Brady Part 2 - Jay Halstead

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Thank you for 280 reads!! Pt 2 to my last image. Also I went through and edited the first part and changed Y/N's age by one year because I felt this part would make a little more sense if she was a bit younger. I also changed this up about halfway through. Anyway, keep reading, voting, and commenting.

Y/N/N = Your nickname

"She is with family, I became her family after you all dumped her like some animal you didn't want, you don't get to just come to claim her when you feel like it", Jay screamed at him.

6,229 Words

If you had told Jay Halstead five years ago this is how he would be spending his Friday afternoons after work he would have called you crazy.

There he sat on a Park bench watching the kids scrambling around the soccer field, more specifically his kid.

You were sprinting up the field, trying to get in position so that your teammate could pass you the ball. Once you reached the penalty box you looked up and called her name, she nodded to you and passed the ball, and then without hesitation, you kicked the ball that came hurtling at you. You held your breath as you watched the ball fly through the air and as it brushed over the fingertips of the goalie's outstretched hand.

"Goal!", your teammates yelled as they came running to you.

Jay stood up and cheered you on, unable to keep the expression of pure pride from showing on his face.

His new partner sat stood next to him cheering you on as well. You had really liked Erin, but she had to leave Chicago and while that was hard for both you and Jay at first, you found yourself really liking Hailey and you knew Jay liked her too, 'liked her liked her'.

The game continued on, your goal ending up being the winning goal for your team. The game ended and you collected your belongings saying bye to your teammates and ran across the field to where Jay and Hailey were waiting for you.

"I scored!", you yelled as you jumped into Jay's arms. He laughed and spun you around before setting you on the ground so you could give Hailey a hug, neither of them caring about how sweaty you were from running around for an hour.

"We saw, it made your team win the game. I think that calls for celebratory donuts", Jay announced.

"From Smiths?", you asked, stopping in your tracks as you were walking towards Jay's truck.

"From Smiths", Jay confirmed picking up the soccer backpack that you had dropped. This confirmation caused you to take off sprinting towards the truck, since Jay had taken you in almost a year ago you had grown very fond of the donut place around the corner because the policemen and women at the 21st truly upheld the stereotype of cops surviving on donuts.

You reached the truck before Jay and Hailey who were still several yards out. So you stood by your door and waited to hear the clicking of the locks on the doors unlocking. As you stood there you looked at the businesses across the street, remembering the time that Jay had taken you to the pizza place.

The team had just had a successful win on a drug bust case. They had recovered stolen 1505 funds, taken down two bosses, and brought in a warehouse full of drugs. They saved countless lives due to taking the drugs in, thirty-three kids had already died due to the laced pills.

So this called for a celebration.

You have been living with Jay for about four months now. The transition at first had been rough, you suffered from nightmares and developed a bit of separation anxiety from Jay. But it was a learning process, Jay made sure you were in therapies that would help bring you away from the dark part in your life and dedicated his time outside of work to you and less to sitting on a stool at Molly's.

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