A day with the Ranfamily! 💃

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Ranboo woke up the next day feeling refreshed, he was glad he had a good sleep. The tallest got out of bed and but his black and white hoodie on as well as jeans. Ranboo wasn't sure what he was going to do with his family today but he hoped to take it easy, Ranboo didn't want to burn all his energy, he needed it for when the jet lag hits. Ranboo walked out into the kitchen where his parents were, he said good morning and sat down with them.
"Morning hun! Have any plans for today?"
"Not really, I was kinda hoping to spend some time with the family before I take off to the uk for 5 months..."
"That would be nice! I don't have anything planned but we can figure something out!"
Said Ranmom
"Actually, I have something planned."
Said Randad
"Really? What is it..?"
Asked Ranmom
"I invited some family and friends to geocaching!"
Replied Randad
"I was kind of hoping to take it easy today but that actually sound cool!"
Said Ranboo
"Glad you think so! We'll be leaving at 1:00pm"

Time skip to 11:00am, Ranboo called Tubbo and told him what he was going to do today. After that Ranboo just went on his phone.

"Ranboo it's time to go!"
Said Randad loudly
"Okay I'll be right there!"

They got it Randads truck and started driving.

"Where are we doing the geocaching anyways?"
Asked Ranmom
"The nearby forest, it's only about 20 minutes out of the city."

That made Ranboo excited, he loved everything about the outdoors.

"Okay we're here! What'd you think?"

Ranboo stood there in admiring the forest.

"Ranboo? You good?"
Said a voice from behind him

Ranboo whipped his head around and saw one of his cousins! He was about 5'11-6'0 but was still shorter then Ranboo. They hadn't seen each other for a while so they spent about 10 minutes talking. Ranboo told him how he was going to the Uk tomorrow to see his best friend. The tallest felt weird calling Tubbo his best friend but he wasn't sure why. Tubbo is his best friend but it just felt wrong calling him that. Ranboo didn't realize he had blanked but his cousin definitely did.
"Ranboo? Ranboo!"
"Huh- wha- oh sorry, I've been blanking out a lot lately..."
"You must be really excited for the meet up huh?

"Yesss oh my god you have no idea!"

"Heh, thought so."

There were a few moments of silence

"By the way I've been meaning to ask you something..."
"Do you have any other friends in the Uk besides Tubbo?"
"Yeah I do actually! There's Tubbo, Tommy, Wilbur, Jack, George, Niki, Phil, Billzo, badlinu , aimsey the list goes on."
"Oh wow- That's a lot of people, and those are just you're British alone! How many people are you friends with-"
"Well I'm a content creator, I'm constantly meeting new people and making friends."
"I guess that's true"
"Guys we're going to start now!"
Called Randad
Yelled Ranboo and Rancosin

The two ran to the group and started the geocaching

"Dose everyone have things they can put into the geocache?"

"Yep I have a few things!"
Said Ranboo
"Tbh, I just have coins-"
Replied Rancousin
"Eh, that works-"
Said Randad
"Okay lets go!"
Said Ranmom
The rest of group followed behind

"Found one!"
Ranboo said loudly
He opened the box and saw a little, the note read "hey! Good luck finding the rest of the geocaches, they're hard to find! Here's a little gift tho!" Attached to the note was 3 dollars
"Cool!" Ranboo was quite pleased. He grabbed a dollar from his pocket along with some raw roze quarts. Ranboo loved Crystals and he had a lot of them so he figured he would share with the world!

"Hey Ranboo I found one, come look!"
Yelled Rancousin
Ranboo ran over to his cousin and crouched down and watched him open the geocache.
"Woah- Its a little skull! It looks real to, I wonder what animal it's from..."
Asked Rancousin
"It looks to be a mouse skull, I've been studying animal skeletons and by what I know, it's a mouse skull!"
Said Ranboo

A few hours has passed, it's now 5:00pm and Ranboo figured he should probably go home. He called his parents on his phone and they said that they were headed back to the truck. Ranboo called his cousin and they made there way back. They said their goodbyes and got into the correct vehicles. It's not that long of a drive home but Ranboo almost fell asleep, he was thinking about Tubbo and how excited he was for the meet up.

~786 words~

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