Chapter 21

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Yesterday was the worst day of my life. It was a disaster.

The entire apartment's water supply was cut off due to some unforeseen circumstances. The shortage will last for a week until the repairs are done. Without any water, wouldn't you call it a disaster as well? How am I going to live for a week?! Thankfully, there was a solution.

I have to... I have to... LIVE WITH KARMA FOR THE ENTIRE WEEK?!

"You don't have much of a choice," he said. "Considering how important water is to people nowadays," he said. "And since I'm the closest to your apartment, I am the perfect choice," he said. "I think Rio and Megu went on a trip so you can't stay over with them," he said. "So you have to live with me for a week! Isn't it exciting!" he concluded.

I begin to suspect if Karma is behind all this to get me live with him.

"There are conditions of course. Since my parents aren't around, you have to wake me up and make me breakfast. I want sunny-side-up eggs. And also... a morning kiss is enough to wake me up," said Karma as he snickered devilishly.

Damn you Akabane. You are definitely behind all this. I'm going to report you to the police!


Day 1

Karma leads me through his house. It is a simple double-storey Semi-D but only affordable by those who are richer than average. Its exterior is painted in a dull shade of gray and white with a modern design, unbefitting to Karma's burning personality. On the inside, it looks simple as well, lacking of any extravagant decorations but has everything essential. It has a British-style living room larger than my own apartment, with a few colourful statues of elephants and Hindu gods, probably his parents' trinkets. I carefully ascend the flight of stairs while the coolness of the marble floor kisses my feet.

"I would love to have you sleep with me in my room," Karma says as he opens the door to one room. "But I don't want to be assaulted at night. So you'll sleep here. Don't bother locking though. I have the key."

So who sounds more like the one who'd assault people in their sleep?

My room has a simple design. The window lets in enough sunlight to illuminate the room. There is a dresser to my left and a cupboard to my right. A few steps and I'll reach the bed. I drop my luggage to the floor and sprawl across the bed.

"The bathroom is next to your room. Mine is across the corridor. So if you in need of someone to comfort you at night, I'll be of your assistance," Karma explains. "When you're cooking breakfast, don't burn down the house."

I glare. "Since when I decided to make breakfast for you?"

Horns pop up on his head as he approaches me. I make a run for it but he grabs my hand and pulls me backward. Then with his strong limbs he pins me to the bed, his face inches from mine. I blush as his breath tickles my face.

"I have plenty of ways to make you comply. And don't forget, you're in my house," Karma blackmails me with ease. "There is no escape."

What did I get myself into.

"Get off!" I shout. My blush burns my face badly.

"I don't wanna~ It's been so long since we get to be alone with each other~"


He laughs as he stands. "You're just so cute. I'll make dinner."

I lie on the bed as the blush refuses to ebb. I am really staying with him the whole week. It sounds scary-Megu will kill me for this-but I feel irrefutably happy. I get to stay with him for the week!

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