New friend

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"No absolutely not, ya not goin." My ears go back and I give him my bug doe eyes. "Please?" He looks at me and shakes his head. "I'm not fallin for dat." I give him the water works. "Raphie!" He doesn't look at me. "Raphie!" I pull on his arm. "If I look at ya wit dat face I will say yes but if I don't then I can say no."  I huff stomping my foot in frustration, I stand in front of him with my watery doe eyes and my ears back. "Please?" He groans. "Dammit Kiyoko! Why do you gotta make dis hard on me? Yes you can go." I cheer clapping my hands together. "But on one condition." I frown. "Call me when ya get there, call me when it starts, call me when it's over and I will get ya." He holds up a tiny knife in my face. "For protection only. If not there ta get ya in 30 min go to Vern's and text me." I nod he kiss my forehead then my cheek and lips. "What are ya wearing?" I show off my outfit. Ankle boots with stocking, shorts and a long sleeve crop top hoodie. "Since it's Halloween I'm able to show off my ears and tail. What do you think?" He groans. "Ya look good too damn good, ya can't wear dat too many men." I give him the face again and he face palms himself. "Ok." I hug and leave the room. "Damn Kiyoko you look good!" Mikey compliments. "Thank you!" Leo walks out the dojo sweaty. "Damn, I'm guessing Raph said you could go." He walks behind me checking me out. "You look real good, is Raph ok with you going out like that?" Leo stands extremely close to me. "Ye-yes." He has me against the wall. "Leo!" Raph shoves him off. "I should get going before all the good spots are taken. Have fun at the game!" I give Raph a kiss but he pulls me in deepening it. My tail wiggles happily and Mikey laughs. "Cute!" I push on his chest. "I have to go." He rubs my bottom then smacks it. "Have fun at the festival. Do ya have money for food?" I nod. "Ok, see ya, be safe." I leave the sewer and to the surface. I walk down a few streets rushing to get a good spot. "Wow nice costume you look good!" A lady compliments. "Thanks." I finally make it and find the perfect spot. I'm glad I got here early, the crowd is slowly coming in. Every part of town is lit up with Halloween lights and decor. "Damn girl you look amazing!" Another girl compliments. "Thank you." She looks at my belly and smile. "How far along are you?" I rub my small bump. "A month." She coos and I blush. "I'm Miko." She holds out her hand. "I'm Kiyoko." We continue to talk as more people come in, we soon later exchange numbers. "I can tell we are going to be close." The festival begins and the people cheer.

Hours later I get hungry luckily a cart comes by with hotdogs. "Do you want one Miko?" She shakes her head. "Let's go somewhere for better food later, ok? Can you wait that long?" I nod. "Cool. Woah look at that!" I look where she's pointing and it's Mikey! What is he doing out? Where are his brothers? They must be close by. "Awe he's gone, he had on a badass costume though." They're in the sewers. Is there game over already. "Hey Kiyoko, you alright?" Maybe something came up. "I'm ok, sorry." I feel a body press against me and the guy laughs. "Look at this cutie over here." Miko gently pulls me away from the guy and had me stand in front of her. "Touch her again and I start cutting dicks off." I like her.

After the festival we sit at a bar and grill restaurant. "This place has really good burger I'm pretty sure you will get a better fill here than some lame little hotdog, especially while you're pregnant." We give our order to the waitress and wait for our food. "So, who's the lucky guy?" I blush swirling my straw around in my juice. "His name is Raphael or Raph for short. I like to call him Raphie." My phone buzzes a few times and I pick up the phone. "Where the hell are you?" I look over at Miko then out the window. "I'm at a restaurant I got hungry, sorry I forgot to text you." He sighs through the phone. "Go straight ta Verns after I don't want ya walkin through alleyways this late at night. I love you." My heart flips at the words. "I love you too." Then I hang up. Miko cheers when our food lands on the table in front of us. "Was that him?" I nod taking a bite of my burger. "He's very protective of me especially now that I'm pregnant."  I noticed she barely touched her food. "Are you not hungry?" She looks down at her plate then smiles back at me. "Sorry I get real invested in conversations sometimes I forget." We eat in silence, it wasn't an awkward silence it was comfortable.

After dinner we leave the restaurant and walk together. "I will take you home first that way you're not out here by yourself." I look at her worried. "What about you?" She gives me a smug smile. "I can take care of myself. You're a vulnerable pregnant woman. Now, where are we going?" I almost tripped thankfully Miko caught me. "To Vern's" she gasps. "Vern as in Vern the falcon!" I nod. My ears go back as she squeals. "I have to meet him! Please?" I nod. We make it to the building and go up a few floors. "I can't believe I know someone that knows the falcon!" I knock on the door a few times and it opens. "Hey Kiyoko Raph told me you would be coming. Who is this?" She holds out her hand. "I'm Miko I am a huge fan of yours I just want to say thank you for saving New York." He shakes her hand. "Oh it's no problem, it's always nice to meet a fan that appreciates what I did. Thanks for walking Kiyoko here." She smiles. "It's no problem anything for the falcon. See you later Kiyoko!" I wave and walk inside.

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