Thats a little sus my dude- 😃

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The two boys got into Tubbos car and started driving to the train station.
"So what are we going to do when we get to Brighton?"
"I want to meet up with Niki so maybe she'll have so ideas on what we could do!"
"Oh Mk"

They eventually got to the train station and started boarding the train.

"Boo I'm still kind of tired..."
"You can sleep if you want, I don't mind."
"K... thank you boo"
"Mhm (:"

Tubbo leaned his head on Ranboos shoulder and drifted off to sleep.

Time skip, it's about 2:30pm, they have about 30 minutes until they get to Brighton. Tubbo was still asleep and Ranboo has just been on his phone. The tallest decided to wake Tubbo up so he could wake up a bit before he got off the train.


Tubbo didn't answer but he was secretly awake.

"Why do you have to be so cute..."

Ranboo kissed Tubbo on the forehead and the looked out the window.

"Oh you're awake"
"We'll be in Brighton in about 25 minutes, I just thought I'd let you know."
"Okay thanks for telling me."
"No problem"

Tubbo didn't want to go back to sleep, he wanted to do something with Ranboo. An idea then popped into Tubbos head.
"Can I post a picture of us?"
"Sure..? Just make sure you can't see my face, just my torso"

The smallest took a picture of him leaning his head into Ranboos chest while Ranboo had His hand on top of Tubbos head, he titled the picture "<3 :)"

"How's this?"
Asked Tubbo
"Awh that's actually a nice picture, can you send it to me?"
(a/n: This little bit of dialogue actually gave me an idea for another fanfic o:)
Tubbo posted the picture on Twitter and sent it to Ranboo. People were questioning the photo.
Randomperson2000 replied to Tubbolive: Who is Tubbo leaning on?
S-l-a-y replied to Randomperson2000 and Tubbolive: I dunno but I think it's a Boy basing off of the flat chest, long torso and the hand.
Mcytfansarepog replied to Randomperson2000, S-l-a-y and
Tubbolive: Good point, do you think it might be Ranboo?
S-l-a-y replied to Mcytfansarepog and Tubbolive: BEEDUO MEET UP?

"Everyone on Twitter is questioning the picture you just posted"
"What are they saying?"

Ranboo showed Tubbo the tweets and Tubbo started to laugh.

*We'll be in Brighton in 5 minutes. Please pack up you're things and get ready to get off the train*

"I guess we should pack everything up"

After a few minutes the two got off the train and Tubbo called Niki.

"Hey Niki, we just got off the train."
"Oh okay! So you'll be at my house soon then..?"
"Mk! Also, are you alright you sound tired-"
"Yeah I'm good! I just had to pick Ranboo up from the airport at like 3:00 o'clock in the morning-"
"Did he disrupt you?"
"Nope! Quite the opposite actually (:"
"K good. As much as I love Ranboo /p, if he were to disrupt you I would kill him"
"Thanks Niki."
Said Ranboo sarcastically in the pack ground
"Oh Ranboo, hi!"
"Hey Niki!"
"K Niki we'll be at yours at about 25-30 minutes!"
"Okay! See you soon!"
"See ya' "

Tubbo hung up the call and put his phone back in Ranboos backpack, he then grabbed the tallests hand and started Running. Ranboo ran a lot faster than Tubbo so he had to slow himself down.
"I honestly thought you where faster than me-"
"And I thought Small people were fast"
(Every short guy I've met is a really fast runner lol-)
"Hmm... let's race."
"Wha- Race?"
"Okay, to where tho?"
Until you get to the end of the street!"
"Oh okay-"
"3, 2, 1 go!"

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