Chapter Five

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     After a few minutes, we end up at Gotham General Hospital. He drives around to the back and parks the bat mobile. He gets out and comes around to help me, opening the door for me. I get out and follow him into the hospital. We get close to the main lobby and he stops. I look back and stop.
     "What's wrong?" I ask him.
     "This is as far as I go." He said. I look at him confused.
     "Why? Are you not allowed in a hospital?" I ask sarcastically. He doesn't respond. Instead, he walks back to the exit and leaves.
     "Oookay." I say to myself, continuing to the main lobby. I walk up to the front desk and wait behind an older couple that's being waited on. I look around the lobby and see people making weird faces in my direction. I'm confused until I realize I am still in my stripper dress. I blush from embarrassment and the nurse calls for the next person in line. I walk up to the desk.
     "Name and reason for visiting." She says without looking up.
     "Uh, Wren Painter, possible broken arm." She finally glances up and looks me up and down.
     "How'd you do that, fall off the pole?" She says snidely. I scoff.
     "No, I fell backwards when a guy was trying rape me." I say with a sly smile on my face. She stops smiling and hands me a form.
     "Fill this out, wait for your name to be called." She says, avoiding my eyes. I take it and nod at her. I walk over to an empty seat, people still staring at me. I ignore them as I fill out the sheet.
     'Date of Birth, February 28, 1999. Sex, female. Age, 26. Emergency contact? Pft, does Batman count? Cause apparently he is now.' I laugh to myself. I leave that blank but keep filling out the rest. After a few minutes a doctor comes out and calls my name. I get up and walk into the room with her. She tells me to take a seat on the bed, so I do as I'm told. I hand her my form and she looks it over.
     "Alright, so you think you have a broken arm?" She says after a few minutes of reading my form. I nod.
     "Or at least fractured." I say. She comes over and takes my arm carefully in her hands.
     "Let me know if it hurts okay?" She tells me. She slowly starts to pull my arm straight, I grimace at the pain and she stops.
     "Right there?" She asks. I nod. She lets go of my arm and goes back to the form. She takes out her pen and writes down a few things.
     "Okay, I will need to take an x-ray of your wrist. I'm going to go bring you a gown and the machine to take a few. Wait here okay?" She says. She then leaves the room. As I'm waiting, I pull my phone out and notice I have 5 messages and 8 miscalls from Claire.
     "Jesus, Claire." I say. I check her messages. Most of them are just asking me where I went and if I'm okay. I text her back that Pablo kicked me out and I had to go home to pack for the morning. The doctor comes back in and I put my phone away.
     "Okay, here's a gown. Go ahead and put that on, I'm going to go order some x-rays for you." She says then leaves the room again. I grab the gown she brought me and start stripping off my clothes. I'm half way done putting the gown she brought me on when the door opens. Luckily my back is to the door so nothing too bad was shown.
     "Hey! I'm changing here!" I said. I finished putting the gown on and turned around to find Batman standing there. I blush hard.
     "Excuse you, pervert. Can't let a lady dress in piece?" I say sarcastically, hopping back on the bed. He peaks out the door then shuts it. He walks over to me and squats down. I stare at him confused as he examines my arm.
     "Hello, Doctor Batman, can I help you?" I ask him. He glances up at me and stands up, peering over me. For some reason my heart beat quickens, and my insides tingle. I stare into his eyes as he looks down into mine. I keep seeing his eyes glance down to my lips. I put my hand on his chest, feeling his heart beat through his suit. His heart is beating just as fast as mine is. I look down at where my hand his, noticing the suit's details. I run my hand up from his chest to his cheek, pulling his face closer to me. He places his hands on the bed edge on either side of my legs. As he gets closer to me, I can smell his scent even stronger. The smell of firewood and clean linen fill my mind. Our eyes are locked on each other's, our lips nearly touching.
      All of a sudden, I hear a door open down the hall. Batman pulls back and goes to the door, peeking outside of it.
     "The doctor's coming back, I need to go." He says as he leaves me there by myself to reminisce in what just happened. My hand drops down to my chest, holding my necklace.
     'Did we almost just..?' I think to myself. The doctor comes in and interrupts my thoughts.
     "Alrighty so we need to move you up to the x-ray room and then we'll be able to get those for you." She says. I nod and stand up.

     After a few hours, my trip to the hospital is done. It's about 10:00 pm. I leave through the back exit and step into the darkness. I look around for the bat mobile, but it's no where to be found. I stop in my tracks and start to panic.
     'Did he really leave me here?' I think. I continue to walk and look around, not finding his car. I let out a sigh and sit down on the edge of the sidewalk.
     "Great, just great." I say aloud. I sigh and pull out my phone. I have a new message from an unknown number. My face scrunches in confusions as I open it. It reads:
     "Come to the street behind the hospital."
     "Okay, weird." I say. I closed my phone and stood up. I hesitated, looking back at the hospital. After a few seconds I shook my head and walked towards the street. I stop underneath a lamppost, leaning against it. My arm was fractured, so I have a soft cast. I take a deep breath and look up at the sky. The stars and moon are very prominent now that the sun's down. I close my eyes and let the breeze blow around me.
     'This is probably the most relaxed I've felt in days.' I think to myself. I hear the sound of a vehicle coming towards me from one end of the street. I open my eyes and find Batman coming towards me. I stand up and walk towards the edge of the sidewalk as he approaches. He pulls over and opens the passenger side door for me to get in. I lean down to see him sitting there, waiting for me to get in.
     "Looking for some fun?" I ask jokingly. He just stares at me, not changing his expression. I nod and get in.
     "Okay, I see you have no sense of humor." I say as the door shuts. He stays quiet. I say nothing more and look out the window.
     'What is his deal? I don't get it...why is he helping me? He claims he knows me but...I've never been this close to him ever. Wait, what if I know his secret identity? No, that's ridiculous....isn't it?' I keep asking myself these kinds of questions. I just don't understand why I am here with him right now.
     We pull up to the street next to my apartment. He parks his car, hidden from the street. I open my door and get out, grabbing my bags from the back. He waits for me to follow him to my apartment. We make it up to my apartment without anyone noticing. He enters my home and I close and lock the door after him. He looks around my apartment, as if looking for something.
     "What?" I ask him. He doesn't respond, but instead goes to my kitchen and rummages through my cabinets.
     "Uh, excuse me. This is still my home. You can't just do whatever the hell you want." I say, following after him. He ignores me and reaches into a cabinet to grab something. I watch him, confused. He pulls out a glass and walks over to my sink. He fills the cup with water and walks over to me, handing the cup to me for me to drink.
     "Here. Drink." He says. I take the cup.
     "...thank you." I say. I take a few sips then put it on the counter. He stands there looking around. I wait a few seconds for him to say or do something. He doesn't.
     "So, can we talk about what happened at the hospital?" I ask. His gaze falls onto me.
     "What do you mean?"
     "Well, you said you couldn't be there. Why?" I sit down in one of my stools at the counter. He hesitates.
     "Not everyone sees me as a hero. I'm a vigilante, remember?" He says, sounding kind of sad. I look down at my hand holding the cup of water.
     "Just because you don't save people in the most ethical way, doesn't make you a villain." I say, taking a sip of water. He doesn't say anything, but he steps closer to me. I put my glass on the counter then look up at him. He is staring down at me as if I am a little puppy he wants to save. I make eye contact with him for a few seconds then scoff. I look away and get up. I walk towards my bedroom, carrying my bags with me.
     "Do you need help?" He asks me.
     "Not unless you want to see me naked." I say bluntly. He doesn't say anything, but instead looks away and walks to look out the window. I smirk to myself and close my bedroom door. It doesn't shut all the way, but I don't notice. I toss my bags to the side and grab a large t-shirt and boxers, my favorite pj combo. I take off my dress and heels, sighing in relief. I go to my bathroom and take my hair down. I take off all of my makeup and wash my face. I then go back and out on my t-shirt and boxers.
       I see Squash come into the room and turn to the door. I notice Batman from the crack of the door. He's standing at the window staring out at the sky. I watch him as he does, seeing his muscles and body relax a bit. I smile softly to myself. I never thought I'd see this side of him, let alone have him in my damn living room. My thoughts keep flowing through my mind.
     'Who is he really?'

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