Tubbos Father

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⚠️ Warning: H*m*ph*bic Father,sl*rs, ab*se. (,:
(I know Tubbos irl Father wouldn't do anything like this but for the sake of the fanficion just go with it-)

Ranboos, Tubbos, Tommys and Tubbos moms POV:

"So you were making out with Ranboo in the treehouse this morning..?"
Asked Tubbos mom
Replied Tubbo

"Did you like it?"
(/j /j /j I'M SORR-)

"Toby look, I don't care that you like guys.
I- I'm just scared of your Father finding out."
"I know it might be scary but don't worry, I won't let him hurt you."
"W-what? I'm confused, why would Father hurt me..?"
"You're father doesn't like anyone apart of the Lgbtq+ community, he never has..."
"Tom hun, I'm sorry but can you step into the other room for a few minutes..?"
"Sure, no problem."

Tommy turned around and made his way into Tubbos room, he ended up sitting on his bed and started texting Phil. He told him what was happening and that Tubbo and Ranboo might need a place to stay so Tubbos father doesn't hurt them. Phil said that he has an extra bed room and if they needed a place to stay they could always stay with him and Kristen for a while.

"Don't worry, you're father isn't here right now. Plus, he doesn't even know you like guys."
"T-that's true.."
"Are you okay hun?"
"I- I'm scared..."
"...I- I'm sorry, I shouldn't have told you.."
"no I'm glad y-you did, I'll be carful not to do anything that'll upset f-father..."
"Okay huh.."
"That goes for you too Boo.."
"Why don't you boys go do something worth while..? Try not to worry about... Y'know, him.."
"O-okay, thank you Mother..."
"Of course, anytime."

The 2 walked away in silence, they were both scared of what Tubbos father might do if he found out his own son and his sons best friend liked guys.

"So how did it go..?"
Asked Tommy
"I- I'm scared of my... F-father now.."
"It was that bad..?"

"W-well my mom didn't actually say if my F-father has done anything harmful to people apart of the Lgbtq+ community in the past b-but I'm scared he'll hurt me and Ranboo..."

"R-Ranboo..? Why would he hurt Ranboo?"

"Because he's the one I'm basically dating!
Most Fathers don't like the idea of their child dating but imagine a h*m*ph*bic Father finding out that their son is basically dating a guy!"
"That's true... where is you're dad right now..?"
"He's at work, he'll be back by tomorrow afternoon."
"Oh. What are you going to do?"
"I don't know! It's not like I have anywhere to go, plus it seems a bit extra to move out just because my father doesn't except me.."
"You're 18 Toby, so is Ranboo. Also it's not like you guys are poor, quite the opposite actually! You guys could easily move out."
"Yeah but where would we go?"
"I- When you were talking with ur Mother I called Phil and told him everything, he said that if you guys need to get away from ur Father you and Ranboo can stay with him and Kristen for a while."
"W-wait really?"
"Yep! Father Phil is great isn't he?"
"I'm calling him right now!"
"Oh I'm pretty sure he's live..."
"That's fine, I won't go into detail- I'll just thank him and leave the chat confused."
"That's nice of you bee-"
Said Ranboo

Ranboo didn't respond, he was to busy looking at Tubbo. He was worried about what might happen to Tubbo if his Father finds out about him liking guys, also he thinks Tubbo is pretty. (Simpboo.exe has stopped working, as he should.)
"F*ck you looking at big guy? Tubbos ass?"
"What? No I was jus-"
"Who's looking at my ass?"
"Am I? Cool I guess-"
"Dude what? That was supposed to embarrass you!"
"Why would that embarrass me?"
"Because you got caught looking at Tubbos ass..?"
"Okay 1, I wasn't looking at his... Y'know, and 2 I don't get embarrassed easily
"I'm not sassy-"
"Ehh you can be.."
"Honestly yeah-"
"Dang okay..-"
"What type of Conversation am I over hearing right now?"
Asked Tubbo
"Bee help me- Get me away from Tommy."
"Ay I'm not that bad! I'm just calling you out of how sassy are can be!"
"h e l p."
"I'm just about to call Phil, he can maybe help you-"
"Actually never mind-"
"Ha you're stuck with me."
"I'm gonna go cry on the floor by Tubbos desk."
"I- Okay? You do you big guy."
"Oh my lord.."
"Never mind..."

Tubbo hopped on to discord and started calling Phil. As soon as Phil answered he immediately asked Tubbo how him and Ranboo were doing.

"Hey mate how are you and Ranboo doing..?"
"I'm honestly still kinda scared, I'm planning on asking my mom more about Y'know... him.."
"Mk... I'm assuming Tommy told you what I said?"
"Mhm, thank you for that.."
"Of course, we honestly feel terrible for you guys... Kristen and I want to do anything we can to help."
"Thank you Phil.."
"No problem mate, also Chat don't worry about what we're talking about."
"I'm gonna turn my camera on, just give me a sec.."
"hi Phil hi Phils chat.."

Woah_thatspog: TUBBOOOO
Ranbooloremakeamewannacry: LORE IRL?

"Chat please calm down, the situation Tubbo and Ranboo are in right now is pretty serious.."
"I- It's honestly fine Phil it's not that bad"
"Okay fine I know... I think I'm going to go Phil.."
"Mk mate... I hope you and Ranboo are okay.."
"Mhm... thank you Phil.."
"Of course.."

Tubbo left the discord call and started to
contemplate what just happened and what's currently happening.
"You good Bo..?"
'Bo? That's new.. I like it though...'
"O-oh um yeah I'm okay, I was just thinking about what just happened..."
"Ah okay.."
"Are you okay boo?"
"I'm just scared that ur gonna get hurt..."
"Don't worry boo, we'll be fine..."
"I could care less about me, it's you I'm worried about.."
"What do you mean you could care less about yourself? You're in the same situation I'm in boo, possibly even worse..."
"I don't know if my Father would actually hurt me, I'm his son after all! But with you... he doesn't know you, I'm almost 100% sure he's going to hurt you in some way..."
"Look, I really don't care. As long as you don't get hurt..."
"Stop saying that! I don't want you to get hurt, Tommy doesn't want you to get hurt, Phil and Kristen don't want you to get hurt,
my Mother doesn't want you to get hurt, nobody we know wants you to get hurt! You need to care about ur self Ranboo! You'll end up really hurt if you don't!"

Ranboo didn't respond, he didn't want to. He didn't want to care about himself, he wanted to lmake sure Tubbo was safe before he protected himself.
"Ranboo? Hello? Please answer me boo! I'm sorry did I make you mad..?"
Ranboo still didn't respond. He was infuriated at the thought of Tubbos father. He wanted to kill him, and he would.

~1212 words~

OooOoOo do we have some Generation
loss action??? Nah we don't- Sorry but I can't do that, Copyright is a thing. .,.

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