The Plummet

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Ooo, Cliff hanger.

Read to find out what happened.

Is it weird that when I read my on book i'm like oh no what happens next and then get up and start pacing?


"What the hell are you doing?" I hear another chief over the radio. I look at the gap between me and the ladder. I either jump and run the risk of dying or I wait here and die. I looked once more and than took a deep breath. I launched myself off the wall and towards the ladder.


*Kim's POV*

I reach out towards the aerial my helmet falling off and hitting the ground with a thud. I see Severide run out the window onto the aerial as my hand grabs the side. He lays down and covers his head. The building explodes, my body swaying from the momentum. I pull my other hand up and hook my arm over the side of the aerial. Severide gets up and looks back at the building.

"Severide a little help!" I yell at him, he turns and looks at me eyes going wide. He grabs a hold of me and hoists me up over the side of the aerial. I place my feet on the aerial as Severide pats my shoulder.

"You ok?" Severide asks. I nod as we start walking down the aerial. I get off the truck and am met by the people from squad 3, truck 81 and Boden.

I take my oxygen mask off and than my bunker jacket as everyone looks at me questionably, and than see the baby on my back. I turned around and Casey took him out of the harness. I unclip the harness from my back sliding it off and letting it drop to the floor. I take a deep breath. "Take a breather." Casey says as he leads the others to pack up.

"Good save." Boden says. I nod as he walks away. I look up at the room that I came out of as fire fighters spray the building down with water. A Chief from another fire house comes overs over and grabs the collar of my shirt, pinning me up against the truck.

"You know what that could have done!" The chief spits with rage, "You put everyone in danger! You took unnecessary risk!" Someone grabbed a hold of him from behind him.

"I think it was very necessary." another Chief says. The Chief that has pinned me up against the truck lets go of me. Both chiefs turn and walk away as Severide comes up.

"You good?" Severide asks

"Talk about anger issues." I laugh, "Yeah I'm good."

Severide pats me on the back and than says, "Well we're about to leave, make sure you've got everything." He hands me my helmet, "You might want this."

"Thanks." I say nodding

Severide turns around and starts walking to the squad truck, "Alright guys into the truck." Squad jumps into the truck and drives off.

"Alright lets go." Casey says tapping me on the shoulder. I open the truck door and hop in. Otis, Mouch, Dawson, Herrmann, Cruz and Casey all climb in and we start driving.

"Nice save, Candidate." Herrmann says. Tapping my head.

"What is it with you guys always touching my head?" I ask

"Sorry." Dawson says and rubs my head. I shake my head from underneath her hand as everyone laughs.

"So, what we haven't asked you is, why do you have that accent?" Otis says

"I spent awhile in Australia." I say as we turn into the house.

"Oh, thats cool." Otis says as we hop out of the truck. We take off our bunker gear and go sit in the kitchen. I see chief boden and some other chiefs walk down the corridor. Everyone watches as they pass.

"Wonder what thats about." Mouch says, "Oh and Halstead what are you making for lunch?"

I shrug, "Um, what about... tacos?" Mouch nods in approval, I get up and grab all the ingredients  for the tacos. I place them on the counter and get out some pans to cook the mince beef. I unwrap the beef and put it in the pan. Before I can turn on the stove the visiting chiefs walk out of the house.

Boden's assistant walks into the kitchen. "Halstead the Chief would like to see you in his office." She says and than turns and walks away. Everyone turns to look at me, I walk past them and down the corridor to Boden's office. I knock on the door.

"You wanted to see me chief?" I say, as I walk into his office closing the door behind me. 

"Yes, Chief Tyburg would like to see you in his office." Boden says. "He has requested that we keep this on the down low but he would like you to get qualified for squad."

" ok" I say surprised.

"You, seem surprised." Chief says and I nod. Chief opens the door and motions for me to follow him. When we reach the common room, everyone turns to look at us. "Casey, take your crew down to HQ and show Halstead to Chief Tyburg's office." 

"Alright," Casey nods,"lets roll." We all get into the truck.

"So what'd you do?" Otis asks smirking. I shrug my shoulders playing the I don't know card.

Minutes later when we arrive Casey and I get out of the truck. We walk into the building and take the elevator. It is very awkward, the people in the elevator are very quite and the only sounds you can hear is the elevator and people in it clearing their troughs. Finally it come to our floor and we step out of the elevator. Walking down the corridor Casey looks at me. "So whats going on kid?" He asks, I shrug. "Ok this is Chief Tyburgs Office." I knock on the door, it swings open to revile a man with white hair.

"Ah, Halstead your here." Chief Tyburg ushers me into his office. "Thank you Casey you can wait over there."  Chief Tyburg points down the hall and then turns and walks into his office closing the door behind him. "Take a seat. So, I take it that chief boden has informed you of why your here, is that right?" 

"Thats right sir." I say sitting in the chair across from Chief Tyburg'd desk.

"Good." he says. "How do you feel about that."

"I think its great but if I become a member of squad with only a few days of experience under my belt, what will people think?" I ask. "And how will I go to school, work and the academy?"

"Ah yes, people may be a  bit difficult at first but everyone in your house knows your capable and as for school, work and the academy. I have arranged for some different squad lieutenants and the academy staff that will come in and teach you while you are on shift and while your at home that way it does not interfere with your schooling. But while saying this there are some occasions where you might have to go to the academy." I nod my head. "We would like to keep this as confidential as possible. You may tell your family but please do not tell anyone else. The  only people at house 51 that know about this are Chief Boden and Lieutenant Severide." He hands me a paper bag. "This bag contains the books you will need to study. We covered them in brown paper so that you can study them where ever you want, but try not to let anyone read them. Also in this bag is a list of numbers for people you can contact with any questions and what they are most suited to help you in. We will contact you or Chief Boden with any other details that you will need. Any questions?"

"No sir." I say. 

"Ok then good work keep it up." Chief Tyburg says, "Oh and one more thing. If you do well we have plans to make you a squad lieutenant." I nod, as he reaches over the table and shakes my hand. I stand up and head to the door. 

"Oh and Thank you." I say as I open the door and nod, the bag I was given in my hand. I walk out into the hallway and close the door behind me.

"How'd it go?" Casey asks 

"Alright." I say as we get into the elevator. The ride down felt quicker than the ride up. We make it back to the truck without Casey asking me anymore questions. We got in and then Cruz started driving back to the house. Thats when everyone started asking me questions.


Hope you liked this chapter.

Sorry it took me so long  to update, had a bit of writers block and kept on thinking about what could happen later  on in the book.


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