Lonely cooper

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"How do you like your breakfast? I made it from scratch." I smile at him. "They're good." He takes my hand kissing the back of it. "I love your beautiful smile." I have to play along for Miko and I sake. "I want to make sure you have enough to eat that way you are perfectly prepared to carry a baby." I had to keep my composure and just smile, he wants to get me pregnant! "I will be right back." He leaves the room closing it." I scoot my knees to my chest and bust out in tears. "Kiyoko." My ears perk. "Hank the person that took us is Cooper, he hired the purple dragons to take me, they're going to sell our kids!"


All I see is red right now, they're trying to sell our kids, I swear if one of them are missing I'm biting off heads! I sniff the ground closing my eyes trying to focus, my paws dig into the dirt feeling the vibrations beneath me. I can smell her! It's faint but, there which means we're getting close. I howl, signaling everyone that I got a scent. The cops behind me follows my lead with their guns out. "Be alert and swat that there are babies involved as well." I mind linked to everyone and they nod. I look up at the trees, apple trees, I can smell the pond.


"Kiyoko I'm close by is there anything we need to know before we barge in?" "They will kill Miko if I don't comply with them. Right now I'm just doing whatever pleases Hank right now, as long as he's focused on me and happy that I'm happy then Miko stays alive." "Ok baby, look at my baby girl strategizing." I blush. "Hank." I say embarrassed "don't be embarrassed baby, that's something you should've proud of. Daddy is proud of you and daddy will find you. Ok?" "Ok. He's back!" Cooper sits on the bed with uno cards, I never played uno before. If I tell him that I don't know how to play, will he get upset and kill Miko? "Ready to play?" My ears go back hesitant and a bit shy. "Do you know how to play?" I avoid his eyes as I shake my head. "That's ok, I can teach you, it's pretty easy." He's not mad, good. I pay close attention and the game does sound easy enough. We start the game and so far everything is going pretty well, he's beat me about three times already and I'm a bit disappointed. "Don't worry you will get me next round, ready?" I nod watching him pass out the cards. I never seen this side of Cooper before, this is a gentler kinder side of him which makes this a little enjoyable for me and I'm not scared. I smile when I have one card and Cooper smiles back as he picks up a card and I set my card down, I won! I hop up squealing. "I won! I won!" He watches me bounce up and down on the bed. I slowly stop, I look at him for a moment, now I feel bad for him, is it wrong that I feel bad? "Cooper?" He hums. "Are you lonely?" He looks taken back by my question. "Have you always been alone?" He looks at the ground. "Yes, I don't have a family, my parents abandoned me, my parents on both sides didn't want me, I was thrown into the system, I've always been alone. No one adopted me, I always thought that maybe I was the problem and I blamed myself. I went into the police academy, hoping to find some kind of family relationship with my companions." He just wants a family, he's been rejected his whole life and I believe I was his last straw when I rejected him on the first day we met. "I'm sorry about everything, I'm sorry for hurting you. Fuck! What is wrong with me?" He's broken, he was never the villain, the monsters that haunt him were. "Cooper." He looks up and to our both surprise I kissed him, I pull back. "Cooper, you're not alone anymore, you will never be rejected or abandoned again." He looks at me with watery eyes. "You really kind, you have such a good heart that you're willing to forgive me." I nod, I rest a hand on top of his. "So what now?" He asks in a hush tone but enough for me to hear. "You become my mate." His eyes widened . "Are you sure? What will the others think? After everything that I have done I doubt they will agree." I nod. "I'm positive everything will be ok." He leans in pressing his lips against mine softly, I love this side of Cooper.


I've been trying to reach Kiyoko but she's not responding, what is she doing in there? Well, more like, what are they doing to her in there? I circle around the house still trying to come up with a plan to save the girls and the kids. Fuck! I still can't reach her and I can barely hear anything, the other cops are waiting for me to make and honestly, I don't know what move to make. If Kiyoko will respond and give me an update then I can tell everyone what move to make. Maybe I should reach Miko maybe she can help. "Miko, we're at the house I need to know what I can do without you or the kids being harmed." No response, maybe she's out cold? I hope she's ok, she probably not able to right now or she could be thinking that she's hearing voices. Raph walks up to me stopping me in my tracks. "How about the you let the ninjas take over for ya." I nod. Why didn't I think of that? We're friends with Ninjas who are strong and a professional at being stealthy.


"Hank?" "There you are baby, what are you doing now?" "Accepting Cooper as my mate." The silence was thick. "You what?" There goes the panic I was looking for.

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