Chapter Seventeen

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     We arrive at the station and Bruce drives around to the back of the building. He slows down to a stop and turns off his bike. I take my helmet off and swing my leg off the bike.
     "Alright, I'll be back in a bit." I say as I hand him my helmet and turn to start walking.
     "I'm coming with." I hear him say as he climbs off the bike. He puts our helmets on the hands bars as I turn back around to face him.
     "You don't have to do that. I can handle this myself."
     "Yeah, no. I'm not letting you go in there by yourself." He says, walking past me towards the front. I hesitantly following after him.
     "But what if someone recognizes you?" I ask him. I almost run into him as he stops in front of me. I catch myself and look up at him as he turns to face me. He looks down at me as he speaks.
     "So what if they do? Do you not want to be seen with me?" He asks me, stepping closer. I back away from him but get stopped by the walls of the building.
     "Well, n-no that's not it. I just-"
     "Just what, Wren?" His voice low as he traps me by placing his hands on the wall on either side of my head. He leans down closer, his face so close I can smell his aftershave again.
     "Just" my thoughts disappear as the smell swirls around my head. 'Does he not know what he's doing to me?' I notice a small smirk play at his lips as he reads my face. 'He does.' Irritation starts to fill me as I realize he's doing this on purpose.
     "You know what? Do what you want, I don't care. Just don't come crying to me tha-" As I start to budge away from him, his hand comes down and wraps around behind me, pulling my body flush against his. I gasp and look up at him.
     "Bruce! What the fuck are you-" my sentence gets cut off as his other hand clasps my mouth shut. He shushes me as he pushes me against the wall, practically hiding my body. He leans in and keeps his head next to mine.
     "Don't move, don't say a word. Just stay still." He whispers, his breath tickling my ear. I nod slightly so he knows I'm listening. I hear footsteps walk past us and voices as they pass.
     "She should be here soon, I need to get back in there to make sure everything goes according to plan." A man's voice says. The voice sounds a bit familiar to me.
     "It will. We've been planning this for years." I hear another man hiss. The way that Bruce's arm holds me allows me to see one of the men standing a bit away from us. He's tall and skinny, wearing a long trench coat and a hat which hides his face. The man brings a cigarette up to his lips and takes a long drag before tossing it on the ground. He steps on it to put it out.
     "But what if it doesn't? If the big man finds out..."
     "He won't be finding out anything!" The man hisses, grabbing the other man by the collar. Now that he's in view, I see that the other man is a bit shorter than the one in the trench coat, but he's a bit buffer and is wearing a police uniform.
     "You better make sure everything goes right, or it'll be your ass on the line." The trench-coat guy tells the police officer. The officer nods as trench-coat lets him go. The officer fixes his uniform before walking back towards the entrance as trench-coat continues down the alleyway. Thankfully, it seems as though neither of them noticed me and Bruce.
     Bruce looks both ways before down at me. He lowers his hand from my mouth but doesn't move.
     "Did you get a good look at them?" He asks me.
     "Not really. I didn't see their faces but one had a trench coat and the other had a police uniform on. I wonder what they were talking about..." I trail off as I notice Bruce staring at me. Just then, I remember that our bodies are touching, and my heart begins to race. 'Why isn't he moving away?' I think to myself. Bruce looks my face over which makes me start to blush. 'Why is he staring at me this long?' He moves his hand to touch the wall behind me as his other hands move accord my back to my waist. He doesn't move his body away, but instead, starts to lower his face towards mine. I shut my eyes, not really knowing what to expect. 'Oh god, what's happening? Is he about to-'
     "There." I hear him say. I open my eyes and see that he is holding up his finger to me.
     "You had an eyelash." He says before pulling away. My body suddenly feels cold from the lack of his heat. I shiver as I watch him walk towards the front of the building, leaving me alone in the ally. I stand there, confused.
     "Well, what the fuck was that?" I ask aloud. I throw my hands up as I walk towards the front of the building, entering the door with Bruce.

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