Chapter 35

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6 months later, Hinata's mental health got amazingly better. Kageyama opened the front door and walked inside. Kirabayashi was surprisingly cooking in the kitchen. Usually Hinata would tell her not to cook. "Where is Shoyo and Kichirou?" Kageyama asked, looking around. Kirabayashi bowed, then smiled. "Good afternoon sir, they went with Mr. Tadashi to the hospital. Apparently he went into labor a couple of hours ago." Kirabyashi said. Kageyama hummed, then started walking towards the bedroom. "Oh yeah sir. About Mr. Shoyo, I have reason to believe that he is going into heat soon. I wanted to warn you." Kirabayashi said. Kageyama's eyes widened. "How do you know that?" Kageyama asked. "He made a nest earlier this morning and he's been eating more." Kirabayashi answered. He nodded then walked to their bedroom to see the nest. 

He looked at the pile of clothes, towels, pillows, and blankets next to the bed. Kageyama didn't want to bother Hinata since he was comforting his friend. But they needed to discuss this immediately. He picked up his phone and called his mate. "Hello?" Kageyama said when he heard Hinata pick up. "Hi Tobio. Kichi and I are at the hospital with Tadashi." Hinata whispered. Kageyama sighed. "I know, but I really need to talk to you." He said. Hinata hummed, he walked into the bathroom and cleared his throat. "What's wrong?" Hinata asked. He wasn't whispering any more. "You're eating more and nesting. Aren't those signs of pre-heat?" Kageyama said, Hinata flinched. "B-but I haven't gone into heat for months," Hinata stuttered a bit confused. "I thought since I found you I don't get to go into heat anymore." Hinata sighed. 

Kageyama face-planted and sighed. "No boke. I think it's just been late. Just come home as soon as you can so we can talk about this." Kageyama said before hanging up. Hinata walked out the bathroom and picked up Kichirou, "Sorry guys. I'm going to go home. Call me when she's here." Shoyo said. Tadashi smiled and nodded. "Have a good night Sho." Tadashi whispered so he didn't wake up Kichirou and Kei. Hinata nodded and left the hospital room. He called the driver and waited outside in the parking lot. He held Kichirou close then smiled. "I wonder if Tobio wants another baby... I'm totally having pre-head thoughts, or maybe it's baby sickness." Hinata murmured to himself. He sighed, the limo drove up to him. "Get in Shoyo. The young master is very anxious to see you." The old man said. 

Hinata got in the car with Kichirou. He still held Kichirou close and sighed. Something was making him nervous but he didn't know why. Maybe it's because he and Kageyama were going to talk about his heat. Meaning they were going to talk about having sex. Yeah, having a sex talk with his mate was most likely making him nervous. When they got there, Hinata immediately put Kichirou to bed. He took a deep breath before opening the door to his shared bedroom with Kageyama and bit his lip. "I'm here Tobio." Hinata said. Kageyama took a deep breath and patted the spot in front of him. Hinata sat where he wanted. "Let's just cut to the chase, do you want to spend your heat with me, if not I can leave with Kichirou and the maid can help your needs." Kageyama said. Hinata blushed and shrugged. "I don't know." Hinata murmured. 

Kageyama rolled his eyes. "That's not gonna help us boke." Kageayama said. Hinata giggled then took a deep breath. "I know, but I just can't make up my mind. I should be good with one supplement like usual. So maybe you can just leave for one day and not the whole week." Hinata said. Kageyama nodded, then wrote it down. "A-are you upset that I'm not gonna... do it-" Hinata began saying, Kageyama interrupted him. "No I'm not fucking upset. Of course I understand why you don't want to have sex with me." Kageyama grumbled. Hinata smiled and I hugged him. 

To Be Continued...

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