Dizzy - Jay Halstead

4.2K 59 1

Boy oh boy, does it feel good to be back. I wrote this in a few hours and only planned to write a few hundred words but I got carried away, forgetting I loved the feeling of writing. This was also the first request that I've had! Like I mentioned in my last author's note, give me some time for new ones, I hope to eventually get a solid posting schedule. Anyways thank you so much, we are so close to 2k reads!! Keep reading and keep voting and remember to request or comment  your ideas, help a girl out who has writer's block.

Request by @AndreaD603. Thank you so much for being my first request!. I know I told you to give me some time, but I kinda got excited lol and just started to write. I hope you liked it, I kinda had to change some things up and kinda forgot the age difference halfway through, oops. Also, I ended up just writing it as a 'Y/N' story out of habit, sorry about that.

"No, no, no, I need my brother. He's the one that's going to treat her"

1806 Words

Staring at the blinking cursor on your computer made the aching in your head grow at each and every little blink. This has been going on for the past several weeks.

Each morning you woke up and felt...bleh.

No matter what you did the night before, drank at Molly's, stayed in and watched tv all night, went for a midnight run, you still woke up feeling the same.

This morning was no exception. You had the same nauseous feeling, the same aching in your bones, and the headache which had started three days ago.

When you woke up Jay was leaving for work, you could hear his keys rattling in the front door downstairs, locking it.

Groaning you rolled out of bed and shuffled through your morning routine, spending a good ten minutes hugging the toilet as you wretched wishing that you could get the relief that you needed to stop nausea.

And now you are here.

Staring at your computer, not having the willpower to continue typing up the listing for a new property that you got.

You continued to stare for what felt like hours until you felt your watch chime, signaling that it was time to go to lunch.

Taking a breath deep enough to fully inflate your lungs and closing your eyes attempting yet again to will the headache away you pulled yourself up from your desk chair.

You closed down your computer and gathered your purse and coat together before leaving your office and making your way out of the building.

Deciding against taking the El today to avoid the various smells the train provides that could provoke nausea again you started the twenty-minute walk down the district.

This was something that you did weekly with your boyfriend of two years.

Due to the complications of Jay's job you two didn't spend as much time together as you would like.

You made your way into the deli next door to the 21st, picking up three sandwiches. One for you, one for Jay, and one for Trudy, so she would actually buzz you upstairs so you could have lunch with your boyfriend.

"Well look who we have here, little miss sunshine", Trudy said, glancing up from her paper as you walked up the steps into the district.

"Well if it isn't my favorite desk sergeant", you quipped back. This got Trudy to laugh and shut her paper, giving you her full attention.

"Is one of those for me", Trudy questioned, noticing the sandwich bag you were carrying.

"You know it is' ', you replied, rolling your eyes and placing her favorite on her desk.

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