Chapter Eleven

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It's 10:45pm by the time I make it back home. I park my bike next to my house and walk up to the door. I open it and find my scrapbook still on the floor. I let out a sigh as I close the door. I bend down and pick it up, putting it back on the shelf. Squash meows at me, sitting on the sofa. I smile and pet him on his head.
     "I wish I was a cat, life would be so much easier." I say to him. I walk over to the bathroom and turn the light on. I go to the sink and look at my neck. Bruises from the man choking me lay across the front of my neck.
     "Great." I say to myself. I take off my clothes and start the shower. I let the warm water hit my skin as I think back to what just happened.
     "When did this become my life?" I say to myself, laughing.
     "Oh man, this is crazy! I thought I was just an ordinary person...I never thought I'd ever have to experience this...ever..." I say. I let out a sigh and finish my shower. I open the curtain and grab a towel to wrap around my body. I step out of the shower and open the door. I see someone standing there and let out a scream. I look at who it is.
    "Oh, god you scared me." I say, noticing that it's just Batman.
     "I didn't mean to." He says.
     "Obviously." I say. I look at home for a few more seconds, noticing his eyes lay on my neck. I told my eyes.
     "Relax Batsy, it's just bruises." I say, walking around him to my stairs.
     "Batsy?" He asks me, confusion in his voice. I stop on the first step and turn to look at him.
     "As in Batman? Wow, you're really not that bright huh?" I notice his eyes look down at my body, then back up at me. I hold in a smirk as I continue walking up to my loft.
     "How is Claire doing?" I ask him, opening one of my dresser drawers.
     "She had a mild concussion. They have her staying overnight to keep an eye on her. Other than that, she's just scarred." He says, staying down stairs. I grab a t-shirt and a pair of panties and quickly get dressed. I toss my towel into my hamper and then jog down the steps.
     "That's good, I'll probably give her a call tomorrow morning." I tell him, walking past him to the kitchen. I grab a cup and then walk over to the sink, filling it with water. I take a sip then turn back to him.
     "So, are you going to fill me in on what's been going on?" I ask him. He steps towards me, stopping a few feet away.
     "I can only tell you the reason why you encountered what you did tonight. I still can't tell you anything that'll give away my identity." He tells me. I roll my eyes and sit at my table.
     "I know. But I need to know why that happened. How do they know about my past? Why are they after me?" I ask him. He stays near the entrance of the kitchen as he answers.
     "When you were younger, you were in a car accident. That car accident had killed your parents, but luckily you survived. The only thing is, is that you weren't suppose to." He says. My heart drops.
     "What do you mean? It was an accident..." I say. He stares at me and shakes his head.
     "It wasn't an accident. Your parents were involved with pretty important people. They were close to the Wayne's, and worked with them. After the Wayne's were assassinated, the same people came after your family. They were told to get rid of all of you, not just your parents." He tells me. I stare at him, dumbfounded.
     "So you're saying that...the truck that hit us...they-"
     "Meant to hit you. To kill you." He says, his voice cold. I sit back in my chair, shocked.
     "S-so the doctors, they didn't accidentally change my name did they?" I ask him. He shakes his head.
      "Alfred, Bruce Wayne's butler, told the doctors to change it to protect you. He paid them to stay quiet." I sit there and think.
     "But Bruce said he didn't know it was me when I got this job..." I say quietly.
     "He didn't." Batman says, walking over to me.
     "Alfred did this without him knowing. He knew that Bruce would try to interfere too much and he could've spilled that he knew who you were. They would've come after you and killed you." He tells me. He stops right in front of me, looking down at me.
     "So, instead, I was left alone all those years? Going in and out of fosters homes until I was old enough to be thrown out on the streets? I was made to believe I had no one! Now you're telling me that I could've had someone?" I start to tear up, mad and frustrated at the situation.
     "It would've risked your life." He tells me. I look away, not wanting to cry in front of him. I sit there and think for a minute.
     "How do you know all of this?" I ask him.
     "I can't tell you." He says. I shake my head. "Get out." I tell him. He doesn't move.
     "Get out!" I yell, standing up and getting in his face. My eyes make tears fall without me wanting them to. Batman doesn't leave, he stands there, watching me cry. I look down and cover my face with my hands. After a few seconds, he wraps his arms around my waist and pulls me in to hug me. He holds me as I cry, irritated and angry.
     'I could've had someone...all along I could've had a friend...I can't believe someone killed my parents...tried to kill me!' I think to myself.
I feel his hand go to the back of my head as he pats it, comforting me. I put my hands on his chest as I gently push him away. I look up at him, his eyes full of worry. I form a soft smile.
     "Don't worry about me, I'm fine Batsy." I say, wiping away my tears.
He says nothing as he leans down and kisses me. My eyes widen from surprise, not expecting that. After a few seconds I close my eyes, melting into his kiss. I move my hand up to his cheek, holding his face. He pulls me in by my waist. I pull my lips away from his, looking up at him. We both stare into each other's eyes. I smile softly and bring my hand back to his chest, patting it.
     "You really are a softy huh?" I ask him, pulling away.
     "Only for those I care about." He says. I let out a small chuckle.
     "And who might those be?" I ask him. He smiles slightly.
     "I can't tell you." He says.
     "Right....forgot." I say, leaning against the table. I cross my arms and look down at the floor.
"It's just....I'd like to know who it is that's kissing me all these times." I tell him.
     'I'd like to know who it is I'm slowly falling for.' I think to myself. He glances towards the door before stepping towards me.
     "I have to go." He says, looking down at me. I nod, not looking up. He lifts my chin with his finger, making me look at him.
     "One day." He says before kissing my forehead. He quickly leaves out the front door, shutting it behind him. I let out a sigh.
     "Hopefully one day soon, Batman." I say to the door. I stand up and walk up to my loft, plopping in my bed.
     "Today has been a long day." I say to myself. I think back to everything I learned today.
     'I used to be close with Bruce. My mother and father dying was not an accident. Alfred had the doctors change my name to protect me. My mother and fathers names aren't what I thought. Someone is still trying to kill me.' That last thought plays over and over in my head.
     "Someone's still trying to kill me..." I say softly, curling up to my pillow.
     "I need to talk to Alfred, first thing in the morning." I say, my eyes slowly shutting as I fall asleep.


     The next morning I wake up, brush my teeth, eat breakfast, and get dressed for the day. I grab my phone and call Claire's cell.
     "Hello?" I hear her say.
     "Hey, Claire how are you doing?"
     "Oh, I'm doing alright. The doctor said he'll release me this afternoon. He just wants to make sure nothing else was effected..." she says. Her voice is soft and quiet.
     "Claire...what all do you remember from last night?" I ask her. She's quiet for a few seconds.
     "Well, I remember walking into the club early, it was my day to set everything up. I had just finished putting the chairs out when someone grabbed me and tied me to a chair. I remember making a phone call to you, they made me talk. I remember you coming in and the man starting to ask you questions. But other than that....I don't remember anything. The next thing I really remember was waking up in the hospital. The doctors filled me in on what was wrong with me, but I don't remember how I got here. They said someone dropped me off...was that you?" She asks me. I let out a sigh of relief.
     'Thank god she doesn't remember Batman being there.'
     "Uh, yeah. I called Alfred and he sent someone out to help us." I tell her. I can hear her sigh.
     "I'm glad everything turned out okay. How did you get away from them? What happened?" She asks me.
     "Well, the police showed up and helped us. I don't know how they knew we were there. It could've been Alfred. I think he follows me everywhere." I say jokingly. I hear her giggle.
     "Well, I'm glad if he does. We were saved." She says. I smile. I'm glad that she's okay. I feel my phone vibrate and I check it. Bruce messaged me, telling me to come to the main house.
     "Well, Claire, I'm glad you're okay. I'm being paged to the main house, so I have to go." I tell her, walking towards my door.
     "Okay! Please be careful out there!" She says before hanging up. I lock my phone and tuck it into my back pocket. I open the door and start towards the main house entrance.

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