Keep me up till' 4:00am

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Tubbos POV:

I wake up to the sound of Bill yelling. Ranboo wasn't laying beside me and the sun wasn't up yet.

'The fuck-? What time is it..?"

I roll over and grab my phone, I turn it on and then check the time.

"6am. Did they just get up really early or have they not gone to sleep yet-?"

I get out of bed and realize I wasn't wearing my skirt anymore. I was just wearing the oversized t-shirt I was wearing the day prior and underwear along with black knee high socks.

"Huh-? Did Ranboo take my skirt off or something? I mean I wouldn't care if he did, it's more comfortable this way anyways."

I begin walking towards the ladder and climb down it. I'm still half asleep so it was pretty hard to navigate my way down but I managed. When I got down the ladder I heard Ranboos voice, it was deeper than usual, I think he just got up. I walk through my recording room and into the kitchen, I then see Ranboo leaning on the counter holding a cup of coffee and looking down at his phone. He was wearing blue and black plaid pyjama pants and no shirt, his hair was messy and he had dark eye bags. I walked up to him and looked up, even though Ranboo was leaning I still wasn't eye level with him.

"Morning boo!"

Ranboo looked down and lifted me onto the counter behind him, he then grabbed my chin with his index finger and his thumb and placed a light kiss on my lips. After that he quickly pulled away.

Said Ranboo while smirking
"God you're such an idiot."

Ranboo just chuckled and walked over to the fridge.

"You thirsty-?"
"Nope I have ur coffee!"

I take a big sip of the coffee and look up a Ranboo.

"You don't like coffee though..?"

After the taste of the horrific beverage set in I immediately spit it out.

"Pleh! Why the fuck did I think I liked coffee!?"
"I- I don't know—"
Stuttered Ranboo.
"Are you laughing at me?"
I asked
Said Ranboo while handing me a glass of water.
"Oh- Thanks!"

Ranboo stood in from of me with his hands of ether side of my hips on the counter. He leaned into my face but didn't kiss me.

Spoke Ranboo
I giggled

Ranboo just smiled and walked to the fridge to get a glass of water for himself.

"Hey I thought you were going to kiss me!"

Ranboo looked over at me then quickly turned his attention to the door way. I look as well (because that's what any normal person would do when their lover looks at something in a hurry) and saw Aimsey standing in the doorway.

"Now why would Ranboo kiss you Toby?"
Asked Aimsey
"O-oh um- Good morning Aimee!"
I replied
"Don't avoid the question..!"
"U-uh- Because I'm hot-?"

Before Aismey could respond Ranboo cut her off by kissing me deeply. He grabbed my chin the same way he did a few minutes prior and didn't let go until the kiss ended, which was about 5 seconds later.

"Yeah you are~"
Replied Ranboo
Yelled Aimee
Ranboo asked
"Shhh! Bill and Freddie don't know yet!"
"They don't-?"
"No? Why would they know but not you..?"
"I dunno- Does Tommy know?"
"Yep, he's known for a few months now.."
"Months-? How long have you guys been dating!?"
"W-we're not exactly dating-"
"It's complicated, I don't really want to talk about it.."
"Ah, okay."

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 19, 2023 ⏰

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