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Arjun " so what's the reason of your arrival... "

Nayani " ummm just to roam and learn dhanuvidhya...will you teach me... "

Arjun " what from me... "

Nayani " yes please don't refuse.... "

Arjun " ok sure but what's your name... "

Nayani pov...

Oh God !!!

What's my name....


Nayani " my name is Nayan "

Arjun pov

Wow nice name...

Just suits him...

But...some thing is weird.something is there in him...his eyes !!! Some thing is there !!!

Nayani pov

Is there anything in my eyes... literally i didn't see anything in my from years then what he funny

Arjun " ok let's go i will introduce you to my brothers "

I nodded and followed him...

And we reached the garden...

Yudhishthira " who's that Arjun"

Arjun " bhratha he is madhav's friend came to learn Archery and wanted to see the beauty of hasthinapur... "

Bheem " there's nothing beautiful in this hasthinapur just some donkeys roaming in the palace... "

Wow he's so angry on Kauravas ..i can feel it...

Nakul "  don't come into his words I'm nakul and you "

Nayani " I'm Nayan "

Sahadev " yah really it's suits you...your eyes are very special... "

Nakul " they are familiar to me..."

Oh god this nakul is very his opinion...haha...but i should be careful...

Nayani " so ummm...can I get a room...I'm feeling sleepy... "

Yudhishthira " please have your dinner then i will show you the room .. "

I just I'm feeling hungry also...

I just followed them like a chick who follows his mother

And at last I reached the dining hall

Oh my Narayan !!! It's so huge...we can play cricket volleyball basket ball and even then also we have much space left...I'm thinking how much time did the daasis take to sweep this whole room...

Hey you nayani are you planning to take their naa...then why are you thinking that just  shut and sit like a good girl

All looked at me ....I felt like I'm an alien who came to eat with all these people

Sorry for this late and small update

And the thing is not getting words ...

Any one there to suggest me..

And please say should i pair nayani with only yudhishthira or with all pandavas....but main will be yudhi only...

Please say your opinion guys

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I'm very stubborn you know

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