Eighteen - Hank Voight

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I no longer have Covid yay! Honestly hope it's the last time that ever happens to me, thank you to everyone who sent me well wishes. This is a piece that I started working on prior to getting sick, so for a minute the beginning and the middle are a little bit disconnected, but It evens out. Also thank you so much for 6.9k reads! It means so much. This is a fatherxdaughter type of image as well. This one ends on a cliffhanger so you are warned, let me know if you want a part two. Keep reading and voting!

3,614 Words

"A Hank Voight smile was worth a million dollars"

Most people in the city of Chicago flinch when they hear the sound of sirens ripping through the streets.

But no Y/N.

No, she loved it.

Sirens were a comfort of hers.

Because they remind her of her dad and her second family that over time became just her family.

Sitting outside on the patio a light smile appeared on her face as she heard the distant sound of sirens.

Switching to a different tab on her computer she pulled up the emergency services scanner to see where the sirens were heading.

673 N 99th Ave. Home Invasion. Specialty Unit requested.

Her smile slightly faltered, but she knew that if the specialty unit was her dad's, which it most likely was. Then justice would be served.

The rest of the day went on, she spent it lounging because of what was coming tomorrow.

Y/N made sure to go to bed super early because of how early she had to wake up, but not without checking the front door to see if her dad's car had pulled into the driveway.

But it hasn't. Instead, a squad car was parked across the street.

She rolled her eyes.

She was seventeen years old and about ready to start her senior year of high school yet her dad still felt it was necessary to send a squad to watch over the house for her safety when he had to work at night.

Walking upstairs Y/N turned all the lights off before she sent her dad a goodnight text and climbed in bed, setting the alarm for 4:30 am.


The alarm was screaming throughout the house when Y/N woke up, flying up to slam it off.

Rubbing her eyes she swung her legs off of the bed and sat there for a few minutes trying to get her body off the sleep cycle it had not completed.

The floors in the hallway were freezing cold and caused her to run back into her bedroom and pull her slippers over her feet.

After the slippers were on she continued doing her morning routine. After she had gotten dressed and ready for the day she knocked on her father's bedroom door and after she got no response she pushed it open.

And it was clear that he hadn't come home last night.

"Damn home invasion", she whispered.

Packing her backpack with her lunch she cleaned up her mess and started out of the house.

Locking all the locks that her father had installed on the door she turned around to see the squad car turn on its lights and pull away from the curb. The officer sends her a friendly wave.

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