Chapter 7

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Karma curses as he walks home, fleeing from the awkward scene that his mouth has just created. The traitorous mouth of his, just complimented Akari that she looks pretty with her hair look down. His brain, of course, did not put down the order.

Akari is going to use this against him. He knows it for sure.

At night, he can't sleep. He tosses and turns on his bed. He forces his eyelids to close. But his mind always wanders back to the scene where she lies on top of him. The close proximity with her is irresistible. It is where he can see how blue her eyes are, how soft her skin is and how nice she smells. He bites his fingertips as he looks up at the ceiling. Why is he thinking like this? Why such perversion invades his mind?

Karma cracks his head thinking of any possible reasons to explain his situation. But to no avail.

His sharp mind has become dumb and dull whenever he thinks of her.

The next day, he wants to skip school. But somehow, his legs force him to walk to school. He sits in class, silently listening to Korosensei's teachings. Sometimes he gets bored and plays with his stationery. But his attention never fails to notice Akari. He glances at her whenever she doesn't notice. He doesn't know why but he just wants to see her face. Unlike him, she is completely focused on every lesson. Diligently she jots down any important notes into her trusty notebook. Nothing distracts her, not even what happened yesterday.

Karma waits. He waits for Akari to confront him, to ask him about what he means by saying that she looks pretty with her hair let down. But she doesn't come. She doesn't talk to him or ask him anything about Math.

Maybe she really does take it as a compliment. But what I said... is it really a compliment or something else?

He anticipates her to ask him because he too doesn't know why he says such things. Mean words and mocking sentences are the only things that come out of his mouth. It is his arsenal of mischief. For his mouth to betray him by saying a compliment, he fails to comprehend. He believes that she can answer his questions for him.

For the next few days, he continues to search for answers but fails. He cannot sleep at night because all he can think of is that dense girl. Her image is seared within his eyelids that whenever he closes his eyes, he always sees her. Then he makes a decision.

If fighting against this weird condition of mine is useless, I might as well just go with the flow. Let it be a long period, as long as I can find out what is happening me, I'll do whatever it takes.

Karma, after accepting the decision, starts to observe Akari, with hopes to find answers from her, since she is the cause of all his 'suffering'. This girl is a virus, infecting me. I need the antidote from her. He tells himself.

From his keen observation, he notices a few things of her, things that he would never have noticed if he isn't so focused on her.

~Akari creases her forehead whenever she is deep in thought. She looks like a young girl having wrinkles way too early.

~Her lips pout whenever she is upset about something, like when she wrongly answers the questions Korosensei hands out.

~She is an enthusiastic anime and manga lover. She always shares her passion with Fuwa. Karma hears that they are doing some cosplay lately.

~She has a tendency to hum music whenever she is doing something that interests her, like when Bitch-sensei passes out English homework which is her favourite subject.

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