Brady - Jay Halstead

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THANK YOU FOR OVER 200 READS omg! I'm sorry this one took too long, I'm like really busy right now and I've had no time to just sit and write. This one was actually supposed to be about double the size, but since I wanted to get something out I decided to cut it short and just write part 2. I just re-watched this episode, and idk why but it's one of my favs. This is also a sorta Jay X Little Sister one. Anyway enjoy and remember, keep reading, voting, and commenting. Thank you!

"You can trust me, I just want to know what happened to Sam", he pleaded.

5,293 Words

You sat and stared at the boring plain walls of the dayroom. In the background, you heard monotonous voices discussing other patients' charts. You were trying to count the plastered over cracks in the wall that had been made by girls during outbursts.

Every day for the past 379 days has been the same. You woke up, attended classes, sat in the dayroom, attended group therapy, had one on one therapy, sat in the dayroom, ate dinner, took your meds, sat in the dayroom, and then went to bed.

You had completed your program months ago, but there were no placements for you in other group homes or with other foster families, so you stayed at Brady. Even though you had protested with your social worker, Margot, your pleas fell on deaf ears. Even if she wanted to get you like she said she did, there was nowhere for you.

You had a few older siblings who technically could take you in, but they had escaped from Chicago years ago, and as each one left, they wanted nothing to do with the family still in town. And eventually, after the last one left, it was just you against the world.

Your mother had left when you were a baby. You were unplanned and the sibling closest in age to you was thirteen years older. So now at eleven years old, your siblings were in their mid-twenties and early thirties and didn't want to deal with you.

You were the current youngest resident at Brady and you found that your age affected your making friendships. No one wanted to be friends with the 'baby' as they called you. But there was one person who always let you hang out with them, it was Sam. She is on the younger side and a very compassionate person, she knows your situation and doesn't want you to go through it alone.

There is one other thing that draws you together.

You and Sam both worked for Tonya. You were one of the first girls that she had recruited, seeing as you were incredibly young and the most desirable age-wise for the johns that picked the girls up.

At first, you didn't really understand. But Tonya told you what to do, and she even let you keep some of the money. She told you that she got most of it because she orchestrated it all. And since you were only ten when you started, you didn't need much money, because what's a ten-year-old in a troubled kid's foster home going to buy?

You eventually got into a routine, you worked three days out of the week, alongside Sam and Ellie. You hated it, but you were scared of Tonya and you knew that she had staff on her side and you didn't want them to be mad at you.

You were brought out of your thoughts by Ellie sitting down next to you. She looked exhausted having worked the night prior.

"Have you seen Sam today", she asked.

"No didn't she work last night", you answered, slightly annoyed that you lost count of the cracks in the wall.

"Yeah but I didn't see her this morning", Ellie replied, chewing her fingernails.

"Maybe she's asleep", you said happily remembering the number you had left on.

"There's no way staff would let her sleep this long. I bet Tonya knows", Ellie said growling out Tonya's name. As if her ears were burning Tonya entered the day room where you and Ellie currently were. She smirked as she saw you two and walked over.

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