Family Ties (Final Part) - Jay Halstead x SOA Crossover

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This one is kinda all over the place and I realized I don't know how to write a good epilogue. So here's a solid ending to the story. Let me know if you guys liked the mini-series style better than the one-shot style. 

Also thank you so much for 32K reads!

I hope you enjoy the final part of the Family Ties mini-series!

6072 Words

4 Years Later

The blue sky and scattered clouds brought a flutter to your chest as you stared out the window. Peering down you bit your lower lip in anticipation and excitement as you saw the towns starting to come together as you were leaving the pure desolate desert.

A hand met your right knee as you had been absentmindedly bouncing it. Looking over you saw your beaming husband smiling at you. The airline captain came over the intercom letting all the passengers know that the plane would be landing within the hour. You had to fly into Sacramento and then make the drive to your hometown but still, that meant that in a couple of hours, you would be back home.

This was the first time you were stepping on your home soil in almost ten years. And you weren't the same naive twenty-one-year-old girl that you were when you left. So much has happened in your life since then. You became a registered nurse and were on your way to becoming the charge nurse at one of the biggest emergency departments in all of Chicago. You had also gotten married two years ago to the love of your life. And now, you were expecting your first child, a daughter. You had two months until her scheduled arrival and now you were taking advantage of all your saved-up furlough time combined with an early maternity leave to go and visit your family.

It had been two years since the wedding and since you had seen most of the SAMCRO members. But your mother and brother had made their way to the Windy City every few months to check on you and Jay. And your father would come to continue a friendship and a working relationship with your husband's boss.

But nobody had been to see you in months, five months to be exact since some crap had gone down with the Irish and it wasn't safe for them to come to see you and have you become a pawn in the IRA's game.

You had been annoyed at first, you had gotten to a good point in your relationship with your family and then they let their way of life get in the way. But then you found out it was working in your favor.

You were going to be able to surprise them that you were pregnant.

The surveillance they had on you a few years ago was gone after they realized that Jay and Intelligence could protect you more than enough once they knew what to look out for. And you just never mentioned anything to any of your family members, it was easy to live a double life when you lived 2,000 miles away.

Jay had been all for it, partially because that meant that you and your unborn child couldn't be used as a pawn in the clubs business but also because from knowing your family for a few years he knew their reactions were going to be priceless, and worth the radio silence.

It was even his idea to book the stay in Charming, saving up his furlough so he could enjoy a vacation with the love of his life.

You enjoyed the rest of the flight, feeling the excitement bubble and grow as you began to recognize the landscape thousands of feet down below.

Once the plane landed and you were able to step foot into the sunny atmosphere, letting the warm rays of the blaring sun soak into your skin. Sure Chicago summers were sunny and hot but nothing could ever compare to California in June.

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