Distraction - Jay Halstead

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To be quite honest I'm kinda scared with how much I have put out lately, or to be more specific I'm scared for the crash and burn that will eventually follow. Anyways thank you so much for 8.4K reads! This one is an old request from a while ago, but I had an influx of requests that were very similar so I'm trying to space them out and I had to figure out how to make them all different. Keep on reading and requesting!

Thank you so much HopeArgent200 for this request!

Request - HopeArgent200: "Can you do one where Jay Halstead is in love with his best friend, and she can be pregnant too. By him"

3,502 Words

"I swear you to fight like an old married couple"

Sitting behind the bar you sat down on your stool waiting for someone to have another drink request.

Being a bartender at Molly's for as long as you had been you felt comfortable enough to "slack off" as Herman calls it.

    "Y/N if you don't get your nose out of that damn book I might have to actually give you a consequence", Herman laughed out as you looked up at him effectively rolling your eyes.

    "If you did that Herman you'd have no service. All the handsome first responders come here from me not your overpriced drafts", you quipped back.

Herman gave you a shocked expression before doubling over giving you an over-dramatic sarcastic laugh, patting you on the back, and mumbling a yeah right before he made his way to the other side of the bar. Presumably to serve one of the handsome first responders you had just referred to.

    "Talking about me again", the familiar voice of your best friend called over the bar, as he attempted to help himself to a self-serve shot.

    "Get your nasty hands away from my vodka. I don't know where they've been all day", you said, swatting them away and taking the shot glass out of his hands. Earning a pair of puppy dog eyes from his bruised ego.

    "Up Voights As-", his brother, the infamous redhead doctor, answered your rhetorical question by receiving a soft blow to the back of his head from his brother.

    "Are you gonna give me my shot or not?"

    "Are you gonna use your damn nice words, Jay Halstead, you're thirty-something years old, so I think you're pretty capable", you said glaringly trying to fight the smirk that was forming on your face.

    "Please may I have my shot?"

    "Whatever", you huffed grabbing his favorite vodka and a new shot glass.

    "Heavy pour", he commented, eyeing you as you picked up the bottle.

    "Are you planning on paying extra?"

    "Y/NNNNN", he whined like a child.

You were never able to withstand him when he acted like he was a child and so you gave in and 'accidentally' gave him a heavy pour, huffing in defeat as you watched him triumphantly tilt his head back. Letting the burning liquid drip down his throat.

    "You're my favorite", he commented after he had taken a sip of his chaser of choice, whatever beer that Will had been so nice to buy him.

    "Shouldn't I be your second favorite?", you asked as you brushed your hands wiping down glasses.

Waiting for the response that he always gave you during this conversation, which happened frequently when Jay drank, you were confused when you didn't get one.

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