Fire, Bitches and Halligans

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So the last like 2 chapters were pretty bad but hopefully this is better.


Chapter 5

1 week and 5 days after the accident

Kim's POV

"Hey, Lucas." I say as he sits down at our table in the cafeteria.

"Hey." Lucas says back, "So when do you go back to being a firefighter?"

"Next shift." I say as Nick walks up.

"Sup', what'd i miss?" he asks.

"Nothing." Lucas and I say at the same time. "jinx, you owe me a soda."

"Thats creepy." Taylor says as Lucas and I laugh.

"You know that I saw you outside the fire house on my way to school when you were on shift one time." Lucas say as Nick and I fling our feet onto the table.

"Halstead, Parker feet off the tables." The principle's voice booms across the cafeteria as everyone turns to us.

"Yes sir." We say loudly so the principle can hear us as we take our feet off the table. Everyone resumes eating and talking as we laugh.

"Oooooh, You just got told." Lane says sitting down.

"Your an idiot, you know that." I say

"Yes, but thats why I'm your favourite." Lane says and Lucas gasps.

"No, I'm her favourite." Lucas whines pouting.

After break is over we go to our next class P.E.


In P.E.

"Yes! Soccer!" Taylor says as people either groan or celebrate.

"OK, Jordan and um... Sarah you can be Captains." Mrs Kelp says, handing them different coloured bibs.

"Oh shit," Taylor whispers, "Sarah is such a bitch and she so self-absorbed 'Oh my parents got me $200 make-up, i'm more important than you, oh this, oh that.' I mean really." We all nod in agreement as we laugh at her impression of Sarah.

"Ok, I'll go first." Sarah says in her high-pitched, "Tiffany." Tiffany one of the girls from Sarah's  crew runs up with her high-pitched squeal.

" Nick." Jordan says and nick walks up

"Monica." Sarah says

"Kim" Jordan says

"Delia." Sarah says

"Lucas." Jordan says

"Phoebe." Sarah says

"Taylor." Jordan says

"Connor." Sarah says

"Derek" Jordan says

"Alex." Sarah says

"Jessica." Jordan says

"Sam" Sarah says

"Aaron." Jordan says

"OK, everyone is on a team. 5 minutes to plan tactics. there will be 2 halves."Mrs Kelp says. As we start to go off to our team spots.

"Ok, You three mid field you three defence and me and Kim will be forward.Our name can be strikers." Jordan says pointing at people and we put our hands into the middle."On three 1, 2,3"

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