My Solider Pt 3 - Jay Halstead

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Final part of the My Solider series! Thank you again so much to @AndreaD603for this request, I think it made for a pretty good mini-series. My requests are open again but will close if I get an influx of requests. 

Again, warning this chapter is really heavy on the Hailey hate. 

Request by: AndreaD603 (I hope I did your request justice!). 


3,278 Words 

Your first week went by as smoothly as you expected. Hank made sure to keep you and Hailey as far away from each other as possible. Switching partners around so you were with Ruzek and she was with Torres and making sure that the assignments you got were as far across the city from each other as possible. And there was an unspoken rule that you weren't supposed to know about but no one was allowed to leave you and her alone together in the bullpen.

Rubbing the sleep out of your eyes as you jogged the steps you were thankful when you saw Ruzek in the breakroom. He walked out with three mugs in his hands, handing one to you and the other to Kim before he sat back down at his desk to enjoy his own. Happily, you sipped the liquid energy as you closed your eyes and tried to soak in the last moments of silence for the day.

The relaxation didn't last long because when Hank came bounding upstairs he announced that you all had months of paperwork to catch up on. When you asked how you were involved since you only just started you were informed that Jay's old paperwork he hadn't completed was now your problem whether you liked it or not.


Several hours went by and the light music coming out of Atwater's computer mixed with the clinking of everyone's keys were the only sounds to be heard. Everyone, including Voight, was focusing on the house cleaning tasks. You were staring at your computer trying to figure out what the hell Jay had been doing on this half-done report. He literally had stopped mid-sentence and never finished it and the notes he had written were not helpful at all.

A headache was starting to form as you were straining your eyes staring at the screen but you were so lost in your own little world that you hadn't even noticed the sound of boots clambering up the steps. You were only brought out of your thoughts when you saw Hank tear out of his office, now standing in the middle of the bullpen. You rolled your head to the side to see who had come upstairs. But the sight of the military uniforms caused you to sit up straight.

Your breath caught in your throat as you noticed it was a General. Oh my god, this can't be good. You glanced over at Hailey and saw her slowly stand up and look over Voight's shoulder.

"Sorry to interrupt you detectives. But my name is General John Smith with the United States Army Rangers. And this is Admiral Warden Bates. We need to speak to Mrs. Halstead". There were tears clearly starting to well up in Hank's eyes as he nodded toward Hailey. No one said anything and the music had quickly been turned off as the two military officers made their way in front of Hailey.

"Ma'am I'm sorry we need to confirm. You are Mrs.Y/N Halstead correct?". You seriously thought you died at that moment. There was no way. Yes, you were Mrs. Halstead, but you weren't Jay's wife. You had signed the divorce papers three years ago and he promised he had filed them two years ago when you met the living apart requirements.

The color drained from Hailey's face as she sank down into her chair and slightly sobbed into her hands. The officers looked confused as Kim crouched down to comfort her and Hank stepped up to whisper something to the officers. The two military men looked in your direction and moved so they were standing in front of your desk.

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