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"Commander Halstead, its good to see you again." General Pike says as I step out of the helicopter.

"You too, just wish it was under better circumstances." I reply as we head into the command tent. "Where's private Richard Michaels?" I ask as the tent rattles.

"Most likely in his living quarters." Pike says.

"I'm going to head over there now." I say spinning on the heal of my feet and setting off towards Pvt. Michaels quarters. As I approach I see him sitting at a metal picnic table laughing with other soldiers.

"Ayyy, Halstead what brings you back to Iraq? How's my boy back home?" Michaels asks as I reach the table.

"Richard... we need to talk." I say solemnly, "Will you give us a minute boys?" Everyone stands up and walks closer to the barracks, leaving Richard and myself to talk.

"What's going on?" Michaels asks skeptically.

I look at him and sigh "Well Something happened... Taylor h-"

"What happened to Taylor? What's wrong?" Michaels cut me off.

"He killed himself." I say as Michaels is reduced to tears. "Here's a note from him. I'm so sorry." I hand him the note and back away to give him privacy.


Michaels wipes his face and gets up and heads over to where I am standing. "I'm so stupid, how could I not see what his mother was doing to him." He pauses, "how could I not see his pain." Michael breaks down into tears again.

"I've talked to the higher ups and you are relived of duty. You can come home now." I say.

"Home..." Michaels seethes, "home to who? My dead son or my wife who caused him to commit suicide?"

Sorry for taking so long to update.
This hasn't been edited. School starts next week 😭 yr 10.


- Kim

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