks at our collars with a smirk. "Hot, they're treating you two like their little pets huh." She swats his hand away. "It's a camera to keep an eye on us." He cocks a brow. "And they chose collars?" He chuckles. She looks at him in disgust. "Let's go Kiyoko, we don't want to catch his stupid." We walk away hand in hand, my tail twitches it a bit when I feel his hand brush up against my butt. "Kiyoko?" I look at Miko and shake my head. "I'm just hungry, I want cheese fries." She nods. "We can share." We get in line for the cheese fries. "Remember no spicy food or Hank and the other two will be up our ass." I nod.

We listen to a few bands as we eat different snacks from different vendors we even bought a few items like shirts, jewelry, little decors and trinkets. We checked in 30 minutes ago with the boys. "I have to use the restroom." I tell her. "Ok, come on." We find a store that was open for the festival and go in. I will be waiting for you out here looking at the cloths." I go in and do my business. I wash my hands humming when I hear the door open. A hand slides around my waist and I jolt away. "Hank, you scared me!" He chuckles kissing my neck. "I'm sorry baby, how are you enjoying the festival?" I nod. "It's fun, Miko and I bough a few items that were really cute and the musicians are amazing." His hand rest on my belly rubbing it gently. "I can't wait to meet them." He mumbles into my neck. The door opens again. "Hank." Hank looks at Cooper through the mirror. Hank frowns. "What are you doing in the women bathroom?" Cooper scoffs. "I should ask you same thing?" Hank releases me. Hank is taller than Cooper, practically towering over him. "I saw Kiyoko come in here so I followed to make sure my mate is ok. What about you?" Cooper backs away. "I...uhm... went into the wrong restroom, I thought this was the men's." Hank hums watching Cooper walk away. "Something is really off with Cooper, he's been acting really strange lately." He kiss my forehead. "Anyways, enjoy the festival, my shift is almost over and we will go home." I whine. "I want to stay a little longer." He chuckles. "We will stay an hour longer than we planned." I hug him. "Thank you!" I squeal leaving the restroom.

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