Beeduo and Niki in Brighton, what will they do? 😧

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The 3 were just wondering the streets, they had no idea what they were going to do.

"So... what are we going to be doing..?"
Asked Tubbo
"I was thinking we could just kind of walk around, show Ranboo around the city, get some food Y'know that kind of stuff!"
Replied Niki
"Oh okay! That actually sounds nice!"
Said Tubbo

Time skip, it's now 5:00 pm- the sun is starting to go down and the city's lights are starting to turn on. The 3 are on the beach right by a doc just talking and taking it easy.

"Brighton is really pretty, I like it here"
Said Ranboo
"It is pretty isn't it?"
Replied Niki
"I kind of regret wearing a skirt, I forgot how cold it gets at night..."
"I have a blanket in my backpack, do you want that?"
Asked Ranboo

Ranboo picked up his backpack and pulled out the blanket. It was a simple white blanket but it was warm. The smallest crawled onto the tallests lap and wrapped the blanket around him self.

"Is this better?"

After a few minutes of Niki and Ranboo talking they both heard small heavy breathing coming from Tubbo.

"I- is he asleep..?"
Asked Niki
"I think..."

Ranboo looked down and kissed Tubbos forehead. While doing so Niki snapped a picture of the duo.

"Awh you guys look so cute in this picture..!"
"I- can I see..?"

Ranboo analyzed the picture for a few moments and then asked, "You want to post that, don't you?"
Asked Ranboo
"Can I..? You can't see your face-"
"Sure go ahead"
"Wait really..?"
"Yeah I don't see why not, give the people what they want"
"Wait actually-"
"We should maybe wait until Tubbo wakes up just to make sure he's also okay with it"
"Yeah that's probably smart"

Time skip again (sorry-) all 3 of them are asleep now, Niki is leaning on Ranboos shoulder (/p /p /p) and you already know where Tubbo is. (It's about 9:30pm btw)

"Um, guys..?"
Said Tubbo in a groggy voice.
Replied Niki
"Did you fall asleep too?"
Asked Tubbo
"Yeah, so did Ranboo"
"Oh- Should I wake him up..?"
"If you want, it's getting kinda late so that's probably a good idea"

Tubbo looked up and started to tap Ranboo on the shoulder and call his name.
"Ranboooooooo wake up"
"Hm? Oh sorry, did I fall asleep on you..?"

Tubbo blushed at Ranboos voice, it was so deep and raspy.

"U-uh um- y-yeah you did but I kinda fell asleep on you first so it's fine..."
"Oh okay-"
"We should probably get going"
Said Niki
"I'm kinda hungry tho-"
Commented Tubbo
"Well the only restaurants that are open are the ones the the bars and clubs but you guys are minors-"
"No we're not, we both turned 18 in November and December (it's April btw)"
"Oh you did? How did I not know that?"
"I dunno-"
"Wait quick question, what's your guy's Zodiac signs?"
"I'm a Scorpio and Tubbos a Capricorn"
"Wait I am?"

"Apparently Scorpios and Capricorns get along really well in a friendly platonic way and a romantic/ s3xu@l way, and basing off of you guys, both of those are true! Well I don't know about the s3xu@l one but Y'know"

Ranboo looked at Tubbo and Tubbo looked at Ranboo

"Wait... does that last one apply to you guys?"
Asked Niki
"Uhh Not really? We haven't done anything like that yet-"
"That makes sense, you did just get to the uk after all-"
"Anyways, do you guys still want to get something to eat?"
Asked Niki
"Yesss I'm starvinggggg"
Replied Tubbo
"K how about you Ranboo?"
"I'm a little hungry I guess, not really though"
"Oh okay, I'm hungry and so is Tubbo so-"
"Oh yeah no if you guys want to go somewhere and eat that's fine by me"

The 3 got up from the ground. Ranboo took the blanket and put it back in his backpack.


Tubbo looked up at Ranboo and jumped on his back

"You're comfy, and I'm still tired"
"Oh okay- I won't do this all the time for you though, this is just a one time thing"
"Are you already falling asleep?"

After about 10 minutes of walking they got to the bar where the restaurant was located.

"Bee we're here"

They all went inside and set down on tall stools by the counters

"Hello! Would you guys like anything to drink..?"
Asked the waitress
"I'll have a sprite"
Said Niki
"Mk! And for you guys?"
"I'll have your 'between the sheets' cocktail"
(I was considering using the drink 'sex in the driveway' but I couldn't brink myself to put it in this fanfic- I was laughing at it for like 10 minutes tho 🥲)
"Hmm... Mountain Dew please!"
"Okay, that'll be with you shortly!"

The waiter walked away leaving the 3 alone.

"So you're going to get drunk..?"
Asked Tubbo
"Don't worry, I'm not going to have more then ones drink."
Replied Ranboo
"Oh thank god- I feel like you would be really uh- Emotional drunk? Like you'd just be crying in a corner"
Chimed Niki
"Honestly he would probably try to make out with me"

After a few minutes the waitress came by again and asked what they all wanted to eat, Niki wanted a salad, Tubbo wanted a toco (that's the
only thing I could think of-) and Ranboo just got some fries/chips.

"Sooo... when are you you gonna meet up with Tommy, Wilbur, Phil, Jack, George- Y'know all of them"
Asked Niki
"That didn't even cross my mind- I've been more focused on Tubbo, plus I literally just got here-"
"Do you wanna meet up with them boo?"
"I mean eventually but not right away-"

Time skip, it's now 11pm. They are all walking back to Nikis apartment.

"Are you guys going to stay the night at my place or are you going to head home?"
Asked Niki
"I think I wanna go home, what about you boo?"
"Yeah I was going say the same thing"
"Oh okay!"

After they said their goodbyes the beeduo got on a train and headed home (back to Tubbos house)

"What time is it..?"
Asked Tubbo
"About 12:00am-"
"Is it really that late..? Shoot my parents are gonna kill me-"
"What time do they usually to go bed at..?"
"8:30pm, why?"
"Then how would they know that we still weren't home at midnight?"
"That's a good point- What do we say when the ask what time we got home at tho..?"
"Just say like 10pm or something"
"*Le gasp* k!"

~1130 words~ (:

You guys will probably be getting a new chapter in a day or so btw! ^-^

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