Chapter Three

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     I wake up to the sound of my alarm going off. I sit up and rub my eyes, yawing. I look around my room and see Squash still laying next to me. I pick him up and put him in my lap. I let him as I go over everything that happened yesterday in my head.
     'I can't believe all that happened.' I think to myself. 'I've met Batman previous to this? Impossible.' I get up and stretch, Squash jumping down from the bed. I go to the bathroom and do my mourning routine. I brush my teeth and hair, putting my hair back in two French braids. I go back to my bedroom to look through my closet for clothes. Today I have an interview for a potential new job, so I have to dress nicely. I go over my options and pick a nice pair of black skinny pants and a nice button-up blouse.
     "Hopefully this is professional enough, right Squash?" I ask him. He just stares at me then meows. I smile and bend down to let him.
      I quickly change into the outfit and look at myself in the mirror. The bruises from the night before are still prominent, so I go to the bathroom and cover them up as good as I can with makeup. The bruises on my neck cover decently, but the ones on my wrists don't. I just leave it and do my face makeup as quickly as I can. I just do a simple liner and mascara for my eyes. I put on a simple lipgloss before putting on some black heels for my interview. I double check myself in the mirror before leaving my bedroom. The black and dark blue blouse I have makes my bright blue eyes pop. My hair is nicely down, no stragglers from hair strands are sticking out. I do a nod to myself and head to my kitchen. I make myself a cup of coffee and a bagel with strawberry cream cheese. I sit at my counter and eat my breakfast while scrolling on my phone. My scrolling stops as I see a picture of the man from last night on my Facebook feed. There is an article about what happened to him last night. I click on it to read it.
     "They let him, go are you kidding me?!" I say. I toss my phone on the counter in anger and get up to take care of my coffee cup. I put it in the sink and then grip the edge of the sink, taking a deep breath in.
     "Fuck it, hopefully after today, I won't have to deal with this shit anymore." I say, moving away from the sink. I pick my phone back up and put it in my purse that was hanging on the hook by the door. I grab my keys off the counter and my jacket from the hook, pet Squash one last time, then leave my apartment. I lock my door behind me and put my keys in my purse. I take a deep sigh.
     "Let's do this." I say to myself as I walk down to the parking garage and hop on my bike. I drive down to the Wayne's estate, pulling up to the front gate. I stop outside the entrance and push the button on the call box.
     "How can I help you?" Asks a male voice from the box.
     "Yes, hi, I had the interview at 12:00 today for the secretary position posted in the paper?" I say. There's a pause before the front gate opens.
     "Just drive up to the front, we'll park your vehicle for you." Says the voice.
     "Thank you!" I call back before driving through the gate. I look around the estate as I drive. The land is massive, with trees and bushes all over the lawn. I pull up to the front entrance and turn off my bike. I prop it up on the kickstand and hop off of it. I walk up to the front door and use the knocker to knock on it. I step back and wait for someone to answer. Almost a minute goes by before the door opens, revealing an older man in front of me. He has gray hair and is wear a suit. He also has a cane in his right hand.
     "Good morning dear, I'm Alfred. I am the butler here for Mr. Wayne." He says, extending his hand out to me. I shake it.
     "Hi, I'm Wren Painter. It's nice to meet you!" He glances down at my wrist which shows the bruises. I clear my throat and pull my hand away, smiling. He smiles softly at me.
     "Follow me." He says. I follow in after him as he leads me to a big foyer with a big chandelier hanging from the ceiling. It has a gothic appeal to it, and has candles instead of lights on it. There are stairs on either side leading up to the second level, and a hallway between the stairs continuing the first floor.
      Alfred leads me down that hallway into a room which looks to be their office. A desk sits in the middle of this huge room. The wall consists of bookcases filled with books, there's a lamp next to the desk, a chair in front of the desk and a chair behind it. There's a nice sofa across from the desk, pushed against the wall. Alfred leads me over to the desk and gestures for me to sit in the chair in front of the desk. He then walks around and sits in the chair behind it. He leans his cane against the desk and clears his throat.
     "Now, tell me, why do you want to work here at the Wayne's estate?" He asks me.
     "Well, I know that many people feel as if the Wayne's no longer care about this city. But I know that that's not true. Mr. Bruce Wayne just went through something very traumatic, and trauma can change a person's outlook on others. I'm not saying he has a bad outlook on people, but he probably just prefers to keep to himself now. I can relate to his pain." He say. Alfred continues to stare at me as if waiting for me to continue. I hesitate before continuing.
     "You see, I lost my parents when I was five. We were in a car accident and I was...the only on to make it. I didn't have anyone to raise me, no family of any kind. I was alone for years. I can understand how he wouldn't want to be out in public much or interact with anyone. I wouldn't either if I had the image he does." I tell him. Alfred nods, and then asks me his next question.
     "I'm sorry for your loss. But why a secretary position? According to your application, you have no previous experience in that field."
     "Well, let's just say that my current job is not the best. I need something that isn't as degrading as the one I have now. I also enjoy working in an office type setting. I know I don't have any previous experience, but I work hard and am willing to work any time that you need me." I tell him. He nods again and then sits in silence for a minute, thinking.
     "Okay, I just had one last question for you." He says.
     "Are you willing to relocate to this estate?" He asks me. I tilt my head.
     "Do you mean" I ask him. He nods. I take a second to think on it.
     "I mean, I could if you really need me to, but may I ask why?"
     "Well, Mr.Wayne isn't always present during normal work hours. It would be easier to aid him if you were able to be here at any moment of the day. If you live half way across the city, it would be challenging for you to travel all this way every time." He says.
     "So, are you saying that if I am offered this job, and I take it, I'd need to live here?" I ask him.
     "We have a building around the side that is like an apartment for guests. We would have you stay there. That way, you are still welcome to come and go as you please, but you are close enough to where we don't have to worry about calling you half way across town." He says. I nod, letting him know I understand.
     "Let me speak with Mr. Wayne for a few minutes but everything should be set." He says, standing up.
     "Okay." I say, staying put. He leaves me sitting in the room by myself. I think about having to move.
     'I'd be moving away from Claire, I wouldn't see here again for a while. Pablo also wouldn't be happy that I left his club.' I think to myself. After a few minutes go by, the door opens and I stand up, slightly startled. I turn and see Alfred standing at the door.
     "Alright Ms. Painter, Mr. Wayne says that he will gladly accept you as our new secretary for the Wayne estate." He says, smiling. I smile back and walk to him.
     "Thank you Alfred, and to Mr. Wayne. Is he around for me to thank him personally?" I ask him, looking over his shoulder. He shakes his head.
     "Sadly, he had a late night last night, so he is up in his room resting. However, I will have him officially meet you tomorrow morning when you start." He says.
     "Tomorrow morning? That soon?" I ask him. He nods.
     "Is that too soon of a notice for you?" He asks. I shake my head.
     "No, I just don't know if I'll have my apartment packed that quickly is all." I say with a slightly chuckle. He laughs and nods.
     "Yes, don't worry, we'll have some people help you move your belongings over. They should be at your place around 9:00 am. How does that sound?"
     "Perfect, thank you!" I say, shaking his hand again. He leads me back to the front door and I look around as I do. He opens the door and I step out, turning back around to say goodbye. I see a figure move upstairs as I turn, startling me slightly.
     "Is everything alright?" Alfred asks me. I nod and focus back to him.
     "Yes, I was just wondering if I'd be able to look around the estate tomorrow once I move in."
     "Oh yes, don't worry, I'll give you a tour of the whole estate." He says. I smile and glance back up to the top of the stairs. No one is up there, but I could've sworn I saw a shadow.
     'May just be my nerves.' I think to myself. I walk down to my bike as I wave goodbye to Alfred. He gives me one last wave before shutting the door. I start my bike and begin my leave. I drive all the way back to my apartment and sit on my couch when I get home. Squash jumps up and sits in my lap. I pet him slowly as he starts purring.
     "Well Squash, it looks like we'll be leaving this dump." I say. I look around the apartment that I've lived in for ten years.
     "It's gonna be different huh?" I say, looking down at Squash. He's fallen asleep in my lap. I smile and let him sleep. I close my eyes and drift off to sleep.

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