Chapter 22

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It is all a blur to me.

Fragments of my memories will find it hard to string together with some pieces of the puzzle missing. But I would remember the pressure on my lips, moist and tastes like strawberry. I feel Asano's hand tickling as it wraps around my waist, grasping me tight to prevent my struggle. His other hand drops from my chin to my nape and cups the back of my head while thrusting me gently to the wall, locking me within his arms. My face, fumes with red embarrassment and rage, eyes glaring at him, the time flow ever so slowly even if it is just minutes. My heart races and threatens to explode.

No no no no no.

I struggle to break free but my energy bar empty. Asano is like a vampire, draining my energy from the kiss. I want to think of countermeasures to untangle myself from this unruly mess. But my mind, an uncontrollable beast, thinks of Karma instead.

If Karma knows, he'll hate me. He'll leave me.


Karma, where are you?

Asano pushes me to the brink by pressing on with the kiss, his tongue licking my lips to grant permission to enter. But that is when I finally break into a rampage.

My energy abruptly returns and I stomp Asano's feet. He jerks away from me and I grab his tie to pull him into range of my punch. My fist of fury smashes into his distasteful jaw and as I raise my other fist aloft to pummel it into Asano's face he stops it mid-air. We remain a standstill; I glare furiously while the heat on my cheeks makes me giddy; Asano wipes the smudge of blood from his mouth and returns a smile—the smile of victory accomplished by his evil ways.

"Do you enjoy it?" Asano speaks up in a satisfied yet contemptuous tone. "I surely did." He smirks victoriously to show me how easily he can defeat me without even lifting a finger.

They are words of contempt, the speech of the victor. It is poisonous enough to make tears flow from my eyes. Kisses are meant to show affections, but his is disgusting and defiling. It hurts as bad as when Takaoka hit me—by then I didn't even cry. Asano, a devil, showed me how weak I am. I am disgraced to let him triumph over me with that cheap trick. A shellacking at the hands of an even better player at the field of deception and tricks makes me realize how naïve of me to think that I can beat him again.

I cannot breathe. The air is suffocating. Karma was right all along. I should have listened to him. I should have. It's feels like I betrayed my love for Karma by letting Asano kiss me. I can't face him anymore.

The tears sting my eyes when I also realize that was my first kiss. I won't make a big deal out of it but...

... I wanted to give it to Karma. Just him.

Tears continue to flow. I yank my hand free. "I hate you." I hiss at Asano and run off.


When I stop running, I find myself in the neighbourhood I live. My legs have brought me to Karma's house, where its dweller probably suffering from a panic attack due to my long absence. I stare at the gate while tears pour down. I want to stop crying but I couldn't. The kiss, my defeat, my naivety, Asano's contemptuous look are experiences of pain that hurt so badly I want to bury myself in the dirt.

I need Karma. But I can't face him. I imagine his look of disappointment when he finds out how idiotic I am. I slide down the wall that surrounds Karma's house and hug my knees. I bury into my knees and cry, until those tears are willing to stop.

Will Karma hate me for this? Will he leave me because of my stupidity and naivety? Unanswered questions make the tears flow heavily without any signs of stopping.

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