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"Thomas Alfred Wayne, come back here right now!" I yell up the stairs. My son has decided to throw a tantrum simply because Bruce couldn't drive him to kindergarten today. We were all eating breakfast when Bruce received a phone call from the mayor, needing his assistance with another rouge police agent. When he hung up, he told me I would need to take Thomas to school. He didn't like that, and decided to toss his plate off the table before storming upstairs. I'm currently standing at the bottom of the staircase, rubbing my temples.
"This is going to be a long day." I say out loud.
"Don't worry Mrs. Wayne, I'll talk to him." Alfred tells me as he walks past me and up the stairs.
"Thank you. And call me Wren!" I call up to him. He disappears into the hallway and I let out a sigh. I look down at my hand, admiring the elegant, simple ring Bruce gave me not long ago. After Thomas turned 2, Bruce took me out to the same park we talked in when I didn't know he was Batman. It was a very breezy, sunny fall day. The leaves on the trees were all sorts of reds and yellows as they fell on the ground. He brought me to a small picnic he made and proposed to me while we were eating. A year later we were married. Thomas is now 5 years old, and may have a sibling coming soon. My hand drops to my stomach as I think about my baby.
Bruce doesn't know yet, but I am pregnant again. I wasn't sure if I was at first, but after five positive tests, I had to go to the doctors to confirm. Sure enough, I am pregnant with baby number 2. I was planning on telling Bruce and Thomas together, tonight, but since Bruce will be busy, it will have to wait. I walk back towards the dining room and look at the mess on the floor. Alfred attempted to clean it up, but no doubt wanted to help with Thomas's tantrum so left it on the floor to do later. Bruce left already, right after Thomas left the room. I let out another sigh and kneel down on the floor, sitting back on my legs. I start to pick up the leftover fruits and toast that were on his plate and put them back on. I stand up and take the plate to the kitchen. I toss the food into the trash and put the plate in the sink.
I lean my hands against the edge of the sink and close my eyes, nausea suddenly taking over me. I try to breathe through it, but fail and end up sprinting to the half-bath right outside the kitchen. I quickly lift the toilet seat and vomit into the toilet. I let it all out before flushing and leaning back, resting my head on the wall behind me.
"Feeling alright?" Alfred asks from the doorway. I jump slightly at his sudden appearance before letting out a shaky breath. I nod as I stand up.
"Yeah, just a bit nauseous is all. I think I'm having a rough day." I tell him. He gives me a knowing smile and tilts his head in a nod.
"I see. Would you like me to fetch you some water?"
"Yes, Alfred. Thank you." I say as I turn the sink on, rinsing my mouth and face. I pat myself dry before going to meet him in the kitchen. I enter and he hands me a cup of water. I take it, thank him, and gulp it down.
"So, how many weeks?" He asks me. I choke and cough on my water. I try to catch my breath before I answer him.
"How many weeks along are you?"
"What do you mean? I'm not..." I start to deny it, but he gives me a look that makes me sigh.
"Eight...how did you know?" I ask him.
"Well, not only have you been getting sick here quite a bit recently, but you have also been very tired, spacey, and moody." He says with a wink. I let out a sigh as I set down my cup.
"Well, it definitely wasn't expected." I tell him.
"I believe that, especially since the doctor told you that you couldn't have more." He says. I nod and touch my stomach again.
"I haven't told Bruce yet." I say. Alfred nods and walks over to me, placing a hand on my arm gently.
"Your secret is safe with me." He looks at me a bit longer before giving me a soft smile.
"I'll get Master Thomas ready for school and take him. Why don't you take some time for yourself today?" He more tells me then asks me as he walks off to get Thomas ready for school. I nod to myself as I think of how to tell Bruce about his new child.


I take a sip of my decaf coffee as I watch the rain fall on the balcony hangs off our room. I notice headlights pulling into the estate and see that it's Bruce's car pulling into the garage. I check my phone for the time. 1:20am. I take another sip of my coffee before setting it down, wrapping my blanket around my shoulders to keep me warm against the cold autumn wind. I sit there in my thoughts for some time, because soon I hear Bruce come into our room and call my name.
"Wren? Are you still awake?" He asks as he nears the open doors to the balcony I'm on. I give him a small 'mhm' as he steps out onto the balcony. He sits next to me and lets out a sigh.
"Long day?" I ask him. He nods as he blows out air.
"Too long. I just wanted to be here with you and Thomas." He says, leaning back in his chair and resting his arms on his legs. I glance over at him and take him in. Even now, with bags under his eyes and his hair slightly messy from the wind, he still is the most attractive man I've ever seen. I smile and I chuckle softly, picking up my coffee again to take a sip. Bruce looks over at me.
"What?" He asks me. I glance over at him before taking a sip. I swallow and hold my cup towards my chest for warmth.
"Nothing, just admiring your beauty." I joke with him. He gives me a playful scoff before sitting up, reaching over to place a hand on my thigh.
"If anyone has beauty, it's you." He says. I smile and lower my gaze, my thoughts swirling. He notices my absence and lifts my chin with his finger to look at him. He holds my face in his hand and his thumb rubs my cheek.
"What's wrong?" He asks me. I give him a smile before setting my cup down on the table next to me. I take his hand from my face and hold it. I breathe in a shaky breath before looking into his eyes.
"Bruce, I need to tell you something."
"Oookaaay, what?"
"You know how the doctor said I couldn't get pregnant again?" I ask him. He nods, his face pulled into a confused look. I bite my lip and look down, nerves suddenly taking over me. 'What if he doesn't want another kid? Will he leave us? Will he still want to be with me? What if I don't bounce back as quickly as I did with Thomas?' Negative thoughts start to swirl in my head. When the doctor told us we couldn't have another, Bruce was perfectly content with it. He said he only ever wanted a boy, and he got his one. What if he doesn't want this baby? Will I have to raise it on my own?
I don't hear Bruce calling my name until he shakes my shoulders gently. I blink as I come back into focus of present time.
"Wren, what's going on? Are you okay?" He asks me, his face full of concern. I clear my throat and nod, pulling back. I stand up and wrap the blanket around my shoulders as I entered our bedroom.
"Y-yeah, I'm okay. I think I'm just tired I'm gonna go lay down."
"Wait, Wren." He follows behind me, shutting the door before grabbing my wrist and pulling me back towards him.
"Hey, talk to me. What's going on?" He asks me, holding my arms as he holds me against him in a comforting hug. I gulp down my nerves as I avoid his eyes. 'Why is this so hard? Just tell him!' I yell at myself as I let out a sigh, my eyes starting to tear up. Bruce's eyebrows crease together as he noticed my tears and grabs my face in his hands.
"Baby, talk to me. Please." He says in a soft voice. I close my eyes before speaking.
"The doctor was wrong, Bruce." I say quietly.
"What do you mean he was wrong?" He says, his eyes searching my face. I take a few deep breaths as my eyes lower to my stomach. His gaze follows mine before jumping back up to meet my eyes.
"W-wait, you're...?" He starts to ask me but ends up lost for words. I nod as I avoid his gaze, tears threatening to break through my hold. 'Stupid hormones!'
"Wren, baby, look at me." I hear him say. I hesitate before glancing at him, seeing his face bright and smiling. And that is when I lose it. The tears fall uncontrollably as the realization hits. He's happy. Of course he would be. He's not a bad guy, yet here I am thinking he would disown his next child.
"Honey, why are you crying?" He asks me, pulling me into a hug. I wipe my tear on my shirt sleeve as I try to calm down.
"I-I just thought that you wouldn't want another. I was worried!" I say through sobs. I hear a few chuckle escape his chest as he laughs, a heartwarming laugh.
"Why wouldn't I want another baby? Of course I want one! I'm happy, Wren." He says as he leans down and picks me up, holding me bridal style. I wrap my arms around his neck as he carries me over to the bed, placing me gently on my side.
"Are you sure?" I ask, picking at my finger nails. He sighs ever so softly before sitting next to me on the edge of the bed and putting his hand over mine. He takes his other hand and holds the side of my face, kissing my forehead sweetly.
"I'm positive. I already love Thomas more than anything, I know I'll love our new little bundle of joy just as much. I've always wanted a sibling of my own, so I'm happy that we can provide that for our son." He says. I smile as I wipe my remaining tears away. We sit there in silence for a few moments before he speaks up again.
"How far along are you?"
"Eight weeks. I went to the doctors last week." I tell him. He nods as he holds my hand.
"....What do you think it is?" He asks me. I let out a soft chuckle.
"I don't know, but I do hope that it's a girl." I tell him. He smiles and nods.
"Me too. What would we name her?"
"I'm not sure. I did think of a few names though."
"Oh? And what are these names?" He asks me, scoring more onto the bed to cuddle next to me.
"Either Evelyn Martha Wayne or Kane Clarice Wayne." I say with a smile. Bruce holds me close to him as he smiles back.
     "I like those names, but why did you think of two?" I smile widely and move out of his grasp as I reach over towards my nightstand. I open the drawer and pull out the ultrasound that the doctor gave me. He hand it to him and point at a blob on the picture.
     "This would be Evelyn." I say. Then I point to the second blob on the picture.
     "And this, would be Kane." I say before glancing up at him. Bruce's jaw drops slightly as he realizes what I mean. Before I know it, he's pulling me on top of him and squeezing me tightly, but not tight enough to hurt. I'm giggling as he rocks me dramatically.
     "Twins? We're having twins? This is amazing! I can't believe we're having twins!" He says through my laughter. He laughs with me before we both calm down. I look down at him and give him a gentle, but passionate kiss. He lets out a contented sigh as I pull away, brushing a piece of my hair back.
     "I love you, Wren." He says. I smile widely.
     "I love you too, Bruce."

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