Trapped against my will.

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They say the neck is the most sensitive part of the body. Just a pinch above the clavicle and all the blood would fight to leave the body. Seemed like an easy way to die.

I could endure a three minute worth of pain and I could leave this earth, just like that...

If only it were as easy as the movies made it out to be. The skin felt thick that I couldn't puncher through it, just one fatal blow and it would all be over.

'Just one-'

I sliced through my neck and it wasn't enough,  it wasn't deep enough. I pictured myself making good on my word and I saw it... the blood gushing from the wound. I saw myself lying there till I died and after hours, someone finding me and rushing me to the hospital.

The doctors saying that I was lucky to be found at that very minute. Finding out that I would no longer be able to speak again or breathe on my own.

It felt like the universe was playing trick or treat with me. Like it was telling me that it would never let me go, no matter how hard I try.
I was trapped here on earth, against my will!!

Every attempt meant making things even worse for me and I hated it. I hated playing at the hands of fate and giving it the satisfaction of seeing me suffer.

I hated being alive. I hate living.

But I had to lay down the weapons and think of another way to end myself or feel like myself again.

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