Chapter Twenty-Two

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     "Okay, just go in and act natural. Nothing has changed. You're still his employee, he's your boss. You just happened to your boss..." I talk to myself, walking towards the main house. I get the to side door connected to the kitchen and stop. I stare down at the door knob, taking a deep breath in.
     " goes nothing..." I grab the knob and turn it. I enter the kitchen to find it empty.
     "Hello?" I call out. I step into the dining room, no one in sight. I furrow my eyebrows as I continue towards Bruce's office. I hear voices coming from the door that is slightly cracked.
"She can't know, Alfred." I hear Bruce say. I stop outside the door and listen.
"She needs to know, Bruce. Especially after what you did last night."
"Nothing will happen because of last night." Bruce says, his voice low. I hear Alfred sigh.
"So you're just going to let her believe it meant something? Lead her on?" Alfred asks him. I step closer to the door, my heart beginning to race. 'Are they talking' I gulp.
"I'm not leading her on. We agreed that nothing would or could happen after that." Bruce states. My heart sinks in my chest as I hear those words. 'Did last night really mean nothing to him?'
     "Are you sure that she actually agreed to that? You can't have this relationship with her." Alfred says. I hear Bruce let out a sigh.
     "I'll check and make sure she agrees to it." He tells Alfred. 'Excuse me? Ha, fine. You don't have to worry about that Bruce. I want nothing to do with you now.'
I hear a chair scruff the floor as footsteps come closer towards me. I panic and quickly tiptoes back down the hall towards the kitchen. I go to grab the knob but stop when I hear my name.
     "Wren, glad to see you're finally up." I hear Bruce say behind me. I silently curse at myself for not being quick enough, but put on a smile and turn around.
     "Yeah, had a late start to my day." I say. My breath almost catches in my throat as I take a look at Bruce. 'Fuck me.' I say in my head, taking him in. Today he's wearing a black button down shirt that is a tad too tight on him, making his muscles pop. He's wearing black dress pants and belt to go with his shirt. His hair is slicked down, making him look sophisticated. Overall, he makes me love and hate him at the same time.
     He nods as he glances over my body. I blush as I look away, pretending I didn't notice. I feel very out of place compared to what he is wearing today. I went with basic black leggings and white sweatshirt. My hair sits on my head in a wet bun since I showered before coming inside. I am also wearing my glasses today because my contacts dried out. He walks towards me, stopping in front of me. I look up at him, wanting to run. 'He doesn't care, remember that Wren!' I tell myself as his scent fills my nose. He looks down at me, then at my neck. I tense as he reaches up and grabs my necklace. He examines it between his fingers.
     "Do you always wear this?" He asks in a soft voice.
     "Uh, y-yeah, I do." I say. 'Is he testing me? To see if I wanted more from him?' I scoff to myself and back away. He gives me a soft, confused look before stepping back as well.
     "Okay, well you can help me today in my office. I have to prepare for the meeting I have on Thursday." He says. He gestures for me to follow him as he turns around and walks out of the kitchen. I follow behind him as we head to his office. Alfred walks by us and gives me a smile and nod. I give him a soft smile before entering the office. Bruce walks over to the window and starts opening the curtains to let light in. I walk to his desk and take a seat in one of the chairs in front of it. He then takes a seat in his chair across from me.
     "Here is the paperwork for the meeting." He says, handing me a small stack of papers. "This meeting determines a lot for me, professionally and personally." He says, keeping his eyes on his own paperwork. I look at the top of the paper and notice the name.
"The police department? Why are you having a meeting with them?" I ask him. He glances up at me before setting down the paper he was holding onto the desk. He interlocks his fingers and places his hands on the desk too.
"The police department is corrupted. I know that there are people working there that also work for the major crime lords in this city. The Wayne's family has funded the department for decades. I have continued to do so for two reasons." He reaches beside him and opens a drawer to his desk. He pulls out a vanilla folder and plops it in front of him. 
     "One, is to save face." He opens the folder. "Since my family has funded them for decades, if I were to just randomly stop it without a legit reason, the entire city would come after me and my estate." He picks up a small stack of photos from the folder and hands them to me. I take them and gasp as I look through them.
     "Two, to have an in." He says. The photos include pictures of police officers, the chief of police, and multiple crime scenes. They also include moments where you see those same officers exchanging between crime lords. I look through them and stop on one of them. It's a picture of Oswald Cobblepot and a man in an alley way. It's dark, but I can make out the outline of the man's face. It looks very familiar to me, making a pit form in my stomach. 'Who is this guy?' I ask myself. I squint at the photo, trying to get more detail.
"The men in the picture are Elijah Van Dahl, Oswald's father, and Michael Clide." Bruce says, answering my question without me having to ask. I look up at him confused before the realization hits me.
"Wait, wait. My father? Why is he talking with Oswald's father?" I ask him, my heart starting to race. I look back down at the photo. Now that he says this, the man's face is clear to me. My father had a goatee and mustache, dark brown hair, and circle-framed glasses. All very present in this picture.
     "That is what I've been trying to find out for years." Bruce tells me. I notice a box in my father's hand.
     "That box looks familiar..." My fingers run over the picture.
"That box contained a very rare and expensive jewel that Van Dahl gave to your father. I only know this because Cobblepot came to me years ago asking if my father had it. No one knows where that box is, but I have a feeling that that is what the people who killed your parents are after." He says bluntly. I stay quiet as my mind races. 'Why did my father have that box? Is that why I'm being targeted? Is Oswald the one that's after me? Did my mother know? Who all knows about this? How far will they go to get it?'
"Wren." I hear Bruce's voice break through my thoughts. I blink a few times and look up at him. He's now squatting in from of me, his hands laying over mine. I pull back from him and stand up.
"I-I'm sorry, I need to...I need some air." I stumble back wards trying to get out of the chair. He quickly steps towards me to balance me out. I jerk my arm out of his grasp. He looks at me with eyes full of concern and worry. I look down before turning around, leaving his office. I hurry out to my house and slam the door behind me. My chest rises and falls quickly as my breathing because difficult.
"What is going on?" I ask to an empty room. My hand goes to my necklace as I think about it. I glance up at the dark room upstairs and slowly make my way up there. I go towards my bed and reach in between the mattress and box spring. I pull out the small, black box and open it. I pull out the blue gemstone and examine it.
"Just how expensive are you?" I say as I twirl it in my fingers. I hear something make a noise downstairs which causes me to jump. I quickly put the gem back in the box and hide it under my bed. I tiptoe down the steps and peak over the railing to see what it was. I see Squash on the dining table in the kitchen, the vase I had with a flower in it tipped over. I roll my eyes.
"Ugh, Squash! You scared me. I thought someone was in here." I say as I walk over to the table. I reach the table and pick up the flower and vase. I turn towards my kitchen and jump.
"Ah! Jesus Christ dude, you need a God damn bell!" I yell at Batman, who is standing in the corner next to my patio door.
"Sorry." He says. I shake my head and put the flower back in the vase. I walk over to my sink and fill the vase back up with water.
"What are you doing here?" I ask him, putting the vase on the counter.
"I just wanted to see you." He tells me. I hear his boots on the kitchen floor as he makes his way over to me. I blush softly as I turn to face him.
"You wanted to see me?" I ask him. 'Wren don't do this to yourself. You still can't do anything with him. Not while he's Batman to you.' I think to myself. The other side of me speaks up though. 'Why not? Bruce doesn't want to go further, why not try with Batman?' My thoughts fight each other as I try to remain calm on the outside.
Batman leans towards me, his hand reaching out and grabbing a piece of my hair that fell out of my bun. He moves it behind my ear and lets his fingers graze my jawline as he retracts his hand. A shiver runs through me from how soft his touch is.
"Is that so bad?" He asks me, his voice low and soft. My eyes drop from his eyes to his chest. I move forward a bit, putting my hands on his hard chest. My body pushes against his as I slide my hands up to his shoulders, then around the back of his neck.
"I guess it's not." I tell him, pulling him down to me. His lips meet mine as I kiss him softly. 'Don't do this, Wren. You're only hurting yourself.' My mind tries to chime in, but is quickly shut down as Batman kisses me back. His hands find my hips and pulls me flush against him. We deepen the kiss by finding each other's tongues. His hands move down over my ass to right underneath it. He lifts me up with ease as he sits me on my counter. He stand between my thighs and pulls me to the edge of the counter, pressing my body into his. His hand moves up to the back of my head, intertwining his fingers through my hair. He moves his kisses down my chin to my neck then to my collarbone. He sucks on my skin, nibbling at it. I let out a soft gasp as I shiver. His breath is hot on my neck as he moves back up to my lips.
     I bite his lower lip, causing him to let out a low moan. I smirk softly at his reaction. I wrap my legs around his waist, feeling his length push against my womanhood. I moan into his lips as he starts grinding into me slowly. Heat spreads through me as I get more turned on. All logic and sense leave me as he picks me up again and starts towards the living room. He sits me down on the couch and leans over me, his cape draping over us. He bends down and kisses on the nape of my neck as his hand softly feels for my breast. He finds it and squeezes it gently, rubbing his thumb over it, making my nipples hard. The bra that I'm wearing doesn't have any padding in it, so my nipples poke through all the way to my shirt.
     He moves his hand down to the bottom of my shirt and pulls it up, exposing my breasts. I'm wearing a white laced bralette, which he pulls up over my breasts as well. He grips one in his hand as he sucks on my nipple, causing me to moan. His other hand moves lower, trailing down my stomach. Goosebumps form along my arms and stomach from his soft touch. His finger hooks underneath the top of my leggings and slides inside. He moves his hand down further to find my now-dripping pussy without any panties. A groan escapes him as he pulls away from my breast. He moves up to my ear and whispers into it.
     "You were waiting for this to happen, weren't you?" He asks me, teasing me. His fingers start to play with me, making me moan and squirm underneath him.
     "Well? Did you want this to happen, Wren?" He asks in a deep voice that drips desire when he speaks. I let out a moan in response as he slides a finger inside me, then two. My hips are moving on their own at this point, want all of him inside me instead.
     "Y-yes, I did." I tell him in a soft voice.
     "Good." He growls out before speeding up, curling his fingers to reach my spot. I grip his arms as I start to feel my ecstasy climbing. With his free hand, he finds my wrists and holds them above my head, pinning me down. He then leans down and kisses me, his tongue wasting no time in finding mine. They dance with each other as his fingers please me, moving even faster and deeper. I can feel myself clenching as I reach my climax, moaning loudly into his lips. He slows down to help me relax before slowly sliding his hand out of my leggings. He lets go of my wrists and stands up, holding his hand out for me. I fix my bra and sweatshirt before taking his hand to stand up. He lets out a sigh before holding my face in his hands, bringing my lips to his one last time.
     "You make it impossible to stop wanting you." He tells me in a soft voice. I let out a small chuckle.
     "You should tell yourself that." I say, tapping my finger as his chest as my hand lays there.
     "We can't..." Batman starts. I hold a finger up to his lips, stopping him.
     "Don't. Just end it on a good note, okay?" I ask him. He gives me a nod before stepping away. He walks to my kitchen and opens the patio door. Before he leaves, he looks back at me. I give him a small smile and wave before he disappears.

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