Chapter 2

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''Mayday, Mayday Fire fighter down. Halstead is trapped under a lot of stuff." just as he said this more junk fell around me so i couldn't see Casey anymore. I moved so the baby in my coat didn't get hurt.

*Erin Lindsey's POV*

No way! Jay only has one sibling right? I run over to the rest of the Intelligence unit. "Jay," I breath as the rest of the unit looks at me."Do you have a Relative who is a firefighter?" Everyone turns and looks at him as he nods his head,"Yes, I do. What happened?" He asks worriedly.I looked at him and then looked down staring at my shoes. "What's happened?" He asked. I looked up at him "I heard that Halstead was um" I start.  "Was what?" He basically growled, his eyes started filling with tears "They said Halstead was trapped. He looked down "N-No, t-this can't happen." He said trying to hold back tears. Then he looked up an unknown flame in his eyes.

*Jay Halstead's POV*

I looked past Erin and saw Squad there talking to each other like nothing was happening. I felt my hands ball up at my sides. I ran over to them and pined Severied up against the truck. "Why aren't you guys in there?" I spat as two of Severide's guys pulled me off of him. "Why aren't you in there?" I Yelled as i looked at the building. I then felt a tap on my shoulder. "Excuse me sir but you need to go behind the police barrier." The uniform said as soon as i looked at him. "No." I said. He looked at me, "Sir, you have to leave or i will force you to leave-" He starts but i cut him off as i looked down at his name badge " Listen here officer Rook, i can ruin your carrier with a phone call and a text." I flash my badge at him and he backs off. "Sorry Detective." I turn back to the building and some of the firefighters come out. Cruz and Otis come out holding children. I see every one but Kim and Casey. BOOM! Fire flew out of the windows and broken things littered the ground. "No, n-no this ca-can't be happening." I bolt towards the building but Chief Boden stops me "You can't go in there." I look at the door and see something coming. I see Casey step into the light and I run to him and grab Kim out of his arms. I sprint to the ambulance and put her on the gurney. "She's going in and out of consciousness." Brett says putting a medical oxygen mask on Kim. Kim puts her hand up to her face and takes the mask off pointing at a man that is talking to the firefighters. "He set the fire. Marks on the wall." I look at him "I'll meet you there." I say as i storm over to him. "You set that fire. You know how much damage you did, how many people you hurt. You hurt a member of my family and if she dies than I swear to god you will never see daylight again no matter what it takes." I push him up against the truck and go to punch him but Antonio grabs my fist before it can connect with his face and Voight drags me away. 

"Come on." He says as he places me against the car. "We'll meet you and Lindsey at the hospital." I look at him and nod. I get into the passenger seat. Erin gets in and starts the car she looks at me and then starts driving. The car ride to the hospital is completely silent except for the radio thats on. We pull up to the hospital but before i can get out Erin asks "Who is that girl that you were so worried about?" I look at her and then step out of the car as she did the same. "She's my..."


To be continued

Rook- my character

Who do you think Kimberley Halstead is? What's going to happen to her?

Thanks to @OfficialGracieJ for being the first legit comment.

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