Chapter Six

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I open my door and walk out to him. He turns his gaze to me and I see a small change in his eyes. His eyes are soft now, sort of glistening.
"So, you got me here. What do you wanna do to me?" I ask him, smirking. He stares at me blankly.
"Wow, your humor really sucks." I say, sitting down on my couch. He stays standing by the window but keeps his gaze on me. I pat the seat next to me, but he doesn't budge. I roll my eyes.
"Come on Batman, you can sit. You don't have to stand for everything." I say, slightly annoyed. He stays where he's at for a few seconds, but then makes his way over to sit next to me. As he sits, he stays stiff, as if he's ready to leave at any moment.
'I don't blame him, I'd be on edge too.' I think to myself.
"So, can we talk about the other thing that happened at the hospital?" I ask him. He turns his gaze to me.
"What?" He asks. His eyes lay on mine, sending chills through me.
"Uh, ya know...when we almost..." I don't finish. His stare seems to be telling me to just shut up. I turn and look away. It's embarrassing, but I want to know.
'There is clear chemistry here, but obviously I'm the only one who notices.' I think to myself. 'It's very clear that he has no intention of wanting anything like that with me. So then why is he here? If that's true?' I ask myself.
"Wren." I hear him say. I turn back to look at him. He's not as stiff and has even angled his body towards mine. I pull one of my legs up to my chest, resting my foot on the sofa. He seems to be trying to say something, but not knowing how to say it. I tilt my head and put a hand on his thigh. I feel him tense, so I lift my hand slightly.
"If you need to say something you can." I tell him. He hesitates, but then responds.
"I've been watching you for quite some time now." He says. My hand automatically retracts back to me.
"What do you mean?" I ask.
"There is something from your past that I can't discuss with you, but it's important for me to make sure you're alive and okay." He says. I turn my head away from him to the window.
"What are you saying right now?" I ask him. He stands up, causing me to look at him.
"I'm saying that you are important to me." He says. I stare at him, confused as hell.
"What do you mean 'important to you'?" I ask him, standing up. He turns away from me and avoids eye contact. I wait for him to respond but he says nothing. I start to get angry.
"Hello? What do you mean?" I push his back. He doesn't move, but he responds.
"I mean that it is my job to protect you. You are too important to die. So no matter what, I have to keep you alive." He says. I scoff and shake my head.
"That's pathetic." I say. He finally turns around, irritation and slight anger in his eyes.
"Excuse me?" He asks.
"I'm important to you? I don't even know who you are! How do you expect me to believe anything you're saying right now when I don't even know your first name?" I tell him, walking away. He follows after me.
"Because you just have to trust me! I can't give you my identity-"
"Cause it's bad right? Villains would come after me?" I snap back, turning to face him.
"Yes!" He says. I nod and scoff.
"So what almost happened doesn't mean anything to you?" I ask him. "There's not chemistry here between us? I'm just another job to you?" I ask him.
"No, you're not just another job." He says, his eyes full of anger.
"Bullshit!" I say, pushing him away from me.
"Stop pushing me away from you." He says. I push him again.
"Or what? You'll hurt me? I'm too important right?" I say, pushing his chest again. He grabs my elbow of my arm, leaving my hurt arm alone.
"I'm not playing, stop it."
"Make me!" I say, pushing him again. He pushes back, making my back hit the wall. I gasp from shock as he punches the wall next to me. My heart is racing, my blood pumping. My eyes stay locked on his. They're full of what seems to be anger and...lust? He leans down and gets his face only inches from mine. His body towers over mine, making me feel small.
"You think you're just a job to me? What if I say this is personal." He tells me, his eyes not leaving mine even for a second.
"How? I don't even know you." I say.
"But I know you." He says. A small gasp escapes my lips. He's right, just because I don't know his identity, doesn't mean he doesn't know mine. For all I know he could be a long lost family member, or an old friend. Or just a random person I only met once. He glances down at my lips, then back up to my eyes. My hand has been on his chest this whole time. I close my fist around the collar of his suit, my heart beating fast.
'God I hope he's not a family member.' I think to myself. He starts to lean down closer, he lips only centimeters from mine. My hand trails up the his face, holding his cheek. Our eyes are locked on each other's. I move closer to him, closing my eyes. I feel his lips brush mine, causing me to gasp softly. I feel one of his hands grab my waist, pulling me close. I pull his face to mine and our lips lock. His lips feel so warm and soft, they taste of peppermint. I wrap my arms around his neck as he pulls me closer, our bodies now pressed against each other's. After what feels like minutes, I feel his tongue slide into my mouth. My face warms as I get excited. My tongue dances with his as we kiss. All the thoughts in my head melts away, all I can think of is how his body is touching mine.
All of a sudden he breaks away, leaving me confused and hot. He walks over to the window and opens it. I lean against the wall behind me, unable to really move or go after him. He looks back at me for a few seconds before going out the window. I'm left there to think by myself.
'Oh god, what just happened? Did Batman just...kiss me? What the fuck is going on? Am I...happy?' I think to myself. After a few minutes I'm able to move from the spot I was at. I go and close the window he left from, staring down from it. I close the curtains and walk back to my bedroom. I lay in my bed and stare up at my ceiling. My heart is still beating fast, and my mind is racing. I still feel so excited, I decide to take care of myself. I think of him the whole time I do. Once I'm done, I take a nice hot shower, and then climb back in bed to fall asleep.

"Did they arrive yet?" Alfred asks me on the phone. Movers walk around my apartment, collecting boxes of my things.
"Yes Alfred, thank you again for the help!" I tell him.
"Of course dear. Now, we do have your bike here. I'm assuming you had someone drop it off for you?" He asks me. I bite my tongue before saying anything.
"Yup, just a uh, a friend of mine." I say.
"Splendid! Well, I will see you soon my dear. When you get all settled in, feel free to come into the main house for lunch!" He says before hanging up. I watch as the movers take the last of my things out of my apartment. I look around my apartment one last time before heading for the door. I look at the window that Batman left from last night.
'I wonder if he'll be able to find me.' I think to myself. I pick up Squash's cat carrier and leave my apartment, closing the door behind me. I head down to the moving truck and the car they sent for me to arrive in. I get into the back of the car and place Squash on the seat next to me. I watch out of the window as we drive to the Wayne's estate.
'I wonder what Bruce is like? I've seen him on Tv but I've never actually seen him in person. Hopefully he's nice.' We pull into the estate and they take me to the building near the side of the main house. It's a decent size building, made from brick. I get out of the car and walk up to the door, opening it. As I walk in, there are stairs on the right that lead up to the loft over-head. When I continue to the bottom floor, there is a big open space for the dining room and living room. There is a small kitchen in the corner underneath the loft. The air is musty from not being used, I open a few of the windows to air it out as the movers bring in my furniture and boxes. I look around the home and take it all in. The movers finish bringing my things in. Luckily I didn't have much to start with, so they were done quick. I thank them and they leave.
I let Squash out of his carrier to wonder around. I start to unpack a few of my boxes before lunch, since it's only 11:30 am. As I'm going through my things, I find an old scrap book my mother had made for when I was younger. I chuckle softly as I open it, seeing all the baby pictures of me with my mom and dad. As I get older, I start to see a young boy in the pictures with me. He's in quite a few of them, all the way until the book ends. Since they died when I was ten, my mom couldn't continue the book. I try to remember who the young boy is, but sadly since the accident, I've had a hard time remembering things from my past.
I hear a knock on my door and I get up, answering it. Alfred stands in the door way, his cane in hand.
"Hello! Are you settling in nicely?" He ask me. I nod.
"I am! Thank you again, you have been very generous and helpful." I tell him.
"Ah, don't thank me. This is all Mr. Wayne's doing." He says. I nod.
"Well, if you're all ready, we'll be having lunch soon. After we do, I could give you a tour of the estate?" He asks. I nod.
"I would love that." I say.
"Splendid! Well, I'm off to prepare the food. Come in to the main house in about 30 minutes okay?" He walks off as I stand there watching him. I smile and shut the door.
'Maybe this will be a good thing.' I think to myself.
"Let's finish unpacking these boxes." I say as I walk to a box on the floor. I open it up and pull out a small, black box that I've had since the accident. I open it and pull out the small, sparkling gemstone that was in it. I admire it in my hand, the dark blue showing when the light hits it.
     "I miss you, dad." I say to the gemstone before putting it back in the box. I take it upstairs and hide it under my mattress before continuing my unpacking.

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